Author Topic: I love my boobs 😍  (Read 2754 times)


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Intentionally flaunted meaning more along the lines of trying to make it more than what it actually is. I run 4
miles a day on lunch if when I’m done I take my shirt off to cool off or change shirts I’m not intentionally fainting my B cups I’m simply switching my shirt out my chest is a product of me not my action. If I wear a tank top and my side boob is present I’m not willfully working to show it off I’m just not gonna over heat or be concerned about it in my otherwise typical attire.
If I was mowing my hill and skipping or doing anything to make my breasts move more than they otherwise would than I’d intentionally be flaunting I have boobs by trying to draw attention to the obvious.
I agree, if I had B cups. I used to have B cups. I went braless back then. At a D cup, a tank top would be flaunting in my case. 


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That’s fair lol I’m sure my oh im just hanging out in a tank top would be different if I was absolutely hanging out in a tank top lol 


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That’s fair lol I’m sure my oh im just hanging out in a tank top would be different if I was absolutely hanging out in a tank top lol

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Spent time with a neighbor I've known for thirty years as I was doing my recycling.  I was wearing the brassiere that gives my breasts room to breath but there weren't evident in the dark blue turtleneck I wore with an unbuttoned canvas shirt as the outer layer of clothing.  But I was very aware of my voluptuous breasts.  Neither she nor her friend seemed to notice anything.  It is a funny things loving my own breasts and wanting at the same time to hide them and to show them off.  This is a crazy world in which I live...  When I cup my breasts they more than overflow my fingers.  How did that happen?  ::)


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Spent time with a neighbor I've known for thirty years as I was doing my recycling.  I was wearing the brassiere that gives my breasts room to breath but there weren't evident in the dark blue turtleneck I wore with an unbuttoned canvas shirt as the outer layer of clothing.  But I was very aware of my voluptuous breasts.  Neither she nor her friend seemed to notice anything.  It is a funny things loving my own breasts and wanting at the same time to hide them and to show them off.  This is a crazy world in which I live...  When I cup my breasts they more than overflow my fingers.  How did that happen?  ::)
I don't hide mine anymore 😁
I dressed modestly, but you can tell without looking too hard that my chest is there. 
Everyone has their own comfort level, mine is I don't care if they see them. 
Yeah, I like picking mine up in my hands and holding them up. Kind of neat. 😁

Offline oldguy

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Ehh I say just go with the flow. People only seem to care when we seem to care. I feel if it’s not being pervertedly presented or intentionally flaunted and is just what it is than the notion of what others may see think speak or do is minimized a bit.
Amen.  I just came out to my oldest Daughter.  She knew that my chest was getting bigger.  she didn't realize why.  All is good, until she see me in a bra. we will see.


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Ehh I say just go with the flow. People only seem to care when we seem to care. I feel if it’s not being pervertedly presented or intentionally flaunted and is just what it is than the notion of what others may see think speak or do is minimized a bit.
Amen.  I just came out to my oldest Daughter.  She knew that my chest was getting bigger.  she didn't realize why.  All is good, until she see me in a bra. we will see.
I started not caring and just wearing what's comfortable. I have for the most part been met with nothing but support from almost everyone. Most of the people could care less, even when they notice. If they say anything at all, it's usually something like: "you stopped wearing your bib overalls?", I'll tell them the bib overalls really didn't work and they will agree. 
I did have one rude comments today. But I quickly told him to go to hell. 


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In my experience, people, honestly may or may not notice. As a man, I wore a bra for 30+ years, every day. I seldom heard a comment about it. I even wore tankini to the pool and the beach. For me, it was about being comfortable and confident. Being braless, without support took those things away from me. I know that a bra helps. I also know about the worry. The worry that someone will notice the tell tale signs that you are wearing a bra. The bumps from your strap adjusters, your band clasp, or even the lace and embroidery on your cups, or the fact that you have a strap slip and you reach in your collar to adjust it are all signs that you are wearing a bra. Rest assured, the biggest sign is the two large bumps on the front of your chest, and those are permanent. Your girls should be comfortable. If they are comfortable, you will also be comfortable. I wore a bra as a man, I wore my bras and as a woman I wear my bras. The biggest difference, I wear a skirt and heels, neither of which has anything to do with my chest. 


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In my experience, people, honestly may or may not notice. As a man, I wore a bra for 30+ years, every day. I seldom heard a comment about it. I even wore tankini to the pool and the beach. For me, it was about being comfortable and confident. Being braless, without support took those things away from me. I know that a bra helps. I also know about the worry. The worry that someone will notice the tell tale signs that you are wearing a bra. The bumps from your strap adjusters, your band clasp, or even the lace and embroidery on your cups, or the fact that you have a strap slip and you reach in your collar to adjust it are all signs that you are wearing a bra. Rest assured, the biggest sign is the two large bumps on the front of your chest, and those are permanent. Your girls should be comfortable. If they are comfortable, you will also be comfortable. I wore a bra as a man, I wore my bras and as a woman I wear my bras. The biggest difference, I wear a skirt and heels, neither of which has anything to do with my chest.
Yeah, it's the bumps on the chest people will notice first. And there comes a point in time that those can't be hidden no matter what you do. The bra straps are nothing compared to that.
Accepting the fact that a bra is needed to stay comfortable is a good start. Then learning to embrace and love what you have gives a person peace of mind. 


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Ehh I say just go with the flow. People only seem to care when we seem to care. I feel if it’s not being pervertedly presented or intentionally flaunted and is just what it is than the notion of what others may see think speak or do is minimized a bit.
Amen.  I just came out to my oldest Daughter.  She knew that my chest was getting bigger.  she didn't realize why.  All is good, until she see me in a bra. we will see.
My other daughter in California had decided that gynecomastia does not exist. It is just another name for fatty man boobs. She thinks diet and exercise will completely eliminate it. 
I explained to her that I have had it all my life, even when I was thin. That I get a mammogram every year because I survived breast cancer before she was even born (lumpectomy). That my mammograms show an increase in gynecomastia. 
She is in complete denial, says I have just always had a bigger chest, but it's still just man boobs. Men don't get breasts. 

I guess she is having a hard time digesting it. 🤔

Offline 42CSurprise!

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In this day and age, anyone who has a question about ANYTHING can learn about it online.  If your daughter is incapable of reading I could understand her being so narrow minded.  I've read about this condition on the Mayo Clinic website and a whole host of other resources.  A quick search finds information at the Cleveland Clinic,  Johns Hopkins, as well as the Mayo Clinic.  We all know it is real and so does the medical establishment... though they are inclined to talk about it as a "disease" while we know the hormone stew we live with is simply who we are.

Men here who've lost weight seldom see much reduction in breast size.  Your daughter clearly doesn't know what she's talking about.  Glad your other daughter is with the program.

Offline JoniDee

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Real breast tissue doesn't melt away with weight loss. I went from a 42B to a 36D. So, without a bra I can jiggle with the best of them. ;)



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Real breast tissue doesn't melt away with weight loss. I went from a 42B to a 36D. So, without a bra I can jiggle with the best of them. ;)

Yeah, I have lost inches off my baseline, but kept the same 60" bust. Had to buy new bras, but did not drop in cup size much. I lost a total of 50 lbs as of this morning. I'm grossly overweight, and need to lose almost half my body weight. Although I don't expect my boobs too shrink much in the process. 
They are still sore and sensitive, pretty sure they are still growing. 😍

Offline HeldUp

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Progress is progress, Brdy! Keep it up!

I didn't gain a huge amount of weight over COVID, but I'm 75% sure it was at least a factor in my increase in bust size. Lost 15lbs since this time last year (accidentally!), but can't say I've lost anything across the chest.


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Progress is progress, Brdy! Keep it up!

I didn't gain a huge amount of weight over COVID, but I'm 75% sure it was at least a factor in my increase in bust size. Lost 15lbs since this time last year (accidentally!), but can't say I've lost anything across the chest.
Weight goes on easier than it comes off. 
I have noticed lately that my cups are fitting slightly looser than before. Not a lot, but noticable. 
I do believe I have lost at least a little weight in my boobs. Or my bands are stretching out. 🤔


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