Author Topic: Another scar tissue question.  (Read 1943 times)

Offline tr4

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Is it unusual for the scar tisssue to be about 1/2 to 3/4  the size of a golf ball? I had excision only (because i had lipo only around a year ago and didnt really turn out to well) bout 13 days ago and was/am very pleased with the results. But on Friday a pretty big nugg of scar tissue appeared only on my right side and is messin up my results. My left side looks awesome. I know this is not gland because it is actually bigger than the small amount of gland that was in there before he even took any out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Offline phantom

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Hello tr4

As I am sure will appreciate, each and every patient has very different size, shape and type of gynaecomastia.  On top of that, each patient is sculpted differently according to specific needs, not to mention the 'style' an experience of a surgeon.

Even the best surgeon in the world cannot predict the eventual course of healing or end results.  As such [we] would be doing you a great disservice in trying to suggest if what you have is 'normal' or not and how it may eventually turn out.

All I can suggest is that you call your surgeon as soon as reasonably possible and discuss your concerns.  He or she may ask you to wait a while longer to see how well the healing turns out, or if they are at all concerned, they will probably ask you to call in so they may take a look.  No surgeon worth his or her salt wants an unhappy or anxious patient (besides, they have a reputation to hold onto ;) )

Hope that helps you a little.

Best wishes.

Offline tr4

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Thanks a lot for the reply, i left a message with the nurse today, so she should call me in the morning and let me know if it is something that needs to be looked at. Hopefully it's just part of the natural healing process.


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