Author Topic: This is me  (Read 62823 times)

Offline JJ_Gyne

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OMG... this is attempt 2 at writing my intro. So hopefully I remember most of my word smithing from attempt 1.

Start off by typing out the obligatory "Long time lurker, first time poster" message just so I can say, been there done that have the t-shirt.

Next, I begin(again) with the backstory:
When I look back with enlightened eyes, I can easily identify periods in my childhood that might have indicated that I would end up where I am with what I have. The name calling, the teasing, your boobs are bigger than my sisters, all the crap that I would rather forget but some reason those are the memories I retain. I even recall a point where my mother (Nurse) palpated my breasts but didn't give me a reason as to why.

Regardless of all those bad memories of my mammaries. The testosterone I did have, (don’t know if it was an issue as was never tested), but it finally kicked in and I eventually developed into your typically run of the mill average joe character. Not a six pack, roid rage gym jock, nor a sedentary, morbidly obese bloke. Just average, fit, 6'2" broad shouldered dude. I worked on a farm did normal things. Went to college, love, marriage, kids, career... "normal". At least as in definition to we all have been brainwashed into believing what the definition of normal is.

Then Fall of 2019... Something is wrong... My nipples are always erect and feel off. I mention this to my wife and I make an appt. Doc runs bloodwork and returns nothing out of the ordinary. Even the notes say "No Evidence of gynecomastia", which at the time I didn't even know was a word. So, I monitor, things do not get better. In 6 months’, time I can feel lumps under my nipple and the sensitivity is escalating. The rub of even a t-shirts fabric is an annoyance. My areolas are puffy at times. I go back in. mammogram number 1 performed. Guess what "EVIDENCE of gynecomastia" E hormone above average for a male my age, T 3 times the highest normal level, SHBG almost 4 times normal high-end value. All other bloodwork is fine no evidence markers for any tumor activity that would mess with my endocrine system. Doc has no answers.

Surgery is offered. I go through consultation but am rejected for insurance and turned away even though it was a course of action being suggested by the docs. I talk it over with my wife. She is confused as am I but after other options for concealment, we arrive at the conclusion that maybe I should try a few sports bras. Life goes on things progress. I continue having bloodwork my hormones seem to spike inexplicably from time to time most noticeably in the fall. My wife informs me that its time I moved into something else after I mention things are uncomfortable and at this point its pointless to deny her reasoning.

I try to be discrete but there is no denying what I have from whatever reasons. It’s hard to conceal the fact I am a 44yr old man with 38-D, 40-C breasts.

That’s about it.
I thank you all for sharing your insights and stories on this site. Its nice to know there are others in the same situation coming to grips with acceptance of the hand we were dealt for whatever reason it may be.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Welcome aboard JJ!

You look great and definitely a member of the club. 

Your story resonates with many others on the site, and we'll all be happy to converse with your about everything including the other changes that happen emotionally as the breasts grow. 💞

The estrogen dominance does it's magic, and it's much more than just boobs. 

Again, welcome aboard! 💞🤗💞
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline WPW717

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I suggest you stay on top of this situation with your doctor.

I followed a similar trajectory you and they tried to brush me off .  I think it was ‘ your getting old, Bob’. Being a senior citizen on Medicare didn’t help.

If you’re a lurker maybe you have stumbled across my submissions.

I spent considerable effort to get them to explore my complaints and long story short, we found no reason for T & E levels to drop to zero rapidly, a parathyroid gland tumor ( remedied by surgery ) and most recently started on chemotherapy for a brain tumor. It is a Prolactinoma, not malignant.

I believe it is a result of a vaccine injury ( Covid ) . No one here wants to address me in conversation about this but outside of the clinic they are in some concurrence.

Were you vaccinated? It all started for me with your story in 2021.

Regards, Bob

Offline Moobzie

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From WPW717:
"I believe it is a result of a vaccine injury ( Covid ) . No one here wants to address me in conversation about this but outside of the clinic they are in some concurrence."

I also haven't mentioned the 'big elephant in the room everyone is afraid to acknowledge'.  I have a brother who is now physiologically trashed, post-vax.  He had other conditions, so possibly the kung-flu vax exacerbated it.  A lot of knowns and way too many, many unknowns for me to risk it - esp with my health condition.

Offline WPW717

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Only had the first 2

I remember remarking to my wife it’s amazing to develop a vaccine that fast
but I thought it was due to the new mRNA technology. This stuck in my memory as I am well aware how fast a coronavirus/ rhinovirus can mutate.
To my chagrin much later I was alarmed to find out that it didn’t stand for messenger RNA but it meant modified RNA. AND that the purity of the RNA was at least 40% fragmented.

It is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy!
The corksoakers lied to us. Didn’t take the second set, but my sister did and she went down to hell physically for 2 weeks with her stable MS.

Ergo, I don’t trust much anymore from the g’ovt.

Offline WPW717

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Time for a survey??

Offline Justagirl💃

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From WPW717:
"I believe it is a result of a vaccine injury ( Covid ) . No one here wants to address me in conversation about this but outside of the clinic they are in some concurrence."

I also haven't mentioned the 'big elephant in the room everyone is afraid to acknowledge'.  I have a brother who is now physiologically trashed, post-vax.  He had other conditions, so possibly the kung-flu vax exacerbated it.  A lot of knowns and way too many, many unknowns for me to risk it - esp with my health condition.
I also took the first set. Right after the first set I found myself in the ER with kidney failure (blood work just months prior showed healthy kidneys). 

They called my daughter to let her know I most likely wasn't going to make it, but I mysteriously pulled through. My kidneys were at stage 4 kidney failure leaving the hospital and have very slowly returned back to normal. 

They have tried to convince me to take booster shots and I have declined them all. I have had Coved 4 times already and still doing fine. 

Offline taxmapper

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Not to explore the COVID stuff much for alot of reasons. 

i never got jabbed (at least with my consent), and have had no other outbreaks other than the long COVID symptoms. 
No other days sick, except a severe case of goveovereachites with a healthy dose of unconstitutionalpalitaplasty-nervosa. 

It affects everyone differently, and i would not be suprised that it caused a drop in T and boosted te E because the morons in charge are digging for sterilization of the population. 

Guess the chemtrailes didnt work. 

Offline Evolver

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Welcome aboard, @JJ_Gyne! Your story, although uniquely yours, has some commonality with many others here.

@WP717, sorry to hear about your health issues post vaccination, whether you believe it is causation or whether it is really just a correlation.

Covid is no longer a global pandemic even though plenty of people are still dying from it or are in hospital because of it. There is probably enough anecdotal, scientific and more importantly, empirical evidence to ruminate whether vaccines were worthwhile or not. Gents, may I suggest that a new thread be started in the Lounge to deal with this? It would be a shame to continue hijacking JJ's thread.

Offline Johndoe1

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Welcome JJ. And welcome to the "club". There are many of us. Much more than you see here. Keep on top of your situation, but if it turns out your classic gynecomastia, and surgery is not an option, bras are not a bad thing. As someone with DD size breasts and a bra wearer for years, you can live a great life, as a man with breasts. We all do it daily.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline blad

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From WPW717:
"I believe it is a result of a vaccine injury ( Covid ) . No one here wants to address me in conversation about this but outside of the clinic they are in some concurrence."

I also haven't mentioned the 'big elephant in the room everyone is afraid to acknowledge'.  I have a brother who is now physiologically trashed, post-vax.  He had other conditions, so possibly the kung-flu vax exacerbated it.  A lot of knowns and way too many, many unknowns for me to risk it - esp with my health condition.
The problem with pseudo medical science:

Person gets a medical procedure, (vaccine),

Person develops something later---thus it must be the medical procedure, (vaccine).

Shazam, a new conspiracy theory is born.

The elephant in the room is not a vaccine, it is conspiracy theories. Let's stick to real science and real news as anything else is harmful. If there are problems then real science and real epidemiology studies will figure it out. 

If you are going to criticize my post, please do so with absolute facts, (ie reference an adjudicated medical journal), and not more "theories" and hearsay. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline blad

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I try to be discrete but there is no denying what I have from whatever reasons. It’s hard to conceal the fact I am a 44yr old man with 38-D, 40-C breasts.

That’s about it.
I thank you all for sharing your insights and stories on this site. Its nice to know there are others in the same situation coming to grips with acceptance of the hand we were dealt for whatever reason it may be.
There is no denying that you have developed a nice set of breasts that would look good on any female. Looking after them with a selection of well fitting bras should make the path forward rewarding. 

Offline gotgyne

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Hello JJ, welcome to the forum. You can be proud of your breasts. If your wife is okay with them, you are a happy guy. Blad is right with his suggestion for a selection of well fitting bras.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline GeorgeIII

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...  conspiracy theories. Let's stick to real science ...

What's the difference between conspiracy and fact?  These days, it's about six months.

Offline blad

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...  conspiracy theories. Let's stick to real science ...

What's the difference between conspiracy and fact?  These days, it's about six months.


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