Author Topic: Heartless bullying needs to stop!  (Read 3292 times)


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I posted this down below but I am adding it here because those of you that are kind and care need to know why so many who share their thoughts here are leaving. I too will be leaving as soon as I finish up a few things. I am beyond sad over this and I am heartbroken for my friend Birdy. I am just so disappointed right now.

Here is the quote from Delboy.

"I don’t do any martial art at all but its great to find a post any post at all that birdie hasn’t commented on at least three times"

I hope you are proud of yourself Delboy because of your rude comment Birdy has left this group! Does it bring you pleasure to tear someone down who is just trying to live his life with a few friends?

I am so disgusted with a few people here for how they have behaved and how little they cared for someone that was just a kind human being! So go ahead and laugh all you want Delboy I am sure your 5 posts will be able to make up for someone that posted daily. Could you not see this was more to him than just a group, it was how he spent his day and it gave him enjoyment, it gave him meaning! Birdy loved coming in and sharing his day with us, and all from a wheelchair I might add!

So I hope those few (and you know exactly who you are) are proud of yourselves because you have run off many a good person.

This will be my last post because I was almost out the door from someone messaging me and threatening to expose my email!

I hope you’re happy with yourselves. I am not as nice as Birdy so I am not going to wish you luck, I'm gonna tell you to GO TO HELL!

To those that have been friends here I am sorry. But you folks need to get control of those that gleefully bully those that just are sharing their hearts with this group. 


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To the small minded trolling bigots, LEAVE! You are not welcome here. I don't care if you think it is "just a joke" to you. You obviously have no concept of how to be a decent human or to read a room! I can understand almost any difference in people, with the exception of bullies and those that intentionally cause harm. I will not even acknowledge your existence or any of your posts. You simply do not exist in the realm of people worth attempting to educate beyond this post.

(spelling edit)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2023, 12:20:12 AM by p.r.1974 »

Offline taxmapper

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Well isnt this just lovely. 

A few evil demons and trolls come in an blow this up because they think its funny. 
Great going. 

Offline taxmapper

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Its sickning that someone with  posts was able to drive off two people over wds. 

But i guss this is what happens without moderation. 


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No, this is what happens when people refuse to be decent humans. It is a forum, all we have is words, emojis, and links. No tone of voice, no vocal hints, no body language, and for most no real life relations with others that may give some explanation. 

I have a darker sense of humor, but I know better than to expect those that I do not know, or have come to know in pm's to get it. So, I filter to not unintentionally offend. A lesson delboy may have been shown, though I doubt it.

Offline WPW717

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Regards, Bob


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What did I miss ?
Delboy apparently never learned rule 1 - Don't be a D. Charli and Birdie have decided that enough is enough. I am unaware of any pm's. that may have taken things further.

Offline WPW717

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Just spent some time looking about

Found Birdy and Steve conversations 
Nothing untoward there

Haven’t figured out the search function yet on this Apple phone yet
So not able to locate Delboy posts 

Thanks for the info 

Offline WPW717

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Found referenced Delboy remarks 

I thought it had become eerily quiet here for a while

Did all this happen in Private messages?

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Very sorry to hear this.  Birdy added a great deal to this website.  He's a lovely person who was definitely finding his way.

I participate in a 12 Step fellowship that has increasingly relied on virtual meetings utilizing Zoom.  There are miscreants who seem to take pleasure in "bombing" meetings, often with graphic sexual content.  It was initially very disturbing to members but gradually we learned how to better protect the meetings and limit the damage that can be done.  I was wondering what happened to Birdy.  There must have been more than simply a few testy exchanges on the board.  We've had those in the past and always seemed to survive.

Will miss you Birdy.  This place will once again return to sleep... or a very slow walk in the park.

Offline Herbert

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This is unfortunate but a reality we live in today.  Bullying is becoming more prevalent and unchecked in our society. A bad apple can spread decay to the whole bushel of apples if not removed.  This forum provides a deeper therapy for most members than just talking about boobs and bras. The forum helps us understand that our thoughts and feelings are not strange or uncommon. However we need to stand our ground and not yield to the disgusting bullies. If all the good people left, what remains? Hopefully the good people that have left will come back. The bulling actions need to be called out and eventually they will move on to other willing targets. 

I am sure there are others that can better express this.  

Offline FredL

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Birdie has been posting frequently. That's good. Discussion forums need people who start threads and keep threads going. Without these people, forums slow down to a halt. People don't want to post because they think no one is replying. I've been a moderator in a couple of forums, one being a huge website for a classic rock star. I've seen it all. Because of the way forums are, people start to overlook the fact that it's just a bunch of scattered people. It's easy for someone to see a post and think that it represents the whole forum.

This person with 5 posts called Delboy made a post that concluded with a snarky comment calling out Birdie for posting frequently. It was a bad post. It added nothing to the discussion about Martial Arts other than to let us know that he doesn't practice. As if anyone cares. Why bother posting at all?

Birdie and Charli, I think you should forget about Delboy and come back to the forum. Delboy does not represent anyone but himself. He certainly doesn't represent the people you have been posting with. Come back and know that people here have your back. Start a new account with a similar name and people will know it's you. 

Offline Busty

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Birdy and Charli made major contributions to this forum 

Offline blad

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Leaving the site is not an effective strategy to combat bullying. Only ignoring them and continuing with posting good content sidelines them. frankly, just exclaiming I’m leaving is a little bit childish. Stick in there and fight.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline tryingtoaccept

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I don’t post much anymore after my diagnosis of Pseudo and not true gyno but I just had to post on this.  I hate bullies and really hate to see people leave because of them. I enjoyed reading the comments by Birdie and Charli and will miss them.  I hope they reconsider their decision to leave.
Redfox 🦊


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