Author Topic: Gyne & Marijuana  (Read 8105 times)

Offline ry22

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I must say that there are a lot of mixed opinions here. I got my gynecomastia when I was in 5th grade, and started smoking marijuana in 10th I doubt marijuana was the cause of really had no affect at all.

Offline Taz

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Allan, he wasn't asking for you're advice on whether drugs are good or not  ::)

In my personal experience Marijuana does *not* cause gyne or make it any worse.

I got gyne when I was 11, at 20 I started smoking Marijuana daily. After a year of constant smoking I noticed no change whatsoever in the size of my boobs.

I had surgery at 21 and am now 24. I have been smoking pretty much everyday since 2 months post op.

Have my boobs grown back? No. The same issues I had with my chest immediately post op are exactly the same now. If anything my chest has got a little bigger since the op through me eating way too much crap.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2006, 04:30:27 AM by Taz »

Offline bogieman

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taz- what you just said is what the original person wanted to know- i want to know the same thing- im wondering how many of these people on this board got it from smoking pot- i asked in a post when folks first started noticing their gyne and the overwelming response i got was 12-15 years old- mine started at 13, before i even knew what pot was- i lived with this for 27 years and just got it fixed. problem is i  like to partake and im worried too to be frank with you - and really wonder how many people just up and got gyne in their adulthood or a reoccurance from smoking pot- the research that i read was weak- but i am nonetheless concerned- i will use this opportunity to cut back but wonder if i can chuck it for good- and i do see a bit of preaching in some of the responses- nice to know someone here still tokes post surgury and hasnt redeveloped it- look i know i got mine peuberty and it never got better irregardless of how much i smoked

Offline outertrial

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Im glad Im in a place in my life now where I dont feel like I have to smoke dope to get through the day. Marijuana is a dead end drug which is only of any use if your sitting around all day without much to do, which is why a lot of young people and teens end up using it.

Trouble is that if you use it regularly all you can do is sit around and do nothing and the only people you know are doing the same. Not much fun really but not the end of the world so its not worth getting judgemental over people.

OP, I would say that getting shot of your gyne is an excellent way to make a new start. Depending on how much you smoke its good to promise yourself some smoke free days and laying down some ground rules like not to smoke before the evening. I know you say you work out and do Muay Thai, but Ive yet to see any commmitted smokers keep this kind of thing going if they have a smoke every day. Good luck!

Offline musicman

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Please don't trash the herb. I personally have been smoking for the past 8 years due to a medical condition. I need to, it is a necessity. I am having gyne surgery in a few weeks and considering quitting, eventhough I do not know how this is going to affect my medical condition. I have had gyne since I was a kid, I did not smoke dope at the time, I could not even change my freakin shirt in the locker room at 7th grade. The herb never made my condition worse its been the same since I can remember. So this is a very important question, if anyone has anymore info please post.

Offline gabbyhey

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Here's my two cents.   I developed gyne when I was like 14.  In college I started smoking pot.  I smoked a lot.  Like everyday.  To me it was an escape from the daily stress of living with gyne.  Then I found out that it MAY be a factor in gynecomastia.  I didn't see any worse results from smoking pot, but I decided to never smoke dope again.  I have no problem with anyone that smokes pot, do it if you want to.  But from what I know is that it may come back.  It is your choice, but if you were suffering from gyne as bad as I was you'd quit doing anything that could make it come back.  By the way, I do miss smoking pot.  Fortunately giving up pot is 100% mental and not at all physical cravings. 

Offline man-chest-r

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me I'm agin mj  - I think my onetime dope smoking it is a factor in the asthma I now have - but for this board its associations with gyne or not are what matters. We might all have habits that might tend to be some cause  of our gyne - be it couchpotatoing oneself to obesity (thats me) or overdoing it in the gym. We might be "blamed" for this, but on the other hand, any one of these for a given individual is unlikely to be the real or only cause, it seems to me. So lets be tolerant here..

One thing as a newbie to these boards, as opposed to others I belong to is that it seems to me gyne is q. random in who it affects. So here one is going to find people you like, people who are so-so, and people who if we met in real life we would have little else in common with. The great thing about this Forum is we are in it together, and everyone, no matter their walk of life, has it to come to for help, and to help other guys out.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Musicman No judgement fround from me but on a light note you have just replied to a post from February 26, 2006, nearly a year ago.

Given the subject matter you have to admit that is pretty funny ;D ;D ;D

If you want to read my serious thoughts and the reality of the matter view my earlier posts.


I had to take a tablet called nabalone when I was on chemotherapy to stop me throwing up, it was pure cannabis.  Given the pros and cons it made sense.  I am neither for or against the drug in its recreational sense.  You view the facts and you make your choices, something that is not so straightforward when considering its prescription for a medical use.


« Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 11:13:37 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline skysurfer121

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Wow stop with the dissing of marijuana, you guys just make me laugh because you have a total distorted view of it and what it does. Tobacco is so much worse than marijuana, I think its funny how cannabis considered a "drug" and tobacco isn't when theres things like nicotine in cigarettes and marijuana is just a natural plant. To sum it up don't diss it until you have tried it you little 15 year old pansy's, i will rip your heads off! ( if i ever got the chance) just to end your ignorance, open your mind and don't be judgmental. If its crack, meth or something its a different story.  :-*

Offline mouse88

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Im glad Im in a place in my life now where I dont feel like I have to smoke dope to get through the day. Marijuana is a dead end drug which is only of any use if your sitting around all day without much to do, which is why a lot of young people and teens end up using it.

Trouble is that if you use it regularly all you can do is sit around and do nothing and the only people you know are doing the same. Not much fun really but not the end of the world so its not worth getting judgemental over people.

OP, I would say that getting shot of your gyne is an excellent way to make a new start. Depending on how much you smoke its good to promise yourself some smoke free days and laying down some ground rules like not to smoke before the evening. I know you say you work out and do Muay Thai, but Ive yet to see any commmitted smokers keep this kind of thing going if they have a smoke every day. Good luck!
Small pet peeve of mine: why would you NOT smoke before the evening? Marijuana's effects are not at all like those of alcohol, if anything, I would say that you should limit your smoking to daylight (because it makes for a much more pleasant experience).

I have met many daily tokers that keep disciplined regimes of many different sort of things, be it weightlifting, martial arts, hobby model building or whatever you choose.

Offline moobius

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it just comes down to discipline... you are either disciplined enough to keep your use from affecting the other aspects of your everyday life;or, you are not. it's just like anything else be it alcohol, sweets, coffee, etc.

Offline sickman

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i bet all the people here dissing pot, have never tried it. they think its a harsh drug you become a crackhead bla bla bla... well long story short, people do it in means of relaxing, socialising and well if ur in college, and ur mates do it and u wanna join in the fun.. why not?
anyway heres my input to your question...
i got gyne at 13, started smoking pot around 16 rarely, and then more often
im 17 now and still see no changes, infact its smaller... less gland (might be due to gym)
i hardly smoke green now, maybe once a month
op's this saturday so ive stopped for a while :)


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