Author Topic: please tell me is it fat or gyne?  (Read 5318 times)

Offline abardo

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i'm a 15 years old boy, my friend often mocking me about this, is my breast really that big?,how bad is my gyno? what should i do? is there any other way except surgery?, i'm too scared to do surgery
« Last Edit: March 17, 2021, 11:01:07 AM by abardo »

Offline Dale Warnio

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Your breasts are quite large and female in appearance with puffy feminine nipples.  Definitely gynecomastia. I am sure your breasts jiggle quite a bit and you can see them including moving under your tops with nipples sometimes even showing through.

Surgery is the only treatment and you are too young. Maybe they will go away with time, but most likely just grow bigger. How long have you been developing breasts?

Offline abardo

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its been 5 years, i hope its will go away by time. because i dont want having a c or d cup in my teenage time. do you think if i do a strict sport it will decrease even a bit?

Offline Dale Warnio

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If your breasts have been growing for 5 years and you are only 15, then you started developing earlier than most girls.  If your breasts haven’t gone away in five years, but instead keep getting bigger, then they will not go away no matter what you do.  Instead, your breasts will most likely growing bigger.  You probably do have a C or D or even bigger bra cup size in your future. 

Have you ever tried wearing a bra?

Offline FredL

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I think Dale is right. 

Here's my advice fwiw -

Start losing weight and see if the chest gets any smaller. If you're lucky, the gynecomastia is temporary and it will go away as the pounds come off. Work out, too. 

If you end up thinner but the boobs don't change, then try a compression shirt or vest or bra. Something to make it less noticeable or to support things.

If it bugs the sht out of you, drives you crazy, and eff's with your head, bring it up with your family doctor and take it from there. 

I'm 57 and I lived with it until 5 weeks ago. I don't recommend taking that route unless you're cool with having boobs because it will be a sucky thing in your life that stops you from having the kind fun that manly chested men have.   


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Echoing the previous posts with regard to development if weight loss or nature does not "correct" this. That definition is only up to you.

The two options being surgery or acceptance, with pros and cons for both.

If you choose surgery, make sure to do your homework, and be sure that it is what you want to do. Find an experienced doctor, and ask lots of questions. Not sure how young they will do this, but don't rush with someone less qualified. Talking with a parent will be required for consent, if doing this before 18 I believe.

If you choose acceptance do your homework as well. There is a lot of information to assimilate for both options. Choose someone you trust to be open with if you can, the internet is full of information, and a lot of bull; so it helps to have someone in your life to walk with you in this.

Relax if you can, you have many years to come.

Offline abardo

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If your breasts have been growing for 5 years and you are only 15, then you started developing earlier than most girls.  If your breasts haven’t gone away in five years, but instead keep getting bigger, then they will not go away no matter what you do.  Instead, your breasts will most likely growing bigger.  You probably do have a C or D or even bigger bra cup size in your future.

Have you ever tried wearing a bra?
no i haven't , because i don't how to measure and many things . ii thought my breast is already very big. but it will grow again??, what a shocking info

Offline abardo

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Echoing the previous posts with regard to development if weight loss or nature does not "correct" this. That definition is only up to you.

The two options being surgery or acceptance, with pros and cons for both.

If you choose surgery, make sure to do your homework, and be sure that it is what you want to do. Find an experienced doctor, and ask lots of questions. Not sure how young they will do this, but don't rush with someone less qualified. Talking with a parent will be required for consent, if doing this before 18 I believe.

If you choose acceptance do your homework as well. There is a lot of information to assimilate for both options. Choose someone you trust to be open with if you can, the internet is full of information, and a lot of bull; so it helps to have someone in your life to walk with you in this.

Relax if you can, you have many years to come.
i hope there is miracle to create option 3. because i dont really want to do surgery because im scared and ofcoz money. but i dont want to accept it either. because my friend either boy and girl always bullied me. even girls in my class jealous with this. and it's really embarassing

Offline SideSet

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Kids can be mean. I am sorry. 

Your nipples are larger and more puffy than a male’s.  Also, your breasts have a female shape  and are at least average, maybe more, for a girl your age.

Especially since you said, you started developing  breasts quite sometime ago, it is very unlikely they will go away. Quite likely they will continue to grow bigger and bigger. 

Can you feel anything more solid or harder behind your nipples? 

Offline FredL

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You should get a compression vest or some other kind of shirt that flattens things out. Even the skinny flat chested kids are wearing compression shirts under their clothing to look smoother and more toned. There's no reason why you can't do it too. Do some research, you can order something right now and have it in a couple days. You'll feel and look much better. 

Offline abardo

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Kids can be mean. I am sorry.

Your nipples are larger and more puffy than a male’s.  Also, your breasts have a female shape  and are at least average, maybe more, for a girl your age.

Especially since you said, you started developing  breasts quite sometime ago, it is very unlikely they will go away. Quite likely they will continue to grow bigger and bigger.

Can you feel anything more solid or harder behind your nipples?
yes, i can feel somthing solid, what is that?

Offline Dale Warnio

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I bet you are a B cup. Since you are only 15 and your breasts still developing, you certainly will end up at least a C cup. My guess would be a D cup or bigger. In either case, that is too big to go braless, so the issue will soon be solved for you.  You will soon need to wear a bra, both for support and for modesty. 

Offline Dale Warnio

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Oh, and the solid thing you feel beneath your nipples would be mammary glands.  That means you are developing functional female breasts and it is not fat.   

Offline SideSet

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Just like Dale said, you were feeling your mammary glands.   That means your breasts, just like female breasts, or made up of mammary gland and fatty tissue.   Theoretically, you could produce milk under the right circumstances,  just like a woman. 

Offline abardo

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Just like Dale said, you were feeling your mammary glands.  That means your breasts, just like female breasts, or made up of mammary gland and fatty tissue.  Theoretically, you could produce milk under the right circumstances,  just like a woman.
wht?? yes , i know that i feel that my breast is really tight , but is my gyne really that bad?


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