Author Topic: will my gyne reverse  if hormones r corrected  (Read 2589 times)

Offline ausguy

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Hey guys..

I am 27 years old and had gyne for about 7 years or so.
just had some bloodwork done by my gp to see if im a candidate for the surgery. he said its possible my hormones may be out of wack and is going to refer me to a hormone specialist.

supposing they are out of wack, if the levels are then corrected what are the chances of my gyne going away at this age, or at least shrinking a bit ?


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My specialist told me it will reverse the gyne but i dont believe her, im in the same boat so i guess the answer is theres  a chance it could go away with the hormones
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 05:15:01 AM by kicka »

Offline tonysoprano

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hey mate,
did you end up finding a surgeon in Sydney ?

... and the saga continues

Offline Paa_Paw

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The best answer I can think of is: Perhaps.

I do not know what the odds are, but it is possible.  Just as the condition did not simply show-up overnight, shrinkage also takes a long time. There are many factors involved including genetics etc. so it would be hard to tell what is in your future.

The condition is a family trait for some, Like me. Perhaps you are more fortunate.

In any case, do not allow it to get you down.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Aus, get a copy of your results and post them on the board, I could helpyou a little better then in terms of resources.

Regarding your question;

Perhaps is indeed the best answer as Paw Paw said.

Though it must be said that the best chance for hormonal medications is during the gynecomastia development/proliferation phase.

After the gynecomastia has been there for over 2 years it becomes more fibrous and less likely to respond favorably to medications.  

That said some people still have good results after that time period....still overall statistically the chances of success are lower.

Of course it also greatly depends on what medication you are given and what the dosage is.

Offline trucker

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Paa_Paw said: <quote>Just as the condition did not simply show-up overnight, shrinkage also takes a long time</quote>

It pains me whenever somebody says that it doesn't show up overnight, because I'm that unfortunate bloke it did show up on over only a few weeks. What's worst, it keeps growing every passing week. Its already larger than some of the less-endowed girls, and its only been a few months since it began.

What's worst still is that the endo declared my hormone tests to be normal, but I'm not normal, am I with those melons?

I hope I'll post my test results soon so you people can comment on whether they were normal.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Request a copy of your actual results and reference ranges and pm me with them.

If you are right, I'll try and get you a good second opinion.


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