OK, The condition runs in my family. The Doc told me it would go away without knowing it was a family trait. Well, I'm 68 yrs old and still waiting for it to go away.
The surgery to reduce men's breasts has only been around for a short time. So, many of us older guys grew up with it. We had no choice! It affects so many men that lots of health care professionals consider it to be statistically normal.
We are all very well aware of the cruel jokes, the teasing and the pinching etc. If your reaction to such rewards the idiot who is inflicting the torment, it will not only continue but escalate. My ploy was to turn things around by saying something like "Most people have at least something there, did you miss out?" People who are truly your friends would rather laugh with you than at you.
Measure around your chest with a very loose tape running over the fullest part of the breast and get that size in shirts. It will probaly be a size larger than you would otherwise wear.
Do not look down at your own chest, or tug at your clothing. People who would not otherwise notice will look to see what has aroused your attention.
In their desperation to hide or reduce their Gynecomastia; Guys are sometimes willing to spend a fortune on various Herbs and potions. The purveyors of these concoctions will cite only anecdotal evidence of their effectiveness. I know of none that are both safe and effective. Some can even make things worse.
See your Doctor, A referral to an Endocrinologist is usually a good idea. For the majority, Gynecomastia is a nuisance and an embarassment; But nothing more. The condition can be, though rarely, a symptom of sever health problems.
Those of us with this condition are frequently troubled with low self esteem, problems such as social wthdrawal etc. Do not fall into that pit. Whatever it takes to keep your attitude positive and your self image good is well worth the effort you may put into it.
After you have made sure that your hormones are OK, that there is not another problem causing the Gynecomastia and your condition is permanent; It will be time to decide whether it is a condition you can cope with or whether you want surgery to remove or minimize it. Either way, their is a wealth of help here.
Good Luck.