Author Topic: no2 nitric oxide  (Read 4982 times)

Offline Thekid05

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Hey does anyone know anything about no2 nitric oxide... i'm post op about a year my gyno is gone but im just wondering if this stuff has any effect on gyno thanks for the help

Offline Paa_Paw

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This is something I've not heard of for some time.  If it actually worked, these pages would be full of information about it.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Nitric Oxide or N.O for short is something that is a by-product of testosterone that allows a man to achieve and maintain an erection.

Men that are testosterone deficient lack N.O and often therefore have erection difficulties.

Viagra increases N.O, this is the reason it has the results it does.

N.O or its lack is not a factor in the aetiology (cause) of gynecomastia.

However it you lack N.O the symptom for which would most likely be erection difficulties, then it is possible that you may (not neccessarily though) have this problem due to a lack of testosterone and a lack of testosterone is a major cause of gynecomastia.

Low testosterone or hypogonadism as it is known is an associated condition to gynecomastia, with 10% of all gynecomastia sufferers having hypogonadism.

All men with gynecomastia and particularly those contemplating surgery should have pathology investigations with an endocrinologist that has an interest in reproductive endocrinology.

These doctors are specialists in the causes of gynecomastia unlike plastic surgeons that are only experts in gynecomastia removal.

I can help people obtain details of said endocrinologists should the need arise.

Offline Thekid05

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im talking about nitric oxide for working out... my gyno is completely gone and i just started lifting again so i was contemplaying taking the new no2 product it supposedly works really well... and no its not a scam i know people who take it and it works real good to increase strength.... so i just wanted to know if it contributes to gyno b/c if it doesnt i will take it

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Then in direct reference to your question I would say;

A) I am not aware of the product and all of the contained ingredients.

B) Any supplements that have ingredients that increase testosterone also indirectly increase estradiol and therefore can contribute to gynecomastia.

C) Without knowing the ingredient list and the properties of such I would be concerned if it affected androgens/estrogens and as such I would advise not to take it as I could not truthfully say as to whether or not it may adversely affect your situation.

That is a cautious stance that you may not want to hear, but you have given me little to go off….so they are my thoughts.

You pays your money and you takes your chances; your money, your prerogative, your life and your choices.

If it were me I would pursue the hobby the hard but 100% safe way by dieting and working hard in the gym and avoiding all such products and in doing so avoid all potential pitfalls- but that is just me.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2005, 07:16:55 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Thekid05

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no i appreciate the help greatly... and it does work similarly to viagra like you said... but since prohormones are band it supposedly does not effect your hormones and i was just curious i have not yet decided to take it i guess im just frusterated because i lost so much strength because i stopped working out after the surgery for so long

Offline brm

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take aminoacids. you'll recover your lost strength quickly with no prohormonal effect. Which is more, Arginine is said to enhance the Nitric oxide production.

Offline tr4

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NO does not effect your testosterone in any way. It expands your blood vessels in order to get more blood flow to the muscles, thus creating  more "pumped" muscles. I have been on many different  NO supplements and none of them effected my gyne in any way. It is a great supplement for working out.

Offline brm

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What exactly are these supplements? Is it NO in its raw form or is it coupled with anything else or an inducer of NO? Tell us more about this. Thanks.

Offline nms

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NOx is supposidly a vaso dialator, delivering more blood to the muscles via enlarged veins/arteries... IMO its a waste of money.. the active ingredient is L arginine, and can be found at health stores for half the price, and has the same effect!

Offline Ax87

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the most popular one is no2 by MRI... i've heard great things from my gym buddies... it seems to be working really well for them... the only downside is that its really expensive yea i dont know too much about this stuff but its a hemodilator which i think means it dilates your blood anyways i guess ill keep u posted if i find anything out about it

Offline Leader43

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pump tech is a sick product, nah gyne wont increase in ur body if u take it, its great for vasuclarity, and you might wanna take it with creatine and protein powder and glutamine before you work out


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