Author Topic: Caught with bra strap/outline  (Read 2929 times)

Offline Johndoe1

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I stopped actively trying to hide years ago. At my size hiding is ridiculous as my girls can't be hidden anymore than a woman can hide her chest. I started to notice how women dressed their chests and found they drew attention away from their busts with patterns and colors, materials, layers, cuts of clothing and lack of jewelry that draws attention to the chest. That's a point for wearing jewelry,  draw attention to something. I also solicited suggestions from two very close women friends who know and I got good ideas from them. I took all this information, distilled it down to things workable for me and started to "hide in plain sight", a tactic larger busted women do. So far hardly anyone notices. Far less than used to. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Justagirl💃

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Being 'caught is part of the mentality of doing something 'wrong '. 
With bras we have to find different vocabulary. We only get caught if we are trying to hide.
Most people won't  notice  those that do will satisfy their curiosity in one way or another. Kids can be cruel but adults move on quickly when they 'know.'

Very early  on in my bra life I started leaving an extra shirt button open rather than doing an extra one up. That way  I  got more confident  faster. Any close or lingering  unwelcome encounters were met with "Yes I am wearing  a bra ".
One way or another that seemed to sort it"
I found as long as I was "hiding" my breasts I would feel preoccupied about my breasts thoughout the day.
The liberating point in my life was the morning I decided that I "love my breasts", and put them out there for the world to see them.
Of course that caused some problems at the day-centre I attend, but that is their problem and only minimally mine.
We all don't fit into square boxes, in fact very few within the population do. Most of us hit somewhere scattered about the standard gender boxes to varying degrees. In reality, "normal" (average) would be outside of the boxes rather than within them.
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline gotgyne

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Some weeks ago I started the thread "This morning at the supermarket".
Since then I was at least every two days buying there fresh fruits, vegetables and other food articles. I always wore such relatively tight-fitting shirts as the one in the picture. The same this Friday at noon. The supermarket was full of people and I had to stand in the row at the checkout. My wide bra straps and the wide back band with 3x3 hooks and eyes are visible through my blue or green shirts, but I never got any reaction. It seems that most people are so much self-centered that they don't look in such a way that they would notice it. It is about 85 F for many days, so I'm glad to wear my armless shirts. Nothing has ever happened.

A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Some weeks ago I started the thread "This morning at the supermarket".
Since then I was at least every two days buying there fresh fruits, vegetables and other food articles. I always wore such relatively tight-fitting shirts as the one in the picture. The same this Friday at noon. The supermarket was full of people and I had to stand in the row at the checkout. My wide bra straps and the wide back band with 3x3 hooks and eyes are visible through my blue or green shirts, but I never got any reaction. It seems that most people are so much self-centered that they don't look in such a way that they would notice it. It is about 85 F for many days, so I'm glad to wear my armless shirts. Nothing has ever happened.
Back when I was in boy-mode I spent decades trying to hide my breasts. Had I had known that "people just don't care" I could have saved myself a lot of distress. 

Now, I'm expected to be wearing a bra and I wear it proudly. 💃

Those of you concerned about your man-boobs, don't worry. People are too busy with their own lives to care. 😉

Offline Gino

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Anyone ever been caught or been told by a significant other/friend that they can see your bra straps or outline?

I’ve accepted mentally that it’s something I physically need and wear one 7days a week. But I still do try to conceal well and am sometimes wondering I wonder if anyone saw or noticed .
I think I'll always be in a deep concealment mode. I wear unlined, non-padded, non pushup bras, mostly to insulate my sensitive nips from rubbing on clothing. 

That said, I found very few front hook bras which are totally unlined so the rear hook style is necessary. To conceal the hooks, I wear a tee shirt and a short sleeve button down over shirt which conceals the hardware nicely but since I leave my shirt partially unbuttoned on more than one occasion my GF has mentioned that the top of my bra cups are showing and I had to lift my undershirt up :-)

Offline TracyH

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My wife has checked me several times and she always claims to see it. I tell her that she can see it because she knows that it is there. If it is visible I don't really care most of the time. 



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