Author Topic: sensitivity problems  (Read 1367 times)

Offline SpaceWater

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Hello all, 

I've had breasts since I was 14, I'm 31 now and don't intend to get rid of them.
Problem is, they've become very sensitive these past months, to the point that I can't wear something heavy, like a jacket, without feeling pain/uncomfortable. Can anyone relate? If so, are there any garments that you'd recommend to help me?

Thank you.

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Symptoms such as yours are caused by active growth, movement and friction/pressure
The answers are immobilisation /support + padding.
The only way of achieving this is, as many here have quickly (or slowly) found is a bra. Sorry if this is not the answer you were hoping for.
Underwired designs will give best support and immobilisation. Padding can be minimal - just a millimetre or so. 
I would not recommend binders - garments of torture and are deprecated by health professionals. 
Personally I got past  getting hot under the collar about whether my bra shows. It is for others to deal with their own prejudices. 
I belong to a group that do not flaunt our breasts but are not bothered by them. 

To minimise the visibility of a bra I would suggest. 
1 Don't wear one in white or a plain colour. 
2 Quite boldly patterned bras disguise the outline. 
3 Patterned shirts work well especially if combined with a patterned bra. 

I hope this helps. I suffered for years before becoming a fully bra'd up man. One day in a bra and I was amazed at the e comfort
 Any regret? Yes - the years spent coming to my present acceptance. 

Offline blad

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I agree, you should try a well fitting bra and you will surely find relief. 

Resistance is futile. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Dale Warnio

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 Your breasts are growing bigger. 

 You need to start wearing a bra 

Offline taxmapper

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I am 52 going on 53. Mine started to really pop out only a year ago. 

I have been wearing sports bras (padded typically) usually with a loose fitting shirt. 

I have only had a few looks and mostly no comment.  I also made sure it was not a secret. 

I purchased over the past year around 20 diff. colored bras, and for me personally a Y back (racer back) that fit and are comfortable. 

I simply do what the ladies do and color match, or tone match and just not flaunt it. 

Offline Dale Warnio

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When you want to go braless, but not have issues with your nipples poking through your tops are chafing from  rubbing on the inside of your tops during the constant juggling of your breasts,  I find nipple petals work great.  I very much prefer the silicon type as opposed to the pasties.   

Offline SpaceWater

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Hello all, thank you for the suggestions, 

Dale Warnio, my problem is more related to tenderness of the breast tissue than with nipple chafing.

Offline blad

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Breasts supported by a bra should feel less tender. 

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Hi Spacewater
Immobilisation  and support is still the answer.


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I've been dealing with my big boobs for a while now. I've gone through many growth spurts with them. I recommend a light to medium lined molded cup underwire bra. They have always provided the best comfort and support. The are also excellent for keeping the nips in check. 


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