Author Topic: 72 hours after gyno surgery in bangkok  (Read 14954 times)

Offline lees99

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I've had mild gyno since I was about 17-18. Over the last few years I've visted hospitals about the procedure in uk, my home town kuala lumpur (I'm from Oz originally) singapore before finally going ahead with the surgery in bangkok tuesday 10th jan at the Bumrungrad hospital. 80% of the cosmetic surgery patients (male/female) I saw there were american, there were a few aussies and the rest locals. Apparently the excellence of the bumrungrad was featured on a 60 minutes documentary in the US and since then they have been inundated with bookings.

I've been told I was about a 2 on a scale of 1-4 (1 being very mild gyno and 4 being full breasts). My wfie and I travelled to bangkok sunday night with air asia (only about 20 USD each). We had a consultation with the surgeon Dr Preeyapal on Tuesday at 8.30 am (but we didn't get to see him until 10.15) and surgery was initially planned at 2pm but was delayed until 5pm. I had originally been to see this doc back in April and was quite impressed and it took me several months to get the courage to go through with it. Every time I got cold feet I would go through in my head the jibes and comments I'd received over the years.

Following my delayed 10am consultation I filled in a few forms, did blood pressure, weight etc, and paid the bill of 69000 thai baht (about 1600 USD) which included a private single room for 1 night , surgery, anethetist etc.

During the rest of our stay we were at the BH residence which is the hospitals own serviced apartments and are attached to the main hospital (it takes 30 seconds to walk from the apartment to the  cosmetic surgery section !). These apartments are cheap at 1900 thai baht a night though a bit old and dingy.

At about 12 midday we took the things we need out of our apartment and into the hopsital room we had been given. I was immediately put on a saline drip. At about 1.45 pm they took me down to a recovery room. After about 1 hour I asked how long it would be and was told by 1 nurse she didn't know and then another said the surgeon was late with his current female patient's op and that I was to be moved back up to my room. I was quite annoyed by this as I had to lie for one hour staring at the ceiling nervous about the pending op. Why the nurses could not have asked the srugeon up front and then brought me down at 4.45 pm instead of 1.45 pm I don't now.

Anyway at 4.00 pm I was taken back down to the same recovery room and at 4.50 was finally wheeled into the surgery. At about 7 pm I can remember comng around and at 9 pm being taken back to my room where I met my wife. The next day at 6.30am the surgeon came to visit me and to change the dressing - there was no bruising at all just general soreness and I was delighted.

I would give the surgeon Dr Preeyapal about 9/10  ;D - I will post some photo's when I get them but I am very happy with the results and wished I had done it years ago. He has been performing surgery for 30 years - most of his patients are women and I must admit I did not do much research into this surgeon.  In the UKI was quoted as 3200 GBP, in Singapore 3500GBP and in Malaysia 2100 GBP. In thailand I paid 950 GBP plus a little bit on fligths and apartment etc.

My one complaint about the Bumrungrad was the quality of nursing.  >:( They seemed to have been trained in a typical Asian mindset which is to follow procedure very well but to forget the human sensitivity side. I mentioned above about being separated from my wife for no reason at 1.45pm when the op did not occur until 5pm. I had to keep asking to be returned to my room before they listened to my request.

Also whilst recovering in my hospital room from midnight to when the surgeron came to see me at 6.30am I had about 6 people come into my room. The first was to take my blood pressure and temperature at 2.30 am, at 3.30 am the same thing happened (I think they must have forgotten to communite with each other) At 6am someone came into empty the mini bar as I was leaving that day - why this could not have waited until 10/11 am am I don't know. Another customer service manager came in, asked me if I could walk and then just left. Another came in to empty the bin very early. Each time I was going to sleep I would be awoken - some of them did not knock when they entered the room ???. The quality of English spoken by the surgeon was excellent (I think he was trained in the US) but for the nurses it was poor. I only saw the anenitist 5 minutes before going into surgery and all she asked was have I had surgery before).

When the surgeon was with a nurse, the nurses would be very courteous and would promise anything. When he wasn't around they didn't do much For example during the 6.30 am visit form the surgeon I asked if a ring could be removed from my finger as my finger was slightly swollen and the ring would need to be cut off. The surgeon agreed and the nurse said she would do it later. she never returned and upon contacting another nurse was told they did not have the tools to do it. I asked for something to relieve my sore throat (common after going under apparently) and was told it would go away after a few days anyway. The nurses also forgot to take my food order and I was given a random selection.

I would therefore only give the nursing staff at bumrungrad 4/10.

The other point to make is the food was pretty aweful. On the evening following my op I was given some cold soup. When we gave it to a nurse to heat up she forgot to bring it back and we had to chase it. Two hours later we got it back and it was horrible. My wife ran down to mcdonalds and got me some ice cream and some starbucks latte.

So in summary the surgeon was excellent and highly recommend. The nursing staff were very poor and the general communication needs to improve (along with the food)

I can make the following suggestions

1) try and get the earliest surgery time in the day as you can. Ideally if you wake up in your hotel at 9am, have the consultation at 10 and then the procedure at 11am you will not have the worry and anxiety I went through all day. (also as you have to fast for 8 hours it makes sense)

2) be strict with the nurses there - some of the patients were mosre bossy than I was and managed to get what they wanted. e.g. I was told by the surgeon that my wife could be by my bedside when I came around but only for 4-5 minutes. The nurses though refused to let her. When I came around I could see the relatives of a few other paitents there who had insisted.

3) The JW marriott is a 5 minute walk from the hospital and is a great hotel as I have stayed there before on business.- if I had to go through with it again I would prob  pay the extra. As I said the hospital's own apartments were a 30 second walk away from the costmetic surgery wing but were quite dingy inside.

4) no comrpession jacket is supplied - if you want one pre-order though my surgeon said he prefers not to use them and to use compression bandages instead

on the whole I would recommend gyno surgery in bangkok - word seems to have got around the world about the quality and cheapness of the healthcare there which will onyl make it more expensive.

if you have any questions please fell free to ask. I only found this site 24 hours before I left to go to bangkok but found it very useful so this is my own contribution back to the community

Rich :)

Offline Achilles

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Offline Sam74

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Hi Chris,

I just found your complete report today although you posted it a while ago... Thank you, it is very detailed and interesting.

Now, a few months later, could you update us about your recovery and the final result? Would you have any pictures to share to make us feel better and take the step?

It'd be great if you could post an answer in the topic "Surgeons in BAngkok" so everybody can see it.

Many thanks in advance and hope you're feeling great!


Offline BBoy

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Any latest update or pics if u dont mind?

Im sure now you are in full recovery.


Offline angel_allen

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interesting.  :-\
Im booked into the Bumrungrad in November (for facelift not gyne) & am interested in your general coments. Ive been in Thailand many times  (my brother lives there) & can think of no friendlier or genuine race of people. :)
If I was ever to decide to have my boobs cut off thats certainly where Id go to! ;D

Offline realist85

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I did study abroad in bangkok and loved it. Though Thailand is famous for their sex change surgeries, I did not know that they did gyno surgery too. Interesting.

Offline BBoy

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It seems Rich already hv fun and forgotten all of us.... :'(

Offline november2012

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