Author Topic: Surgery technique  (Read 1789 times)

Offline Drydiver

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I just met the surgeon and she explained me about the expected surgery: around each nipple, she cuts 2 vertical cuts (not exactly vertical. They're on the "border" between the darker and lighter skin colors (nipples right and left edges). Is that the areola?), and using pipes she sucks the fat, cut the glandes and suck them as well.

She did tell me that in rare cases when she can't take the glandes out through these cuts, she cut an additional cut under the nipple, namely nipple bottom edge (like I saw in many other surgeries).

I'm worrying a bit, because from everything I read and saw, she's the only one I heard that's doing it this way. Am I worrying for no reason? Is anyone else had a similar procedure?
A fronted pic of my chest is attached (maybe it has something to do with my specific case)

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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I have never heard of this particular technique -- but hey, if she can show you a multitude of excellent post op results, then why not?

Let us know how it turns out.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Dr. Schuster

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I am not really sure of what you / she is describing. Other than removal of the fat and gland it appears that you have significant loose skin. You might benefit from a peri-areolar skin excision. If not done at the time of surgery you just need to understand that your results might be limited.
Dr. Schuster
Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Northwest Hospital
Private practice in Baltimore, Maryland
10807 Falls Road
Lutherville, Maryland 21093

Offline Michael Law, M.D.

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I agree with Drs. Schuster and Dr. Jacobs. I especially agree with Dr. Jacobs that you should have the opportunity to view a MULTITUDE of excellent post-operative results. 
Dr. Law
Blue Water Plastic Surgery
10941 Raven Ridge Rd Suite 103
Raleigh NC 27614
919 256-0900 ph
919-739-3910 text


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