Author Topic: Gynecomastia? I'm confused!  (Read 4700 times)


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On a slightly different note, I've bought some reusable silicone nipple covers from eBay as my nipples are hurting more and if I catch them on something, ouch!  Yesterday I opened a bag of Hula Hoops which was tight, so I pulled the bag open close to my chest.  It burst open and caught both my nipples which hurt lol.
Hello Stevey, 

I thought I was past the point of hurting my nipples, Friday I missed my wheelchair while transferring and knocked it over on its back. I landed with both breasts hitting the front of the seat. Ouch!

I feel your pain Stevey!

Glad your trip went well, and all in all things are great here. Going in for an ultrasound today and had blood drawn on Friday. Doctor examined me as well on Friday and thinks I might have been mis-gendered. There might possibly be more plumbing down there than is apparent from the outside. He agrees that I am most definitely intersex.

Off to get ready


Offline stevey

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Hi Birdie

Blimey!  That must have hurt!  Are you feeling any better now or are you bruised?  I feel your pain too (eek)

Is that what the ultrasound is for?  To check how much 'plumbing' is down there?  Does the diagnosis of intersex change anything for you, or are you well past that stage?  Probably the latter I guess.

Do let us know how you get on.

I'm seeing the trick cyclist (psychiatrist) later on this afternoon to discuss my breasts, sorry I mean drugs so see what she thinks.  I'm guessing she'll agree to change my meds for something else.  I have no idea how long it would take after withdrawal of an offending medication for you to see improvement.

This afternoon I'm picking up my our new car as our old one went to car heaven :-).

That's it for now, but if you want to, let us know how you get on.




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Hi Birdie

Blimey!  That must have hurt!  Are you feeling any better now or are you bruised?  I feel your pain too (eek)

Is that what the ultrasound is for?  To check how much 'plumbing' is down there?  Does the diagnosis of intersex change anything for you, or are you well past that stage?  Probably the latter I guess.

Do let us know how you get on.

I'm seeing the trick cyclist (psychiatrist) later on this afternoon to discuss my breasts, sorry I mean drugs so see what she thinks.  I'm guessing she'll agree to change my meds for something else.  I have no idea how long it would take after withdrawal of an offending medication for you to see improvement.

This afternoon I'm picking up my our new car as our old one went to car heaven :-).

That's it for now, but if you want to, let us know how you get on.


Yes, I'm way past the stage of where a diagnosis really matters. I would say that I'm mostly curious as just how much plumbing has been hiding out.

I have known for quite some time that I am intersex simply because of how everything looked from the outside. Things just have never looked normal down there, I do have a severe case of micro-penis that I was born with. 

The doctor did a closer examination and determined intersex as well, we are simply confirming the extent now. 
It would also explain my strange hormone levels according to my doctor. Something has been producing estrogen.

My fall was quite hard, I am bruised all over. I will of course be just fine. I'll keep you posted on how my appointment with the doctor goes today. 




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Hi Birdie

Blimey!  That must have hurt!  Are you feeling any better now or are you bruised?  I feel your pain too (eek)

Is that what the ultrasound is for?  To check how much 'plumbing' is down there?  Does the diagnosis of intersex change anything for you, or are you well past that stage?  Probably the latter I guess.

Do let us know how you get on.

I'm seeing the trick cyclist (psychiatrist) later on this afternoon to discuss my breasts, sorry I mean drugs so see what she thinks.  I'm guessing she'll agree to change my meds for something else.  I have no idea how long it would take after withdrawal of an offending medication for you to see improvement.

This afternoon I'm picking up my our new car as our old one went to car heaven :-).

That's it for now, but if you want to, let us know how you get on.


Yes, I'm way past the stage of where a diagnosis really matters. I would say that I'm mostly curious as just how much plumbing has been hiding out.

I have known for quite some time that I am intersex simply because of how everything looked from the outside. Things just have never looked normal down there, I do have a severe case of micro-penis that I was born with.

The doctor did a closer examination and determined intersex as well, we are simply confirming the extent now.
It would also explain my strange hormone levels according to my doctor. Something has been producing estrogen.

My fall was quite hard, I am bruised all over. I will of course be just fine. I'll keep you posted on how my appointment with the doctor goes today.


As promised I'm providing an update. I have PMDS, so I am basically intersex. I have extra parts since birth, hypogonadism, and others things. 
Nothing to treat, and a normal prognosis. 
Everything explains my hormone levels where they are. Also really explains my breasts and curves!
The diagnosis means very little to me other than the prognosis as being good. 


Offline taxmapper

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makes me wonder. 


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makes me wonder.
Might want to get checked?

I guess I have a uterus and fallopian tubes. I kind of knew something was up, ultrasound just confirmed it and why. 

Offline taxmapper

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Did you have something that felt similar to a low level cramp or discomfort inside? 

I have had that most of my adult life. 

i had an undecended teste removed at 17 to join the Army, and they attempted to push it down when I was three and indicated a hernia. 
PMDS has those symptoms. 

but just as I was gearing up to see a doctor, we got told by the county that we are again switching health insurance coverage. 

back to my old unfav. UHC. 


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Yes, I have had low level cramps all my life that was always written off as Irritable bowel syndrome.  


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Did you have something that felt similar to a low level cramp or discomfort inside?

I have had that most of my adult life.

i had an undecended teste removed at 17 to join the Army, and they attempted to push it down when I was three and indicated a hernia.
PMDS has those symptoms.

but just as I was gearing up to see a doctor, we got told by the county that we are again switching health insurance coverage.

back to my old unfav. UHC.
I have read your story and followed it attentively simply because much of what you have described were my symptoms. About the only thing I never had was the undescended teste. 
I would have to agree that you seem to have all the symptoms and should be checked out. 

If that turns out to be the case, your body is quite used to high levels of estrogen, and as our hormone levels naturally drop it will throw you into menopause. Perimenopause will make you estrogen dominate, and you would see a growth spree first, from my understanding. 

Offline stevey

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Hi Birdie

Sorry I haven't posted up for a couple of days - things have been busy lol.  Also I'm off to see my daughter tomorrow for 10 days so that's a 6 hour journey on the train which I'll enjoy as I have plenty of films on my phone :-)

I'm taking my laptop so will post up while I'm away.  I had to google PMSD to find out what it was.  Is there anything that happens next for your diagnosis, or is that the end of the road for you?

I saw the gyne consultant today and she confirmed it had advanced and thickened.  They are just going to monitor it every 3 months now and see how it goes with the option of surgery if it progresses too far.

That's it now, just a quickie, as the actress said to the bishop (showing my age) :-)

Keep Smilin'



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 I had to google PMSD to find out what it was.  Is there anything that happens next for your diagnosis, or is that the end of the road for you?
Hi Steve,

Diagnosed and moving on, accepting what I already knew deep down anyway.
Diagnosis means I have some items I didn't know about, and they have been busy creating estrogen. It answers a lot of questions, but doesn't change anything. Nearing 60, my hormones are naturally lowering, and I might need hormone therapy soon. Which direction I go, that is a given. 💃
I'm glad I pressured my doctor to investigate the obvious. Intersex has been mentioned many times, but never investigated properly until now.
Glad to hear that your have the option for surgery if needed. If that is what makes you comfortable you should pursue it. Amazed the medical system there covers it. 🤔
Yes, keep in touch!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2023, 06:40:38 AM by 💁Birdie💖 »

Offline stevey

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Hi Birdie

Does it feel good to have the diagnosis for what you felt was right all those years?  I'm guessing you've been ignored for a long time.

How are your bruises from your fall?  Better I hope.  Yes you have to put pressure on doctors sometimes as they don't accept what you are saying.  When I say put pressure on, what I mean is stick a rocket up their *rse lol.

Nearly 60?  You're just a bit of a kid.  I'm 64 lol but probably no wiser :-)

Yes I was gobsmacked when she said I could have surgery if it worsens or is still painful.  I do hope she's right!

I felt a little under the weather today as I was forced to drink whisky last night lol.  Never again until the next time :-)

Ok that's it, just a quickie, but I'm sure I'll find time to post up while away.  I'll just tranquilise the grandchildren first!  Grandad, can we go to the park now? lol

Keep Smilin'



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Does it feel good to have the diagnosis for what you felt was right all those years?  I'm guessing you've been ignored for a long time.
Hello Stevey,

You know, I don't really feel better at all.

I know lots of questions were answered, and the doctor feels much better after he finally wrapped his head around things. 
I have not changed anything in the least. 
I could tell from the outside that things were not right. And it has been mentioned in lots of doctor's visits. So the extent of the situation was the only thing  discovered. 
Leaves me a bit more confused actually. Where do I go from here?

Other than "intersex" and identifying as the person I always felt I was, medically the implications are still a bit vague.

If you count the mammaries I'm more female than male, so why can't the doctor write me a letter stating that? Why the friction on using the ladies room? They can call me Birdie, but they can't change my records to reflect much more than adding intersex.
It's like I'm just back to business as usual in the eyes of the medical staff. Assigned male at birth and that's all I'll ever be too them. 😐

Oh, and bruises are about gone now. I tell them I'm all healed up and ready for another tumble. 🤣

If your whiskey left you a bit under the weather, it's not any that I made. Mine goes down smooth and doesn't provide much of a hangover at all. 
Of course I no longer distill whiskey, but I have some of the old stuff from years ago lurking around. 150 proof and aged. 


Offline stevey

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Hi Birdie

I'm sorry the diagnosis didn't help.  The same kind of issue you talk about are prevalent here in the UK.  Mostly the news talks about gender reassignment, but I think it brings up the same kind of issues you are talking about.

I did a bit of googling and found this site:

I dunno if that's of interest to you, or even if it's the same in the USA.

It sounds like your doctors are still stuck in the same old binary way of thinking.  No wonder it's taken them some time to come to grips with your issues.

Sorry it's left you confused, but I can tell you where to go from here.  Just carry on as normal.  You sound quite happy with your life, so appreciate and enjoy that :-)

Or did you mean from a medical standpoint?

I kind of gave up on my quest for  full hormone work-up, but think I might ask my doc for one, just to rule out any medical conditions that have caused my gyne.

Well, off to the builder's yard to buy sand as my daughter's partner is building a brick shed.

Your whisky sounds scrummy.  I'll give you my home address in the UK and you could post me some :-)  I'll pay the postage lol.

Glad your bruises are better, but don't do it again!

Keep Smilin'




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Yes Stevey, my hopes of having the Texas medical doctors agreeing with me are rather slim. 
I need a court order here in Texas to have my gender changed in official documents. That of course will need a letter from a doctor or something. Something I can take to the courthouse. 
So far I have seen a psychiatrist and my doctor as well. Both are convinced that I was correctly gendered and nothing needs to be done other than "accepting things myself". 
The only thing I have achieved is the official diagnosis of PMDS added to my records. The doctor feels there are only two genders, and your are "usually" one or the other based off your chromosomes. My chromosomes are very clear and without some of the defects known to exist.

It's time I just accept things for what's it's worth. My official documents are not going to change, but that doesn't mean I can't identify as a woman personally. 


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