Author Topic: Other stuff, maybe due to estrogen, that we haven't discussed yet.  (Read 4267 times)

Offline Evolver

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She didn't mean competition in the literal sense. She was a little surprised that my initial reaction was more like hers and not more traditional male. I don't think she was expecting that. I explained to her that I suspected that because of the amount of estrogen I have had in my system for the amount of time has allowed me to see life through feminine eyes as well as male eyes. While I consider myself a male, and always have, the estrogen has affected my body and my mind in certain ways. I then asked her how she saw me. She hesitated for a second and then answered, there are times she forgets I am a guy and hears girl because of something I say or something I do and she hoped that didn't offend me. I told her no offense taken. She said she felt safe around me, like with other women. I thanked her for her honesty. I don't know what she was expecting from me.

 I didn't ask to be this way. I have learned to accept what I can't change and be happy with what I have. I think she began to understand. I am a mutt!
Yes, I know, figuratively not literally, but the gist is the same.

Regarding "I then asked her how she saw me. She hesitated for a second and then answered, there are times she forgets I am a guy and hears girl because of something I say or something I do..." I have had two salient but contrasting examples of this that I can easily recall. The first was about 15 years ago on a different forum where most of the members were women. I fitted right in, especially in the lounge forum where there was plenty of friendly banter and chit-chat going on. But, there was one particularly snooty lady there who said in a condescending manner that I was acting like One Of The Girls. It was framed as a put-down and it hit the mark. I found her comment hurtful and it upset me for quite a while. All I was doing was naturally fitting in by being me, for God's sake! Fast forward about 12 years and on another forum which I often contribute to nowadays, a similar thing was said to me, but it was made in a warm, inclusive, complimentary way. The difference was amazing, and it actually set me on the path towards self-acceptance. ❤️

I am also happy with what I have in this context. I have trouble defining it sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 08:25:08 AM by Evolver »

Offline Johndoe1

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 I have trouble defining it sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
That's me too. There was a time I didn't like me very much. But times and circumstances have changed and due to some very awesome people in my life who have come to accept me for me, I have changed my self opinion and like what I am and wouldn't change a bit of it.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Evolver

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My new question is:  Do any of you here take the personal grooming a bit further?
I also quoted and answered this a couple of months ago near the top of the previous page, but I've actually got more to add.

I think if I ever took the time to write down every single change in my grooming, presentation, clothing, mannerisms, emotions, the way I think etc. over the past two or three years, I would truly astound myself.

As far as grooming goes, in the past couple of months I have begun to trim my eyebrows just a little bit shorter again, but I need to pay a bit more ongoing attention to their uneven appearance in between times. I have also started to shave the back of my hands and fingers. Although I continue to use conditioner every day, I still get a bit of frizz, so a hack that my hairdresser told me is to smear a bit of moisturizer in your palms and rub it over your hair. It works! But now what I also do is make sure that I rub the excess all over my hands. More recently, while I'm at it, I also apply the moisturizer to my face! It actually does feel really nice too, and it's a part of my morning routine now, which seems to take longer and longer to complete!


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