Author Topic: Gyne coming back or normal post-surgery healing?  (Read 2338 times)

Offline sanchoz28

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Hey all, I'm a new member here.

I'm 21 and had a breast reduction surgery in mid December of '05.  My experience with the surgery (my first surgery of any kind ever) was *excellent*.  With the exception of the post-surgery sorness which is unavoidable, the experience has been great and the results when I first removed my vest (~3 days after the surgery) were night-and-day different.  My chest was completely flat, which is exactly what I wanted.

Well, I went to see my surgeon for a follow up appointment in early January and he said that I could switch from the compression vest (which I had been wearing daily and sleeping with) to those tight-fitting athletic shirts.  So I've been wearing those instead of the compression garment for roughly the past three weeks.

I have noticed in the past week that my chest is no longer as flat as it was.  The soreness has gone down considerably to where it's not an issue to move.  But there is some "redefinition"/curvature starting to set in again around the sides and underneath my nipples--basically similar to pre-surgery, but to a lesser degree.  There's still a lot of tissue that's no longer there--which is good--but the bottom line is that I'm not totally flat like I was after the surgery.  Unfourtaintely, I'm going to school away from where my surgeon is so it's hard to schedule an appointment with him.

To those of you who have had this surgery: Does this seem normal?  Can I expect to ever see the flatness that I saw within the first weeks post-surgery again, or is a certain degree of relapse inevitable?

Part of me wonders if it's just the fact that the athletic shirts don't provide the same compression that the compression garment did, since this really only started happening after I switched to the shirts...

Thanks a lot, guys!

Offline Allan7865

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You should not see final results before 3 to 6 months. Says my Doctor.

Offline wolfpack24

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Same case for me as I discussed before. I'm now 3.5 months post op and i have those lumps of scar tissue (I'm hoping) behind my nipple.  My dcotor told me to massage these daily. Hopefully this will go away as soon as possible.


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