Author Topic: Wearing a bra for now  (Read 32910 times)


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I have a few unlined pull overs, and I know some new styles have come out, but I haven't found and that fit well for me. I primarily wear unlined underwired, but I also have some lightly lined and pushup bras. I wear petals for modesty when out as they are needed in all but some of the pushups. At home I wear what is comfortable, including tank tops when it gets near and over 100 degrees. 

While my girls do not match in size, the difference is not enough for the bra to need alteration or a silicone fillet.

Offline Rich meier

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I think you'll need help putting that brassiere on... judging from the line of hooks in the back.  I'm hoping to find something a bit more delicate... whether that is possible or not I have no idea.  I am finding some interesting candidates but one can only tell by putting the garment on and seeing how it feels AND looks.  :)
Reviews say you have to clasp it and spin.
I'll try it 🤔
hook and spin is what a lot of woen do. ilearned from my first wife and that what i do. when you get older and have shoulder issues its hard to reach back and hook. this wife back hooks. for me after 2 shoulder surgeries no way i can, but what ever is good for you
 the only time i have a problem is after a shower. it doesnt spin right and the strapts roll up in to a bunch so I have to wait till iam totaly dry


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👍 yeah, I won't be reaching back at my age. Hook and spin only

Offline Johndoe1

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I love reaching around back. I have gotten pretty good over the years knowing where to aim the hooks for the eyes. It's a game for me.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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I love reaching around back. I have gotten pretty good over the years knowing where to aim the hooks for the eyes. It's a game for me.
One shoulder surgery down and one more to go.....
I don't think it's possible for me 🤔


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