Author Topic: Do you think my gyne may be coming back?  (Read 2999 times)

Offline ogone

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I had lipo and gland removal about a year ago. Although my chest looks a bit deformed from too much gland removal, I looked great with a shirt on and was quite happy with the results. Anyway, I put on about 30 pounds since then (not all fat, I've been lifting quite a bit) and now I'm storing a lot of fat again in my chest. Before surgery I could feel about a 3 inch lump of gland/tissue. That is definitely no longer there, but my chest is starting to look pretty bad again.

Anyway, my question is: Would diet and exercise most likely take care of this? Or did I mess up my results big time from gaining too much weight?  I'm really starting to get worried.

On a side note, please don't bash me for putting on the weight. I know I'm and idiot and should have kept my diet/cardio in check. I just never thought I'd have to deal with this again. Also since I've noticed this, I've been eating healthier then ever and doing an hour of cardio a day. Really hope they go away with weight loss.

Thanks in advance! Sorry for the long post. Will possibly put up pics soon.

Offline jimmy1234

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Same thing here man. 2 years ago had the lipo and seemed to be satisfied. Going in Friday because my nipples are puffy again. I think all i need is a reduction of the nipple. I went to my endo and he didn't think the gland was growing back but the muscle that I put on was pushing my nipples out

Offline PBC

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I feel your pain fellas...I am in the same boat. I had surgery 7 years ago and all was great. After surgery I (over the course of a couple of years) my weight went from about 195-200 lbs down to 145-150 due to a fanatical cardio routine and 3 days a week of playing hockey on top of that. I really messed my leg up playing hockey, which effectively ended hockey and any type of cardio workout. My weight ballooned up to 185 lbs within a year and the gyne began to grow again. Now I was also doing other things that may or may not have contibuted to this (weed) but the doc said such weight gain can absolutley throw off your hormonal balance. The regrowth only lasted a couple of months then stopped thankfully. Whether that is due to quitting weed or the intense weightlifting program I have been on for almost 4 months now, I can't say. Thank God what grew back isn't even close to what I had going on before surgery. Most of the shirts I own conceal the condition well, and if this is all the worse it gets, I guess I can live without another surgery. But yeah, when one notices that gyne is coming back, it's like the world falling down on you. Hang in there, you aren't alone! P.S...I dont think muscle pushes your nipples out...sounds like more "doctor doesnt know the answer so he makes something up" to me. I could be wrong though!

Offline ogone

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Very sorry to hear that both of your gyne came back, but I'm glad most of yours went away PBC. I have been browsing the forums a bit and heard weed may or may not contribute to gyne coming back. I have to admit though, I've been smoking A LOT of weed lately. I'm sure the main cause is my weight gain, but the weed can't be helping any. Going to lay of the smoking and drinking for awhile and try to get back to my weight back to when I had the surgery. I really hope this clears up once I drop some pounds.


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