Author Topic: What is your dream?  (Read 1372 times)

Normal boobs1

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As well endowed guys. What is your dream for the future of large breasted men? (excluding a magic wand to make them disappear!)

I suppose my main wish is that society would come to the point that it was a boring non issue, not even worth discussion, but this is a bit of a  cop out.
What is your dream and are you personally working towards it in any way?

I am not going to repeat where I am at and what I am doing to more fully embrace my feminine side in my post about a pivotal  weekend. As an update the scalp surgery has made a complete mess of my remaining hair and have to keep my head covered at all times. I have experimented wearing a cheapo androgenous wig and this plus wearing a skirt far more often has given me much more self esteem. I have never sort to hide my boobs but early experience has been good. My feeling is that breasts and bras attract far less attention when in the context of complimentary clothing. 

Offline Evolver

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My dream is that there is one clothing department instead of two.

Offline Johndoe1

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I have said this before, I would be willing to conform to the silly things society forces women have to do about their chests as long as my chest is treated in the same way as women's chests. I think that is a realistic hope and I think I see the beginnings of that but we have a long, long ways to go.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Men contending with breasts who find this corner of the website have found an oasis... a place of refuge.  We get to talk about our growing breasts and discuss whether brassieres are worth considering.  Then we share photos of our breasts held in this or that brassiere.  We talk a great deal about acceptance, likely because many of us have known only shame when it comes to our bodies.  Asking this question in this audience makes for an interesting conversation... but let's not forget, society is very far removed from embracing what we're doing here.  We are outliers and I've no doubt most of us have experienced people who don't want to know what we're up to.  They may sympathize when we suffer from a medical condition called gynecomastia but probably aren't too excited to talk about our brassiere choices.

I read an article in the NYTimes yesterday about the long, dragged out fight in the Nebraska legislature where they are trying to pass a law to make it impossible for transgender kids to receive medical attention.  This topic is much on the mind of Republican candidates for office around the country.  Genderbending, in whatever form it arises is not a topic receiving much support at the moment.  So my dreams are small... they have to do with self-acceptance.  I won't go the way of a fellow who lives a couple of blocks away from me... a tall slender fellow who rides his bicycle wearing a short skirt and tight blouse over a brassiere.  Of course, I live in a very progressive community, so no one has attacked him... but he is always sitting alone when eating at a nearby cafe.

I accept completely the reality that the estrogen that is giving me these luscious breasts, is also affecting the rest of my body and my mind.  I've moved toward the feminine side of the gender continuum.  I won't shave my beard but I won't pretend that a brassiere works for me simply because of it is an effective means to insure my comfort.  It is not a solution to an engineering problem... it is an expression of who I am at this point in my life.  And yes, there is an erotic element to the whole thing.  ::)

Online taxmapper

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my take is a bit different. 

my "dream" is that our society as a whole brings back real education and make non-esoteric, those things that are now considered esoteric. 

There is an inherent fear of new things (neophobia) and thing that are unfamiliar. 

this is only a human reaction to something outside the norm and should not be admonished. But...

Having read "esoteric" information, I have found that the mentioning of different "genders" by whatever definition goes back a very long way in history, and the recognition that there are feminine men and masculine women, and for whatever term used hermaphrodites. It was known and generally accepted. 

Our society has become polarized for various reasons, but most importantly, education has been deliberately dumbed down and manipulated for various reasons. 
The modern "enlightenment" is anything but. 

But it goes way beyond these matters and once your knowledge base is taken to much higher levels, issues like sexuality, physical traits not 'normal' and the like become but a small matter generally ignored. 

I myself have been drifting further from the male side to the female side for some time now. Odd sensations and feeling I am not accustom to have reared their heads. And now, physical aspects are showing themselves in ways unexpected.   time will tell, but there is a point that I don't know where it falls where I wont be anything like what I was a short 4 years ago. 

Offline blad

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For a long time I have been accepting of my breasts as long as I wear a bra to keep them supported and comfortable. I generally forget about them and my bra as I go about my day.

My dream is not to have any concern about exposed bra straps regardless of what I want to wear, or straps discovered with hugs or pats on the back. If all the guys that needed a bra wore one we may get there.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline oldguy

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My dream is to be 40 again.  That isn't going to happen.  Expecting society to accept people as they are has a better chance. 

None of us asked for this.  All of us are dealing with it in our own way.  Thank goodness, I'm old enough that I accept it as just another medical issue. And deal with it by wearing a bra.  Much better than the pain pills I was taking after my knee replacement.  Don't worry about others.  Life is short.  Enjoy every moment.

Normal boobs1

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When my wife (very supportive) first notice my two growing "friends" she asked what I was going to do with them. 
My instant, somewhat flippant reply was "enjoy them".
I do. 
She does. 
We do. 
One dream crossed off the bucket list! 


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When my wife (very supportive) first notice my two growing "friends" she asked what I was going to do with them.
My instant, somewhat flippant reply was "enjoy them".
I do.
She does.
We do.
One dream crossed off the bucket list!
Glad your have a supportive wife!

My wife married me with boobs, and you would assume that as my boobs grew larger it wouldn't be a problem. I guess I was wrong, it really meant that as long as my boobs could be hidden under baggy clothes it wasn't a problem to that ultra-conservative woman. 

God forbid the other ladies in her circle realize her husband has boobs!

I am also not making the money I used to make after being forced into retirement, so I don't have much to offer her anyway. 

None of us asked for this, it just happened. It is God's will for us to be endowed. There should be no shame associated with it, varying reports say that it least 1 in 4 males over 50-60 have it least some degree of gynecomastia. 

My dream is that society catches up with then science and accepts this as normal 🤔


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As a woman of transgender experience, my dream has come true. It took too long for me to stop lying to myself and accept who I am. I have never been or even thought that I could be this happy. 

The other dream had also come true. I have been a member here off and on for about 11 years now. I was very worried about being rejected by this group because I technically don't have gynecomastia anymore. So I am grateful that I was accepted by this group initially as a man with large breasts and now as a woman who enjoys sharing her experiences as well as advising and still learning. ❤️ Sophie ❤️


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My dream honestly isn’t to have them removed with a wand. At this point if there was a wand I’d probably ask them to be somewhat fuller. I’ve grown quite accustomed to my dilemma of having breasts and grown to quite enjoy how they make my clothes look and overall body appear. I really couldn’t imagine taking a wand and being “be gone”. 
Dream would be to have as others have said the removal of stigma and notions of simply having breasts and wearing bras. I have no desire to wear push ups and padded bras. But it would be nice to know I could just get dressed in the morning and put my bra on with no second thought of who may see it and what they may think. In some of my favorite shirts I need to go braless cause at this point the bras bring things too full to the center and give the obvious appearance of such. And the general man boob look makes me feel better in some scenarios. 
My dream would be for a society, relationship, etc of who cares you have a bra on, you have reason to, it looks good on you as it does me and no one sees it any differently. 

Offline HeldUp

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I think the general dream is to evolve past the tribal conscious and subconscious "othering" that humans do; be that on race, creed, body image, gender presentation, etc. I don't even think it has to be "acceptance" per se, we just have to get past our base notions and use our brains a little more. We're so tuned to respond to our base (hunter/gatherer, strangers! protect from sabertooth tigers!) reactions and we engage our brain very little oftentimes. That brain engagement doesn't have to be rationalization or critical thought, it could simply be "stop being so primitive, self!" and let people be people. Once that happens, perhaps enforced social power structures can falter to allow society to be a better place for everyone.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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There are dreams which begin with circumstances as we find them... and fantasies that have no relationship with reality.  I write about me dreams above, but re-reading this today I find myself with a fantasy.  Perhaps it is born in part out of the gender confusion I encountered along the way that may have been connected with how my body developed, but it could be rooted in trauma... I honestly don't know.  But the fantasy is I'm a woman in my mid-twenties with an abundant bosom who loves wearing sexy lingerie and who enjoys the attention it brings her.  She gets to live her life without inhibition.  I can fill out that fantasy in many ways... which don't need to be articulated here... but I'm guessing that men here have enough imagination to get the picture... ::)


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There are dreams which begin with circumstances as we find them... and fantasies that have no relationship with reality.  I write about me dreams above, but re-reading this today I find myself with a fantasy.  Perhaps it is born in part out of the gender confusion I encountered along the way that may have been connected with how my body developed, but it could be rooted in trauma... I honestly don't know.  But the fantasy is I'm a woman in my mid-twenties with an abundant bosom who loves wearing sexy lingerie and who enjoys the attention it brings her.  She gets to live her life without inhibition.  I can fill out that fantasy in many ways... which don't need to be articulated here... but I'm guessing that men here have enough imagination to get the picture... ::)
I would be lying if said I hadn't had a similar dream 🤔


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