Author Topic: Presentation and pictures of user kartla  (Read 195 times)

Offline kartla

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Hi everybody!

I'm an Italian boy of 32, always suffered of mild/medium gyno.
Even exercising didn't affect positively the problem.
Thus, I am searching for a good surgeon in Europe.
I have max budget of 3000€ more or less, and I hope to have the surgery winter 2025.
In attachment my pics.

Please, let me have your thoughts and suggestions!
I'm available to reply to eventual questions.
Thank you so much in advance.


Offline blad

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I don't see much of a problem there that needs you to spend any money.

My wife and I are flying to Italy in a few weeks for a three month trip.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Traveler

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I would label that chest near perfect! Extremely mild.

Offline Parity

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 I'm glad you are looking for comments.  I'm not going to pretend to understand what brought you to the point of considering surgery.

  Since you asked,  I would just share my thoughts.  Please learn the risks and side affects before you take that step.  Don't let a few harsh words from others direct you to that choice.  We are all different and unique.  Be you, and don't try to fit into a box someone else thinks you should fit into. 

  If you just can't live with yourself... that's your answer.

  I think you look just fine and have nothing to be ashamed about.  Again don't let others live rent free in your head. 
Your you. Live and let live.



Offline WPW717

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Looks perfect 
What they said ⬆️ 
Regards, Bob


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