Author Topic: Before and After  (Read 3168 times)


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Sorry fellas, no pics 😔 

I just thought that I would take a moment and share some of my experiences even though I understand on this forum are rather unique. 

In our relationship, my wife and I have experienced a shift in the role our breasts play before and during sex.

When we got together ❤️, while my breasts were large and feminine and I wore a bra full time, they were just sorta...there. I was afraid to ask for attention to them, she was afraid to offer any. As a result, both of us were missing out. That shifted as she was brave enough to show me that it's ok to enjoy what I had. She was also enjoying getting  to play with my "fun bags" and she enjoyed the responses that I would elicit. As a result, she was also educating me on what she liked. 

I know that many of you have a supportive significant other who understand that you need to wear a bra. They also may understand and even enjoy showing your breasts the same attention that they enjoy. 

Sophie ❤️ 


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This is a great topic! My wife noticed them but kinda avoided them. Once I started wearing a bra, she opened up and plays with them more. I really enjoy it.  


Offline Evolver

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I don't think that this is any different to accepting and enjoying any physical attribute of our partners. A long time ago I had a girlfriend who wore a 32B bra. When she wasn't my girlfriend anymore but my wife, she wore 34B bras. Now, decades later, she wears 40D's and is now moving to 40DD's or 42C's. I've always enjoyed them, whether they were a small handful back then or something that I can bounce around now. It made no difference to me, and the reaction has always been the same - "Stop" with rolled eyes, but a smile at the same time.... Offsetting this, I certainly get a lot more attention nowadays too, even though I am still relatively small, mainly because of the way that I present myself. Over the past few months I have been far more relaxed about being accepted for how I am, and it has paid dividends. I love the attention that I get nightly, tolerating the irritation because my wife wants to go for it.

"she enjoyed the responses that I would elicit. As a result, she was also educating me on what she liked."

So true!!! ;)


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"I certainly get a lot more attention nowadays too, even though I am still relatively small, mainly because of the way that I present myself. Over the past few months I have been far more relaxed about being accepted for how I am, and it has paid dividends. I love the attention that I get nightly, tolerating the irritation because my wife wants to go for it."

That is wonderful to hear. 

When my wife and I first got together. She knew all about my gynecomastia and that I  wore a bra. However I would always get changed in a different room and never naked with the lights on.  She actually made the first move and it was the first time that I had ever experienced the pleasure of having my nipples suckle. One night, long before transitioning, I wore my regular underwire bra to bed and made her work for access to my girls. It was fun for both of us to have that role reversal happen. 

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Alas, the best I can do as a single man not in a romantic or sexual relationship is to fantasize about fingers or lips on my breasts.  Yes, it is tantalizing.  I certainly know from my years of being in such relationships how pleasurable such moments can be for both partners.  You are the rare person Sophie who has experienced it from both sides.  It is wonderful that your wife was willing to join you on this journey.  I know that happens, but I know it doesn't always happen.  And, thank you for sharing your perspective with all of us.  This gender thing is quite amazing.  We'd like to believe it is binary, but as young folks are demonstrating to us right now... there is a non-binary world and gender is fluid.  How else to explain men talking about their breasts and favorite brassieres?  ::)

Offline Evolver

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One night, long before transitioning, I wore my regular underwire bra to bed and made her work for access to my girls. It was fun for both of us to have that role reversal happen.

Sophie ❤️
;D 8)  

Offline Evolver

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This gender thing is quite amazing.  We'd like to believe it is binary, but as young folks are demonstrating to us right now... there is a non-binary world and gender is fluid.  How else to explain men talking about their breasts and favorite brassieres?  ::)
Hopefully the day will come when gender doesn't even matter. Although I am a heterosexual male and always will be, I'm happy to admit that I could also be described as someone who probably fits somewhere below the Queer umbrella. It doesn't worry me in the slightest, because I am very comfortable with how I am nowadays. It wasn't always the case, but it is now. The difference is, I learnt to stop fighting myself. That is what my Before and After experiences revolve around, not just my A/B moobs.

Quoting myself, I learnt to stop fighting. Sophie has an absolutely awesome wife and soul mate, who taught her to stop fighting negative feelings and enjoy those natural assets to their mutual benefit. 42CSurprise, there are still doors to be opened for you, it's not too late.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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This gender thing is quite amazing.  We'd like to believe it is binary, but as young folks are demonstrating to us right now... there is a non-binary world and gender is fluid.  How else to explain men talking about their breasts and favorite brassieres?  ::)
...42CSurprise, there are still doors to be opened for you, it's not too late.
Thanks for the sentiment Aussie but I'm a bit older than most of the fellows here and despite my fantasies, which have been companions through most of my life, I'm content with being on my own.  I have a close relationship, a friendship, that grew out of a marriage but that friendship has not for a long time been romantic or sexual.  As I've noted elsewhere, my libido disappeared with arrival of elevated estrogen that produced these lovely breasts.  As a survivor of childhood sexual trauma my sexual life has always been complicated.  I'm not certain I'd even accept a do over.  One life is enough to live and this one has been very challenging.  I'm at a place of acceptance however.  Playing a bit with men here is enjoyable... and indulging in fantasies about breasts and brassieres is lovely.  And I appreciate hearing about how other men are navigating this unusual territory... breasts, brassieres, intimate relationships.  This is all challenging for men.  I think we're doing pretty well supporting one another... wherever we lie on the gender spectrum.


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