Author Topic: Glad to be back and wondering  (Read 1562 times)


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First let me say a thank you to those who I have prodded me (very gently) to return.
I just hope that others won't regret it.  I am aware that in some ways I  was just too open and Frank. I am proud to have been a small part of conversations that allowed others to really own and express their inner feelings. I do regret the furore that was unleashed  and that led to the forum being almost  moribund  and  being deserted.
Tell me gently if  I push things too far, I  can be reasonable!!

Now the  wondering ....and the risk
There is a place for sharing and admiring bra photos but can get to be little more an incestuous circle .I  believe many folk here are well beyond bras and womens clothing of most kinds some for comfort and perhaps many for a host of other reasons. Estrogen is very powerful and messes with the whole of our being.

Here in the UK last week was an early dose of autumn and had me rummaging around for my tights (panty hose) - yes, I wear them and 80% of the time with a skirt.  I do not have a makeup fetish, but having used lipsalve for many years I've found that the right lippy (personally fairly discrete) is far better and longer lasting.
Many women's perfumes are not over floral(what if they are?) and there is far more choice.
I would be interested and perhaps challenged by where the journey that started with gynecomastia is taking you.
For the record and before knives are sharpened, when faced with and officia form , I have no hesitation in ticking the Male box. I have no interest in passing myself off as a woman. However, personality profiling that has been done for professional  and other reasons during my life have always placed me 75 -80%on the feminine side of thinking. This I unashamedly embrace and enjoy  as a God given gift. I cannot deny what God and his hormones have made me.
Always respect to all others even if I disagree with them.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2023, 12:45:33 AM by Upfront »

Offline Justagirl💃

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I would be interested and perhaps challenged by where the journey that started with gynecomastia is taking you.
For the record and before knives are sharpened, when faced with and official I have no hesitation in ticking the Male box. I have no interest in passing myself off as a woman. 
Strange how the similarities and and differences abound within each and everyone of us. 

I personally have no intention of checking the "male" box anymore, but the lippy is right up my alley.  

I was just talking about this with my hairdresser as she asked if I had always been "curvy". Of course some of us are, and it's just how we're born. My teens brought rather feminine features that shocked my parents to say the least, and testosterone treatments were prescribed to try and remedy it. Those treatments only postponed the inevitable. 

The journey is inspired by the estrogen highway that we all traverse, and where and how far we go is quite individual. 

When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

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Oh, of course....

"Welcome back mate!"

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Well again, I am still in the slightly angoginyous zone with a male leaning. 

I do however now wear almost exclusively women's pants for the fit. 
Bras yes and women's shoes but for a diff. reason. 

Wedge shapes have kept my ominously flat feet and lower lumbar from hurting. 
(Something I discovered by accident.) 

I am now deeply appealed to shoes and if it weren't for social norms as they are would probably be walking around with a pair of stiletto boots. 

Make up? 

prob. not. 

Hair, down below my shoulders at this point and not stopping. 

I have a small amount of roundness in the face and my outer thighs are taking on the familiar female shape. 
Just wish the butt would follow. 

In time things may play out differently that I thought, but the point is there. 

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It's fair to say that the "fog" rolls in more than I'm prepared for. How it presents itself and how the brain reacts to indulging it is a constant surprise.

Offline Justagirl💃

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It's fair to say that the "fog" rolls in more than I'm prepared for. How it presents itself and how the brain reacts to indulging it is a constant surprise.
Acceptance of all natural changes is the only option that is available to us. 😉

Offline 42CSurprise!

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This topic has been approached many times on this side of the website, especially in the last year or two, which is heartening given the reality the estrogen that gives us budding breasts is working in every part of our bodies and our minds.  I understand that not every man here is prepared to accept that they are moving toward the feminine side of the gender continuum but we all are.  Before we can embrace that reality and allow it to be reflected in our presentation we must learn to accept it.  I'm happy that there has been so much openness to the possibilities.

How we present ourselves to the world is a very personal thing.  We don't live in isolation and most of us are deeply invested in a wide range of relationships.  Here we can let it all hang out, but that generally is not the case in other parts of our lives.  I appreciate that for some this journey can lead ever closer to transitioning.  Sophie made the choice to go all the way.  I admire that and have great respect for how she shares her journey on these threads.  I appreciate that Birdie has always resided in the ambiguous world between the two sexes and is now allowing herself to inhabit the one that feels true.  All good.

Personally, I feel settled in being male but I'm much enamored with breasts and brassieres.  I think that is evident from what I share on this board... including a great many photos of my voluptuous bosom.  That said, I'm content with exploring that world here and when on my own.  I don't feel the need to wear a brassiere all the time and though I have worn eye makeup which highlights my long curving eyelashes and deep blue eyes... that was years ago when I was playing with crossdressing.  Even then I had a full beard which has been a companion for many decades.  I'm not about to shave now... so I'll continue as I have.  At the same time I'll continue to be supportive of what others choose to do with the reality of breasts growing on their chest.  Wherever you go and however you choose to express yourself I'll celebrate with you.  :)

« Last Edit: September 06, 2023, 04:52:03 PM by 42CSurprise! »

Offline Justagirl💃

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 Wherever you go and however you choose to express yourself I'll celebrate with you.  :)
Yes, my full support in all those searching to find themselves on this estrogen highway. 

Offline HeldUp

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The way my brain works, which I'm sure is not completely unique, makes me think how inane it is for people to keep struggling to build societal boxes and then desire to exist in them. Mostly because those boxes aren't sturdy and usually based off of dated tradition or oppression (or tradition based off oppression!). The common person isn't allowed to or cannot exist in a world of spectrum; to be accepted, things must be, off/on, man/woman. Does a man exploring more traditional "feminine" behaviors make them feminine/a woman or simply "more feminine"? For many, it doesn't matter, you're an aberration and a threat. Why? Simply because they have been conditioned to not accept behavior that exists outside their boxes.

I find adaptability to be one of the most rare traits in humans; for a species that survived/thrived due to its adaptability it's interesting how bad we are at being actively adaptive.

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Offline Justagirl💃

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The way my brain works, which I'm sure is not completely unique, makes me think how inane it is for people to keep struggling to build societal boxes and then desire to exist in them. Mostly because those boxes aren't sturdy and usually based off of dated tradition or oppression (or tradition based off oppression!). The common person isn't allowed to or cannot exist in a world of spectrum; to be accepted, things must be, off/on, man/woman. Does a man exploring more traditional "feminine" behaviors make them feminine/a woman or simply "more feminine"? For many, it doesn't matter, you're an aberration and a threat. Why? Simply because they have been conditioned to not accept behavior that exists outside their boxes.

I find adaptability to be one of the most rare traits in humans; for a species that survived/thrived due to its adaptability it's interesting how bad we are at being actively adaptive.
I haven't been "black and white" since birth. Society has struggled with my existence much like all others like me because we don't physically fit on either end of the gender spectrum.

So basically, whatever the physician decided upon at birth is what I'm held to by the closed minded. Right or wrong.

Offline HeldUp

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Even very educated people can be traditionalist, hateful, and exclusionary. Education is surely a gateway to enlightenment, but I have not seen it as a singular force for accepting humanity in its many shapes and forms. I'm not trying to be contrary, I think education is spectacularly important in all aspects of life.

Offline HeldUp

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I haven't been "black and white" since birth. Society has struggled with my existence much like all others like me because we don't physically fit on either end of the gender spectrum.

So basically, whatever the physician decided upon at birth as what I'm held to buy the closed minded. Right or wrong.
There are so many exceptions! Just participating in this forum, we're exceptions. There are so many variations in humanity that to think exclusively in binary is frustrating to me. I totally understand the tribal desires that put us here, it insulates us and "keeps us safe" (from thinking outside ourselves). But it also creates walls, hate, and violence.

Anyhoo...I'm just glad there are people having open conversations here.


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Walls are not the problem. 
I have no problem as long as they are built to include people.
Sadly they often built for the opposite reason and to keep people 'safe' within their own prejudices. 

Offline taxmapper

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Even very educated people can be traditionalist, hateful, and exclusionary. Education is surely a gateway to enlightenment, but I have not seen it as a singular force for accepting humanity in its many shapes and forms. I'm not trying to be contrary, I think education is spectacularly important in all aspects of life.
If I asked you about the connection between the Chaldean peoples and the current conflict in Syria, do you think you could answer that?

Serious question, not a 'gotya" approach. 

I ask that because you might be able to quickly answer, research or just say nope. 

then if I asked if you could answer me how the Chaldeans and the current conflict in Ukraine are connected you might think I am way out there. 

Regardless, I state education because much of education is based on teaching values and opinion to the young to keep the current society going. 

The number of videos that I have watched of young kids having a time with young animals (innocents know innocence) thing is a play that most do not grasp outside the 'awww" "Time Line Cleanse" moment. 

But most do not realize that interactions with things are absorbed by children instantly and they learn your behaviors. 
So much of what the 'struggle' is at this time is taught.  Ergo: Education. 

How many times have you seen the meme where mom is embarrassed when their kid in the shopping cart yells out..."get of the way you F* A*-hole!"

That is education! 


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