Author Topic: Need your advices  (Read 1998 times)

Offline pompom

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Hello All..
Firstly, I feel very fortunate to come accross something like this. All the while I felt i was the only one in the world with this problem. I am yet to read most of teh forums but, it definitely pushed my morale. I am 25 yrs old and I think its high time to get surgery done. However i dont ahve any idea as to what shoudl be done prior to that like consulting doctors etc. I also lead an active life style, I work out regularly but even then it never really helped me cut down my gyne. I am  currently staying in Ohio and would like to get the surgery done in Michigan or in Ohio. I live close to Ann Arbor and I was wondering if anyone could give me clues regarding doctors etc. I also looked at Dr. Jacobs website, I really liked his work but not sure how much he will cahrge. And also I wont be able to spend a lot but can afford a decent price. Please look through my pics and suggest me your advices. I greatly appreciate your input. Thank you.

Pics :

Offline bignipCT

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i know someone is going to respond with dont put a price on the surgery that will change you for life. prices seem to range from personally id save for the best doctor then get a shytty job....i think all the info is on the main page first go to the doc then to a endo doctor for blood work to see what the cause is, then research ur doctors, how many they do in a year etc....some vets will come in an answer better
« Last Edit: November 30, 2005, 05:40:44 PM by bignipCT »

Offline Paa_Paw

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First you need to be sure that your gynecomastia is not a symptom of something else.  This usually means a trip to the Doctor, some Lab work and a referral to an Endocrinologist.  

Then, presuming that everything is OK, a referral to a surgeon if that is your choice.

Good luck.
Grandpa Dan


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