Author Topic: Breasts - A documentary  (Read 1377 times)

Offline gotgyne

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A documentary how women look upon their breasts. Not new but interesting. You must be logged in to watch it.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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Interesting watch. Good day to be working from home lol. Possibly we could get guys here together to talk about their breasts and make a sequel for the men out there lol

Offline curiousk

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Very interesting!!  I have admit that I relate to a lot of things discussed in the video.   As most of you know, I started developing breasts when I was 10-11 years old.   I really understood the idea of developing, how it affected my self esteem, the way I felt about myself and how others viewed a boy with boobs.   It’s been 3 years that I’ve been wearing a bra after going many years with unsupported, giggling breasts.  Best decision I’ve ever made.

Offline gotgyne

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Interesting watch. Good day to be working from home lol. Possibly we could get guys here together to talk about their breasts and make a sequel for the men out there lol
Hi Dudewithboobs, that's a good idea, but I think most of us would not participate in a documentary, at least to protect our families (wifes and children). Some years ago in this forum was a discussion if a talk show should take in the topic of gynecomastia and some men wrote that they would participate. But it seems that this is not exotic enough for the talk show producers.

Offline gotgyne

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Very interesting!!  I have admit that I relate to a lot of things discussed in the video.  As most of you know, I started developing breasts when I was 10-11 years old.  I really understood the idea of developing, how it affected my self esteem, the way I felt about myself and how others viewed a boy with boobs.  It’s been 3 years that I’ve been wearing a bra after going many years with unsupported, giggling breasts.  Best decision I’ve ever made.
Hi curiousk, I can see how the development of breasts as a boy relates with girls but I can imagine that it must be much more confusing for a boy going through this process.


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yeah dudes with boobs just isn't appealing to the masses more of a mockery than a intrigue to most i assume and doubt a large viewership would be found with it. I've come to enjoy embrace and be proud of my chest in the last few months more than i ever thought i would. Maybe it's cause i workout a lot that the muscle build offsets the chest a bit but i just feel fine with it, if there was discussion about it, i definitely would be ok sitting and discussing it in an open format 

Online Johndoe1

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Very interesting!!  I have admit that I relate to a lot of things discussed in the video.  As most of you know, I started developing breasts when I was 10-11 years old.  I really understood the idea of developing, how it affected my self esteem, the way I felt about myself and how others viewed a boy with boobs.  It’s been 3 years that I’ve been wearing a bra after going many years with unsupported, giggling breasts.  Best decision I’ve ever made.
Hi curiousk, I can see how the development of breasts as a boy relates with girls but I can imagine that it must be much more confusing for a boy going through this process.
It certainly was a confusing time for me.  I budded at 14. By 16 or 17 I was larger than a lot of girls my age. I was slim as well and the bouncing and giggling was noticeable. I had guys grouping me during sports and girls offering me their bras as a joke to humiliate me. So what was I? Boy? Girl? Both? Neither? That question nagged at me for many, many, years into adulthood. 

Interesting thing I have found is a lot of girls and women experience many of the same body angst we do, just in the opposite direction. They will talk about it and we won't. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline 42CSurprise!

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...Interesting thing I have found is a lot of girls and women experience many of the same body angst we do, just in the opposite direction. They will talk about it and we won't.
And that is why this forum is so important.  We DO have an opportunity to talk about the development of breasts on our male bodies and the experience of living in a world that is intent on judging every difference.  We could have colored skin, or round bodies or deformed limbs or breasts on male bodies or no breasts on female bodies and there will be negative reactions of all sorts.  We read the stories here about what it was like to grow up and have breasts appear on our adolescent bodies.  I had a fleshy chest but not pronounced breasts and I still felt shame over my body.  That really never went away.  I can imagine how traumatizing it would be to have had fuller development of breasts.

What we do here is very affirming and I'm happy to be part of the conversation.  We continue to work through our own hesitation, our own self-doubt.  We are not manly men and some of us are content with wearing brassieres, whether out of necessity or simple enjoyment.  There is room for it all.  We get to make our own choices about how to treat the breasts nature has bestowed on us.


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