Richardson is dead.
Our current Gov. is Michelle Lujan Grisham.
MLG as we affectionally call her, got her political start in the NM Dept. of health and Human Services. She is the quincuncial political hack.
Some back story:
MLG is referred to by members of her family as "The Firecracker". And she hates it!
When she started at the NMDOH (Now the Dept. of Health and human Services) , she wound up as the Director of the Agency on Aging from 1991 to 2002. During this time it was told to me by multiple people who worked with and for her that she began to take on the persona of health advocacy and started acting like she knew medicine.
Then she held under Richardson: Secretary of Health, a position she held from 2004 to 2007.
She DOES NOT HOLD A MEDICAL DEGREE!! She holds a JD from the University of New Mexico School of Law.
She THINKS she knows medicine, but is the typical political know it all who wants to control medicine in the state.
She was elected Gov. in 2018 after her stent as US House Rep.
Why this matters:
During COVID MLG locked down the state and mandated masks for nearly three years. She created literal bread lines and in Nov. of 2020 there were literal lines of people wanting to shop Wal mart that stretched around the corner literally looking like Soviet Russia. She also treated us as such.
Her response to COVID was proportionally WORSE than California in per capita, over the fact that CA had more deaths in raw numbers.
She destroyed the NM economy and small business. Then, during the COVID scare, she had the state legislature meet in remote Zoom like calls. During this time the public had little to no access (violation of the open meetings act) and they passed a number of laws related to medical issues.
In 2021, New Mexico enacted House Bill 75, amending the Medical Malpractice Act to raise the cap on medical malpractice damages for independent healthcare providers from $600,000 to $750,000, plus medical expenses, with annual cost-of-living adjustments starting in 2023. For hospitals and hospital-affiliated outpatient facilities, the cap was set at $4 million in 2022, increasing by $500,000 annually until reaching $6 million in 2026.
These changes led to significant hikes in malpractice insurance premiums for independent providers. For example, annual premiums for some specialties rose from $32,000 to over $60,000 between 2021 and 2022. In response, Senate Bill 523 was introduced and signed into law in 2023, capping malpractice payouts for independent outpatient clinics at $1 million. This adjustment aimed to make malpractice insurance more affordable for these providers
The problem was that it drove doctors out of the state. I can only see the Endo once every 6 months. She is based outside the state and is following a Health Provider plan established by Pres. Health and the State to bring more doctors into the state. 32 of the states 33 counties are considered to be in a "Health Care Provider" crisis because of the laws
This from AI:
A commonly referenced benchmark for primary care provider availability is a
population-to-provider ratio of 3,500:1. This means one primary care provider for every 3,500 individuals. Ratios exceeding this threshold may indicate a shortage of healthcare professionals.
NM-IBIS+1NM-IBIS+1NM-IBISAs of 2021, New Mexico's overall ratio of primary care physicians to the population was approximately
1,340:1, meaning there was one primary care physician for every 1,340 residents. This ratio is slightly higher than the national average of
1,320:1, indicating a marginally lower availability of primary care physicians in the state compared to the national average.
County Health Rankings & RoadmapsHowever, it's important to note that physician distribution within New Mexico is uneven. Some counties face more significant shortages, while others have more favorable ratios. For example, certain counties may have ratios as high as
3,530:1, while others may have ratios as low as
Thus, primary care in NM has taken a massive hit, lower care quality, poor service and limited resource availability.
NONE OF THIS existed prior to 2018.