Author Topic: Elevated Estrogen, Lowered Endurance  (Read 14693 times)

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Around the time I began developing breasts our sex life took a turn for disappointments. It wasn’t subtle and was quite the change from other times of intimacy where lasting 10-20 minutes quickly became 10-20 seconds. Not even an exaggeration. My breasts haven’t grown a large size but the other night she simply asked if I ever think I’ll be able to last long enough for her to enjoy it again and it hurt to hear but it was just a reality check of sorts. 
I decided to Google it and just curious given it wasn’t an issue years ago and just chalked it up to getting older and when I told her that she just reminded me I’m only 37. 
Apparently it is very much true that men with elevated estrogen levels will often experience a frequent inability to perform long.
I get my levels checked again at the end of October. 

Just reminds me that contrary to boobs estrogen in men can cause much more other present issues it seems outside of breast growth and function  

Offline WPW717

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Noticed it too at 58 … the slide in T.

Played hell trying to get a doc to even get that level done. Finally got one to do it 6 years later. Pulling teeth it was.

The libido plummeted and not at the average 1% /year … it was much faster than that. It caused a small amount of breast growth but nothing too noticeable. 

Then I retired 3 years later and lost weight so the aromatase took over and any T left was converted into estrogen.

Had only 1adrenal gland left from a Pheochromocytoma and it wouldn’t keep up with pituitary signals. Then there was a very strong growth rate of the breasts . Went from occasional hot flashes to severe ones that shorted out hearing aid batteries regularly.

I am surprised that at your age they tested your E levels. 

Long story short, after that there was a period of time where the hypothalamic pituitary axis was roller coasting and life became difficult. Turns out I had MEN syndrome. This led to a bunch of other problems. Gynecomastia very noticeable, parathyroid tumor, and most recently a cranial tumor…Prolactinoma. Boy did that flesh out the boobs.

Looking backward it became apparent there were other signs of change in thought, behavior and abilities.

It probably would be advantageous and generate some peace of mind to have your doctor rule out other subtle and early signs of other conditions.
Prolactin secretion, T loss can have multiple causes many of which respond well to early intervention.

In my case genetic testing revealed that the MEN syndrome wasn’t classic but even more rare ( type 4 instead of type 1).  Odds of the type 4 is one in 10 million instead of one in 1 million.
Most recently leading to a bilateral orchiectomy. Thankfully it was infarcted tissue and had not had time to become malignant. 

Testosterone therapy was not considered due to a previous cancer diagnosis and other factors . IMHO if the T was added at one point my body would have turned it into E. 

Please stay on top of your health, especially at your age.

Grateful to be here despite the osteoporosis risks that are here now due to this. DEXA SCAN # 2 this month to see if I have progressed towards it more… Mammogram #2 shows no cancer but I do have a positive CHEK-2 gene that gives a 40% chance of breast cancer in women but it has not been studied in men. 

Doing well now and shooting for triple digit age .
Regards, Bob

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Jeez Louise man I’m so sorry to hear of all the words I have no clue of what they are lol. Reading this felt like a script from Greys Anatomy or something I feel it would be absolutely fascinating to learn and study about but sounds like a nightmare dealing with in th journey of it all. I’m glad you’re alright and hope the tumors and all that have long been gone and no longer a concern of sorts. Glad you seem to be doing alright. 

They only tested my E cause I ordered my own tests. They only tested me for total T forums and such gave me enough insight to assume why and they explained why (NP) but left it fairly vague. I insisted I get a full panel done to just for assurance. Ordered one through quest. NP test came back with total t 305 full panel came back total T 320 but estradiol and prolactin in bad range for male levels and shbg was normal but due to other areas where they were wasn’t actually good. Which pinned down the hypogonadism diagnosis. 

Took my fair share of care to my health to balance out re ran tests and hypogonadism was not identified but levels weren’t tremendously better. Breast growth continued function got better and overall here we are with other issues where other issues resolved. 

All in all hope ya doing alright 

Offline WPW717

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A high prolactin level will force T levels lower.

Prolactin on its own with give a plethora of bad side effects. Many resemble low T. 

Depending on how high that level is an MRI could be warranted.

I hope you are not experiencing any visual disturbances.

I am doing very well now, thank you.

I had to be persistent but I did remain polite and had to dump a few doctors on the journey. Happy for my outcome.

Stay strong, my friend.

Offline Dudewithboobs

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There’s a reason why they say you have to be your strongest advocate with doctors. Cause often they write it off as a this or that rather than digging into what it otherwise could be. I often feel a doctor spent 10 years in school just to get a phd in bs just go off the text book and collect the copay and call in the next one. 

Visual disturbances? Like haluncinations? Not so much lol hopefully never experience something like that. 

Offline WPW717

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Not hallucinations 
Peripheral vision movement… bogies.

Offline gotgyne

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Around the time I began developing breasts our sex life took a turn for disappointments. It wasn’t subtle and was quite the change from other times of intimacy where lasting 10-20 minutes quickly became 10-20 seconds. Not even an exaggeration. My breasts haven’t grown a large size but the other night she simply asked if I ever think I’ll be able to last long enough for her to enjoy it again and it hurt to hear but it was just a reality check of sorts.
I decided to Google it and just curious given it wasn’t an issue years ago and just chalked it up to getting older and when I told her that she just reminded me I’m only 37.
Apparently it is very much true that men with elevated estrogen levels will often experience a frequent inability to perform long.
I get my levels checked again at the end of October.

Just reminds me that contrary to boobs estrogen in men can cause much more other present issues it seems outside of breast growth and function 
I think this is more common than most men like to admit. At about 45 years I was unable to hold my erection for more than 30 seconds, now at 65 I am impotent for a number of years. Even with masturbation my thingy won't get rigid.
I just read of a man who had no sex with his wife anymore at age 48. Not even masturbation was possible. Meanwhile he is in his late 80s and still married to the same woman. In a loving and caring marriage sex isn't all that counts.

Sure there is a relation between low testosterone/high estrogen and impotence.

We already had the other thread that pegging is always an alternative. It is strange that most websites on this topic look at it only in the way that the woman uses a strap-on to penetrate the man anally. But all men who can't achieve a lasting erection or an erection at all could benefit.

Even medical articles exist on this topic.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Because of my condition penetrative sex has never been possible, however my wife and I always found a work around with toys.
It keeps the relationship active and exciting.

The higher estrogen levels also have a hidden benefit in that orgasms are full body, even though it takes longer to get there. 

Sex was never an issue.

Scissoring is also another technique that works incredibly well, and just one of many that can be done without toys (or with).

The lack of a functioning member is not the end of a sex life. 

I used to tell my wife we were in a lesbian relationship, and of course that would upset her. But you do whatever you must to keep things active. 

Birdie 💖
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Function is not a concern here thankfully just unable to refrain from climax, lasting usually only maybe 10-20 seconds before finished 

Offline AlfaQ

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As I  no longer have a prostate due to surgery, it's dry orgasms for me now. Takes a bit of work but the effort is well worth it.  When they come they are an intense whole body experience and in some ways better than before.  A bit like female orgasms perhaps?   This along with developing breasts makes me wonder what gender I am now.  LOL. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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As I  no longer have a prostate due to surgery, it's dry orgasms for me now. Takes a bit of work but the effort is well worth it.  When they come they are an intense whole body experience and in some ways better than before.  A bit like female orgasms perhaps?  This along with developing breasts makes me wonder what gender I am now.  LOL.
Another thing that most guys don't understand is the multiple orgasms. One right after another. I guess I can thank my hormones or my body structure for those. ☺️

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Once my boobs became a b cup the reality of an orgasm changed dramatically. The denser tissue added a lot more sensitivity and resulted in a convulsing almost reaction to over stimulation. My wife would ask me if I orgasmed which I always correlated to the same as “finishing” and after a few moments of these found there is a big difference between the two. 
Fortunately my breasts have become more erogenous than any other area ever has been. Unfortunately I find myself almost encouraging my wife when we are intimate to focus on them before we get started on anything else lol. 

Offline taxmapper

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An odd concept for me now.   (No other involvement these days) 

But there is a different layer for me in this. 

My entire life I have had sexual arousal that comes from deep within. Not an erective aspect per se. 

Yes I love to be the penetrator, where I think that is simply the male side in action, but there is something deep inside that yearns for something else. 
To be touched within that I cannot satisfy.   

Currently I have no libido issues except finding a partner!    But its the inside touch that I need the most.... 

hard to explain. 

Offline AlfaQ

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Justagirl you are very lucky in that respect.  While mine are now more all encompassing the need for recovery between them is still very male.  I should add that  do now have stress incontinence  similar to many  females so need to wear panty pads on a daily basis. 

Offline gotgyne

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Justagirl you are very lucky in that respect.  While mine are now more all encompassing the need for recovery between them is still very male.  I should add that  do now have stress incontinence  similar to many  females so need to wear panty pads on a daily basis.
I do have some minor problems with incontinence because of dribbling after urination. Many men with an enlarged prostate have this, but I am not embarrassed to talk about it and of course I do wear pads every day. Much better than yellowish underwear. Some women at all ages wear pads every day to feel much more clean.


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