hello everyone.. i am new here, from British Columbia, lower mainland....
here is my problem!...
i am 19 years old, in great shape.. 5'11, 185 pounds, workout and run and rock climb on a daily basis....
i really like my body shape, and i even like my chest.. i have pretty big pecs (whatever u wana call them) and they are all muscle.
i bench press around 230 pounds, so they stick out but i like them... the thing that bothers me is that my right nipple, just the right one
is really puffy! ahhh i hate it so much.. so much for everything being symetrical eh?! I UNDERSTAND! and appreciate it that there are people out there who have it a lot lot lot lot worse than me.. even people reading this right now on these boards.. but even one puffy nipple can do a lot to bring down self confidence! i would say that i am a pretty good looking guy with a good body, but im ashamed to go to the beach and take my shirt off! and if i do.. its straiiiiight for the water! so it contracts it for a minute or two so that it maybe looks normal

im also sick of huntching over when i walk, or talking to people cross armed, or wearing multiple layers and titty twisting myself every 15 minutes when i feel insecure......
anyways i figured its time for a change... time to start feeling free... time to cut that little puffy sucker out
so i talked to my parents about it for the first time, and told them how i felt.. im gona go to my family doctor in a few days and see what happens on from then.....
there was some questions i was woundering if you guys could answer for me...
first and foremost.... how much do you guys think this will cost me? is there any chance that it will be covered under my regular BC health card thing? ...does being very fit, and having a puffy nipple only on one side increase my chances of getting insurance to cover it?
sorry about throwing down the newbie questions on ya here guys.. thanks for reading my little rant, i needed to get it off my chest (no pun intended.)
i just took these pictures on my cellphone, but they dont really do it justice, have a peep anyways
ONLY the right side ---> --->

the notorious puffy

similar pic, but i might aswell