Author Topic: Attitude to clothing acceptance  (Read 2218 times)

Offline Busty

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I prefer clothes that field and look good on me. Because my overall body shape is more like a woman’s than a men’s, my favorites include women’s jeans and tops, nothing overtly, or obviously feminine and styling or color. 

Normal boobs

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Bra wearing was presented to me by my GP (male) as the only sensible, lowest cost and more importantly the only risk free way healthwise to deal with gynecomastia.
For me, and for my wife there was no choice to make - even though cost of surgery would not have been an issue. Health tops everything.

My earliest memories are playing with dolls and certainly my main interactions were with my mother's circle of friends at women's meetings. Throughout my whole lifeI have always been more comfortable with women both at work and socially. I have often pondered how much of my acceptance of gyno and embracing of women's clothing is nature or nurture.
Having not noticed increasing breast size until my early 60's, being bra'd up since 66 and 80 now beginning to loom it probably gives more freedom of choice clothing wise - at worst I will be the eccentric old man, not that I have noticed any negative looks or reaction. I do not flaunt nor hide what I am and present as unmistakably male.

The only unspoken change l have noticed that as breast size increased invitations to preach in church gave a dive.
Their problem and it does not bother me personally.
I am sometimes totally ashamed of the attitudes of fellow believers.
I am happy in myself and with my two boys who lead the way evrywhere I go and frankly I like them more every day that passes  - currently they are giving me a little discomfort and, I suspect, growth.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 10:50:45 AM by Normal boobs »

Online WPW717

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On board with this all the way 

After the spouse noticed the gyne and said your starting to look like a 13 yr old girl I responded with the Nope, more like 18 y/o

She went shopping and got me some gynecomastia compression shirts.
Worked well for yoga class … for a while. Boy were they hard to get off.

I switched to a yoga tank top with an internal sports bra and she was Ok with that. It worked well to stop the flop, but had the uniboob look. Got over that self conscious feeling quickly but shortly after noticed some significant projection a few months later in the gym mirror.
I have ordered a heavy impact sports bra wireless with a front closure. Will report back in a while on results 

The gist of this information is to say thank you to all of the veterans here and the laying out the future pathways and pifalls to consider. I see further changes coming for me as I am a 44” underbust and a 50 “ bust. I think this registers about a DD. From reading here a lot of threads it looks like my future will be in a bra. I welcome the stories that deal with accepting the new me and seeing the roadmap to avoid pitfalls 
Thank you all for your wisdom and efforts to educate us.
Regards, Bob

Online Johndoe1

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On board with this all the way


From reading here a lot of threads it looks like my future will be in a bra. I welcome the stories that deal with accepting the new me and seeing the roadmap to avoid pitfalls
Thank you all for your wisdom and efforts to educate us.
As a long time, full time wearer, with DD/DDD breasts myself, the bra life is made bigger deal than it really is. And yes, tbh, my original realization that my chest would be in a harness, a woman's harness at that, for the rest of my life, frightened me and depressed me. But then I analyzed why and realized that the issue was not that it was a breast harness, because that's what it is, but one word "bra". Bra instantly brought up connotations of femininity, womanhood, not being considered manly, etc., all man-made and had nothing to do with the reality that I have several pounds of skin, fat, glands and ducts projecting off my chest in a manner that uncontrollably move,  shake, rub and ache under the weight. I had two choices. Contain and support them in a harness called a bra or continue to be unsupported and miserable. So, when in Rome... I can honestly say, once I finally began to own my own breasts and stopped letting others own them by the fear of what others might say or do, the drama went away. I found that 99% of people don't notice or care and the 1% that do are inconsequential. I have to live with my breasts,  they don't. I have to do what is right for me. I will have my breasts for the rest of my life as I have had them all of my life so far. Why would taking care of them the rest of my life frighten me? All because of one word,  BRA. I am not frightened anymore and wearing a bra for support and containment is no more of a big deal than wearing shoes or underpants. It is clothing to help appearance or comfort.Nothing more. Nothing less.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 07:09:57 AM by Johndoe1 »
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Online taxmapper

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I'm going to reiterate something I said before.   

When this started I too tried to hide things in certain ways and took some amount of pride that I had them, just not too large. 

Now, I want them bigger!!!  

But also I pretty much stopped buying men's clothing overall. 
More androgynous now and the clothing I buy I am getting a bit more comfortable getting in stores.  
Its not overtly female per se, but my slacks from Men's Warehouse really don't fit well anymore. 

Offline Rich meier

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On board with this all the way

After the spouse noticed the gyne and said your starting to look like a 13 yr old girl I responded with the Nope, more like 18 y/o

She went shopping and got me some gynecomastia compression shirts.
Worked well for yoga class … for a while. Boy were they hard to get off.

I switched to a yoga tank top with an internal sports bra and she was Ok with that. It worked well to stop the flop, but had the uniboob look. Got over that self conscious feeling quickly but shortly after noticed some significant projection a few months later in the gym mirror.
I have ordered a heavy impact sports bra wireless with a front closure. Will report back in a while on results

The gist of this information is to say thank you to all of the veterans here and the laying out the future pathways and pifalls to consider. I see further changes coming for me as I am a 44” underbust and a 50 “ bust. I think this registers about a DD. From reading here a lot of threads it looks like my future will be in a bra. I welcome the stories that deal with accepting the new me and seeing the roadmap to avoid pitfalls
Thank you all for your wisdom and efforts to educate us.
I have the same measurements as you except my bust is 48. my question is have you found a bra that you can fill out
 i have tried different band sizes and cup sizes tthe bands are ok but cant fill the cups even wit the smallest size. according to measurements I should be a D cup. iused to weear 40c which i filled out, now even going to an a cup the bras still dimple when when wearind an under wire. I have thought about small breast forms but i dont want them too  obvious that I am wearing forms. I weear bras full time and dont care if any one sees or notices. right now I stick with 2x  sports bras that do the job except that I still get a little bounce. iwould like to be able to wear underwire. any thoughts

Online WPW717

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Haven’t tried a ‘ bra’ yet. Small town with no options for a fitting.
However I have ordered a heavy duty jog bra with cups and high side panels as I have wide set breasts. It’s a front closure ( I am 72 and not as flexible as I would like) The issue of projecting in my mind has been resolved with all the reading that has been done on this website. I am growing larger slowly.

This HD jog bra also has panels in separate cups.

Not much need to shop for clothes or anything other than shirts as unlike others here I don’t have a hip/thigh/ butt issue. My growth in from a crashing testosterone level. It’s approaching near castrate levels ( 52 pg/ dl) but the E2 is at normal level so no fat redistribution.

The great part of this adventure is that the knowledge of the progression of all here has shunted a great deal of the concern that comes with gyne to the dust bin. I have a deep appreciation for the knowledge that has dispelled any future anxieties.

Once the new garment arrives and is either used or not after a trial period I will either travel to a larger city for a fitting or use a site like herroom as I grow.I would not have known about these resources had I not joined this forum.
Again, thanks to all here for the advice.


Online WPW717

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Tried the new bra for 2 days 
Band is ok but the cups have a small wrinkle on the top 
   I wore it for 2 days and the wife did not notice. On day 3 she asked to see it since she knew it was shipped.  I showed her and she said ‘ you need help’. Noticing the wrinkles she also said there is backfat.
   I got the bra specifically for the high side panels to get the golf balls out of my arm pits. It works for that.
   While wearing a button down shirt the breasts weren’t too noticeable but with a dark T shirt the are noticeable.
   I am joining the club that goes for comfort and support and projection be damned. I think she is of the opinion that a D/DD cup is concealable. She is a B. 
   Great that she is getting involved, I’ll need it. The first 2 days were surreptitious 

Normal boobs

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Tried the new bra for 2 days
Band is ok but the cups have a small wrinkle on the top
  I wore it for 2 days and the wife did not notice. On day 3 she asked to see it since she knew it was shipped.  I showed her and she said ‘ you need help’. Noticing the wrinkles she also said there is backfat.
  I got the bra specifically for the high side panels to get the golf balls out of my arm pits. It works for that.
  While wearing a button down shirt the breasts weren’t too noticeable but with a dark T shirt the are noticeable.
  I am joining the club that goes for comfort and support and projection be damned. I think she is of the opinion that a D/DD cup is concealable. She is a B.
  Great that she is getting involved, I’ll need it. The first 2 days were surreptitious

Normal boobs

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  I am joining the club that goes for comfort and support and projection be damned.
Welcome to the club
From a fully paid up member 


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