Speaking of double orchiectomies. I have both done for medical reasons as I stated before. After one month after the last removal, my T went to undetectable. The endocrinologist and my urologist/oncologist were both surprised I didn’t have any even from the adrenal gland. After years of actual pain down there, as Sophie said, it is an upgrade for me as well. To further my story, my urologist expected my scrotum to shrink and not be a problem. Well, it was just the opposite. It got very thin and very saggy to where it was an issue when sweating etc. I had it completely removed 1.5 years ago and it was the right decision. My comfort today is greater than it has been in 20 years.
I am on T and have been since 2017, but it is always at the low end of the range to below. My body does not like it in the normal range. This is the cause of my breast growth.
However, even the low amount I take as a gel, it has eliminated my osteopenia. I have dexa scans every two years as well as mammograms.
The hardest thing for me is all of the ED commercials, sex scenes on TV and in Movies. I feel a bit sad and hollow when they come on. There is just nothing they can do in that department. I have spoken to a therapist about it and am a little better but it never goes away.
What I am is happy to be alive and healthy. That was the most important thing to me. That is where you have to focus. The physical changes are not the end of the world..I tell myself.