Author Topic: Strange Comments  (Read 1263 times)


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  Just wanted to share this one.  Last week it was hotter than the blazes.  I got to work a bit before seven did the temp check and quickly stuck my head in an office to give this guy a quick message as I saw someone else sitting talking to him.  The cold air must have hit me hard as the A/C was blasting.  The guy in the chair turned to me and said, " Turkey's done". I looked at him confused, he had a two foot stick in his hand and tapped my chest.  I immediately I slumped forward.  The guy behind the desk quickly said, " you a pervert?"  started to say more as I interrupted, said my message and left. 
  I was informed when I was last here about nipple covers.  Have some but wasn't using.  It was hot out.
So... another lesson.  
   Sometimes you hear a new one.  Stupid is, Stupid says.

Offline SideSet

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That is just plain cruel. 


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I just looked at what SideSet said and thought a little clarification might be needed.  The guy behind the desk said are you a pervert to the one who made the off remark and tapped my chest. 
I felt like that took a little of the awkwardness away as the one who made the comment felt stupid.
  I was still embarrassed.

Offline SideSet

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Nice that the guy stuck up for you.  But the other was just plain cruel. I can clearly remember many of the cruel things said to me 

Offline Johndoe1

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Had a supervisor in the middle of a staff meeting comment out of the blue I needed to wear a bra. Every head turned to look at me.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline SideSet

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In an ideal world, the workplace would be about work, and people being pleasant to one another. Professionals should act as such. Unfortunately they do not. My previous employer employed walking lawsuits waiting to happen. The locker room humor was bad enough, but then it became more pointed. Thankfully a restructuring occurred, and I got a paid vacation until my next position, even though they kept the f'ing intentionally ignorant trolls, and just plain horrible humans. I understand ignorant and honestly questioning. This was not that. 

I know that these human looking things are not common, and the vast majority of people are in their own bubbles, but I seem to have met quite a few in my life. I do hope that the general public would become more enlightened, but I have my doubts as to the timeframe. 


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"Had a supervisor in the middle of a staff meeting comment out of the blue I needed to wear a bra.''

It sounds like we all get it in some way or another.  I can't believe he said that. I would have wanted to...
so many things come to mind. 

  I feel its the same guys who when kids were the bullies.  Making up for there own insecurities.  Still at it today.
It's awful to do and say things like this.  I was picked on as a kid.  Mocked and teased, until they needed me to bat cleanup.

This last work place I came into as a subcontractor.  Large company but I was needed to do what they had no one capable of doing.  Second to last day He made that comment to me.  The head guy tried to defuse knowing I don't take crap.  The next day he wanted to buy me lunch as I was done.  At a table of 6 those same two guys just let the one woman have it.  Show me yours and lunch is on me.  Show the kitchen and its on them.  I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. She just sat with head down looking into her phone.  Never did eat.  I said good bye and left.  

I think its shameful and disgusting what people say and get away with. 

It will not end.  I have to learn yet more responses to ignorant fools. 

I to wonder why there ore no more law suits.  



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