Author Topic: ED from ED  (Read 20569 times)

Offline Sophie

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In my early 40's, ED set in as well as a loss of libido. My wife had introduced me to pegging. We both enjoyed our roles with the act. This led me to have my own strapon that I could wear for her pleasure. It was a win-win for us. I was able to pleasure her without having the pressure of trying to get an erection and just being able to enjoy each other. This, of course quickly led to my orchiectomy as everything that I had going on down there never worked the way it was supposed to. It's definitely not for everyone, but I really like my "upgrade".😍


Offline gotgyne

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In my early 40's, ED set in as well as a loss of libido. My wife had introduced me to pegging. We both enjoyed our roles with the act. This led me to have my own strapon that I could wear for her pleasure. It was a win-win for us. I was able to pleasure her without having the pressure of trying to get an erection and just being able to enjoy each other. This, of course quickly led to my orchiectomy as everything that I had going on down there never worked the way it was supposed to. It's definitely not for everyone, but I really like my "upgrade".😍

Sophie, regarding your experience with your breasts from being in your teens and your comments on this forum, I'm sure you did the right thing. If I had not medical problems that don't allow me taking high doses of estrogen, I'd have considered a bilateral orchiectomy myself. In fact I thought of it for a long time, but ultimately came to the conclusion that it would be too dangerous.

A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Online WPW717

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Dealt with the same problem since my early 60’s. We went the medical route with the no success result. Even tried double then triple dose with MD approval and the same on the other brand of ED med.  Zippo !

Spent approximately 19 months with no sex hormones of any sort, despite the multiple diagnoses of several other osteoporosis linked conditions. Testosterone is a nope as I have too many risk factors ( 7 out of 10 reasons for not) . The GP overrode the Endocrinologist hesitation to do HRT. It felt like she was waiting for a fracture to manifest. DEXA femur Bone density = minus 0.4.  
Have spent 2 weeks on estrogen patch and there is a slight hint of a libido manifestation. It’s feeling like it is a welcome addition to the intimacy we have had that primarily revolved around cuddling and touching each other lovingly.
I wouldn’t miss the testicles if they had to go as they are nonfunctional, completely. There was some concern of nascent possibility of tumor formation as I have Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia now.

The spousal support is most valuable for the maintenance of the marital relationship.
Good luck to all in this boat.
Regards, Bob

Offline mgr

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Speaking of double orchiectomies.  I have both done for medical reasons as I stated before. After one month after the last removal, my T went to undetectable.  The endocrinologist and my urologist/oncologist were both surprised I didn’t have any even from the adrenal gland.  After years of actual pain down there, as Sophie said, it is an upgrade for me as well.  To further my story, my urologist expected my scrotum to shrink and not be a problem.  Well, it was just the opposite. It got very thin and very saggy to where it was an issue when sweating etc.  I had it completely removed 1.5 years ago and it was the right decision. My comfort today is greater than it has been in 20 years.

I am on T and have been since 2017, but it is always at the low end of the range to below.  My body does not like it in the normal range. This is the cause of my breast growth.  

However, even the low amount I take as a gel, it has eliminated my osteopenia.  I have dexa scans every two years as well as mammograms.

The hardest thing for me is all of the ED commercials, sex scenes on TV and in Movies.  I feel a bit sad and hollow when they come on. There is just nothing they can do in that department.  I have spoken to a therapist about it and am a little better but it never goes away.  

What I am is happy to be alive and healthy.  That was the most important thing to me. That is where you have to focus.  The physical changes are not the end of the world..I tell myself. 

Offline Sophie

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Speaking of double orchiectomies.  I have both done for medical reasons as I stated before. After one month after the last removal, my T went to undetectable.  The endocrinologist and my urologist/oncologist were both surprised I didn’t have any even from the adrenal gland.  After years of actual pain down there, as Sophie said, it is an upgrade for me as well.  To further my story, my urologist expected my scrotum to shrink and not be a problem.  Well, it was just the opposite. It got very thin and very saggy to where it was an issue when sweating etc.  I had it completely removed 1.5 years ago and it was the right decision. My comfort today is greater than it has been in 20 years.

I am on T and have been since 2017, but it is always at the low end of the range to below.  My body does not like it in the normal range. This is the cause of my breast growth. 

However, even the low amount I take as a gel, it has eliminated my osteopenia.  I have dexa scans every two years as well as mammograms.

The hardest thing for me is all of the ED commercials, sex scenes on TV and in Movies.  I feel a bit sad and hollow when they come on. There is just nothing they can do in that department.  I have spoken to a therapist about it and am a little better but it never goes away. 

What I am is happy to be alive and healthy.  That was the most important thing to me. That is where you have to focus.  The physical changes are not the end of the world..I tell myself.
I had elected to retain my scrotum when I had my orchiectomy.  They told me the same, that it should atrophy without having anything to hold.

I had already socially transitioned and was living as Sophie full time. The doctor also advised that my scrotum would become my labia if I were to have gender corrective surgery. Im very happy that I did not have a scrotectomy at the time.


Offline Johndoe1

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Wow! I never thought about using a she pee type device.  Genius! I'll need to try that! (Mind blown!)
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline mgr

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I tried to keep mine. Kept it for 6 years, but just could not take it any longer.  I have no intention of transitioning, so for me, I had a different end game. I am so glad you have been happy keeping yours and if you decide to have the surgery, then I wish you the best.  

For me, everyday without it is a blessing.  

Offline Sophie

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I tried to keep mine. Kept it for 6 years, but just could not take it any longer.  I have no intention of transitioning, so for me, I had a different end game. I am so glad you have been happy keeping yours and if you decide to have the surgery, then I wish you the best. 

For me, everyday without it is a blessing. 

I apologize for any misunderstanding. I looked back on what I wrote, and I can see why it was confusing.

I socially transitioned in 2020, during the Covid closings. I had my  orchiectomy in early 2021. Later that year, I had full gender corrective surgery.

I thought that most everyone here knew that. If they didn't know, they do now! 😂

Anyway, I know how you feel without having all the extra stuff hanging around for nothing. My penis was never effective or very useful. I am very happy with my "upgrade".😉


Offline mgr

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No worries.  I thought you had the surgery, but statement confused me. I am so glad you are enjoying your upgrade.  I have a bit of a minor upgrade compared to yours, but I love mine.  The looks and the comfort.  


Offline gotgyne

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Wow! I never thought about using a she pee type device.  Genius! I'll need to try that! (Mind blown!)
I came upon it because of an article by a female doctor who gave advice to the father of a boy with a not surgically corrected hypospadia. She suggested that the boy could use a FUD to urinate standing as she herself always does while hiking or attending crowded festivals. I've sent you a PM, which one I use. Don't want to advertise it publicly, as the forum owner may not like it.

Offline Evolver

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I’d recommend giving zinc and maca a try. I wanted something natural to help balance or assist with this and it seems to have worked remarkably well. Not just that but my libido for the first time in years seems to be normal. 
From what I learnt after researching about certain foods and what they contain not long ago, I discovered that zinc inhibits the aromatization process of converting excess testosterone into estrogen. So, more of your testosterone keeps doing its testosteron-y thing instead of being converted. Hence its aphrodisiac properties.

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  • Posts: 596 see if my t is low as heck and e high as cheech lol
LOL! Totally off topic, but by coincidence today I watched a movie review on YouTube of Cheech and Chong 'Up in Smoke.' I'd forgotten how funny it was! 😁

Offline Johndoe1

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Never heard of aromatization kinda crazy the body can try to balance itself out and in an effort to do so the testosterone is simply converted in to more estrogen. Kind of seems like trying to fix the issue only fuels the issue if simply trying to boost testosterone with supplements and what have you.
It was for that very reason I was told HRT replenishment was not a viable option. My doctor said even with an estrogen blocker, due to aromatization, and a history of estrogen sensitivity, there was a chance I could still see an increase of breast size and she didn't want to risk it. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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Never heard of aromatization kinda crazy the body can try to balance itself out and in an effort to do so the testosterone is simply converted in to more estrogen. Kind of seems like trying to fix the issue only fuels the issue if simply trying to boost testosterone with supplements and what have you. I got a labcorp script to get some labs ran when I get around to make an appointment be nice to be told my hormones are in balance I get nervous easily lol and this makes me nervous to see if my t is low as heck and e high as cheech lol
It's quite funny that my doctor says I have a hormone "imbalance", yet I tell him that I have a hormone "balance" based off what my body has chosen to maintain. 

All of us are different, and our bodies create the hormonal atmosphere it likes. 

My body wanted wide hips and breasts going into puberty, and has maintained that balance. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Online WPW717

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DwB… aromatase is abundant from fat cells. As the cells empty from weight loss so goes the enzyme. I wound up with gyne from an unknown rapid loss of T during a weight loss period. Confusing at first because I was slipping into a MEN syndrome causing hypogonadism. All of my T was converted to E for many months. After the weight was gone there was no T and no E. But I had a nice pair of breasts. Went on to manifest other MEN syndrome events. Too long of a story to cover again but osteoporosis is now being averted with HRT with an Estrogen patch. The recent Dx of a cranial tumor, Prolactinoma, explained the continued breast growth in the absence of estrogen. Recent US scan confirms bilateral testicular masses, so orchiectomy in 2 weeks. All this to explain why we need to be very proactive on discovering the cause of gynecomastia. Most here may be idiopathic or genetic predisposition. But there are a multitude of other factors that are involved and need to be explored. I hope your Doc just doesn’t wave you aside and your curiosity has you explore deeper. You are young and have many years to go so be healthy …


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