Author Topic: nipples/sensitivity?  (Read 2532 times)

Offline jacksheffield

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  • Sheffield guy here, slim build but very puffed up
Hey, Im a guy who used to post on here a few yrs agao, really admire the sight and everythin it does for us guys with gyne.
was meaning to ask u guys, does anyone notice an unusual sensitivity in their nipples? this can mean INCREDIBLE pain when pinched growin up (bloody changing rooms) and still some tenderness to this day (im 24). However, and please dont think i am tryin to turn this into some kind of fetish site (lol) if touched n right way sensitvely, these things on my chest I have hated for so long can feel really good? Id still get rid of the things tomorrow if i could, just wondered what other guys thoughts were?

Offline usernameX

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On women, the 2 most sensitive places on her are her nipples and her clit. Some men enjoy nipple stimulation. I personally dont. If feels extremely awkward for me. But some men enjoy it. Yes its normal.
Had surgery with Dr. J.C. Fielding on August 2nd.

Offline bc108

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I experience the same conflict -- I have suffered acute embarrassment ever since I was first made aware of that I had big breasts by a playmate even before I started grade school (and still do) -- and yet now I have come to find nipple stimulation very pleasurable.  But I'm not sure that enjoying nipple stimulation has anything to do with gynecomastia.  Like I said, my breasts were abnormally large since early childhood, but I started to find pleasure in nipple stimulation long since puberty, and only (I think) because I was introduced to it by a sex partner.
Billy C.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The range of what might be called normal is very wide.

Generally speaking, it is presumed that women's breasts are more senate than men's.

But between my wife and I, we pretty much agree that mine are more sensate than hers.

Grandpa Dan


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