Author Topic: I NEED DO NOTHING  (Read 22156 times)

Offline IAmNotABody

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What a change...

So I decided to invoke my courage and get up with a buddy and go to a nice nightclub in Scottsdale (a really affluent area of Phoenix). Just a little background on me: I am average looking, nothing special, 5' 9", of course gyne.


I approached 2 attractive young women and began the chat. I had them laughing in <2 minutes. My wingman could not believe it when he saw it he later said. They reciprocated with jokes peppered with questions that buoyed the conversation whenever it began to languish. One began shooting me indicators of interest up the yinyang, which I appreciated but soon departed to piss and mingle with other girls!!

Having lubed up my communication skills, I later began dancing with another chick and, right as I turned around, there was the first girl smiling, holding strong eye-contact as she walked across the dancefloor right up to my face! We started dancing while she started grinding herself into me as she said, "I like it when you do that." She said she was worried I wouldn't remember her the next day (as if I could forget!). I ended up with 3 phone numbers that night.

I kept trying to understand how a guy with so many perceived shortcomings could attract young, attractive, socially-intelligent, fun girls!

As an aside, I remember as I approached the first set of girls that there were clusters of guys surrounding them; but noone seemed to have the balls to initiate the chat. It appeared as if these guys were thinking about what they were going to say but just couldn't open. During our exchange, I recall looking around and seeing these guys--better looking than I, better dressed, taller-- staring at me as if thinking, "Dude, how did you get these two hot babes laughing and engaging?" I am not trying to vaunt myself, just making an observation.  
« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 11:56:32 PM by IAmNotABody »


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I am sure this experiance will only lead to you having even more confidence and finding plenty more girls!
there have been many times when my critical eye has thought wow how is that guy with her! so it goes to show confidence usually does outweigh looks!
I read some of these things that geeky guys do to pull girls and even they agreed good looks just gets you more audiences with girls but are not in fact necessary to landing the girl.

Your posting and writing also seems alot more together so im thinking all in all this has been a very positive mental experiance for you

good luck

Offline FormerPropeciaUser

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This is a very interesting thread.

I am Not a Body, I think what youre really saying is that the most important thing is self confidence. And that self confidence comes from within. If you can learn to laugh at your problem, sit around a pool with your shirt off, and not care about the looks - power to you.

But I think youre going too far with the hating yourself thing. If one hated himself then he wouldnt try to fix the condition. If you truly believe that we are not our bodies, then I'm sure you agree, that if one doesnt love his body, he may still love himself.

In general I also agree with being strong from within and accepting how we look. For that reason, having surgery is too much for me, and I am therefore trying andactrim...But doing nothing was not an option this time...and one of the key issues is - the gyne is a side effect for me - not my natural state.

Though your arguments are extreme, I do think we should all keep in mind the importance of accepting our shortcomings, and learning to laugh at them...In my case, if andactrim only partially solves the problem - I'm okay with that.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is something that the younger lads simply do not understand, Male breast reduction surgery has been around for barely over 20 years. Gynecomastia has been around since before the development of the alphabet.

The lesson that we oldsters had to learn was to live with ourselves. basically, We had to play the cards we were dealt. Ultimately it helped us in other ways as well.

Others have to live with their own problems as well, and a poor self image is one of the worst problems a person can have, regardless of its cause.

This condition has been with me since I was about 12 years old which was in 1949.  It is statistically within the range of normal, and it causes me no pain. What could I possibly gain by enduring surgery to get rid of it?

Had the surgery been available when I was much younger, I might have seen things differently. Who really knows?

It is obscene that two of the most common surgical procedures these days are women getting their breasts enlarged and men getting their breasts removed. This is nothing short of mutillation.
Grandpa Dan


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There are also women getting their breasts reduced because they are just too big to live with 24x7.

There are, of course, many women who have to have one or both removed due to cancer, and this is traumatic for them

There are also a few men who have implants !

It's a shame breasts don't come with a standard bayonet fitting - we could all buy and sell the darn things on ebay !!

Offline theambushparty

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someones an english major

Offline turningacorner

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Life is'nt about doing nothing, it's about living everyday like it's your last and appreciating it as much as possible, getting surgery beats ignoring this problem hands down.

Beautifully written though.

Offline matthew1

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 WISH i never  saw  this thread!!

Offline WishmasterK

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Why is that?

Offline matthew1

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There is something that the younger lads simply do not understand, Male breast reduction surgery has been around for barely over 20 years. Gynecomastia has been around since before the development of the alphabet.

The lesson that we oldsters had to learn was to live with ourselves. basically, We had to play the cards we were dealt. Ultimately it helped us in other ways as well.

Others have to live with their own problems as well, and a poor self image is one of the worst problems a person can have, regardless of its cause.

This condition has been with me since I was about 12 years old which was in 1949.  It is statistically within the range of normal, and it causes me no pain. What could I possibly gain by enduring surgery to get rid of it?

Had the surgery been available when I was much younger, I might have seen things differently. Who really knows?

It is obscene that two of the most common surgical procedures these days are women getting their breasts enlarged and men getting their breasts removed. This is nothing short of mutillation.
men of your era  delt with alot,  they also  delt with them with  alcohol and  wife abuse too.
It seems you think   younger men are  somehow weaker because we decide to  fix something that  we can instead  of living with it.
        How many men of your era did not swim with  their kids  becuase of this condition? plenty

Offline WishmasterK

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Hi Matthew

Are you planning to have Kids, you shouldn't just let the Gynecomastia stop with you!


Wha? Maybe you should explain this comment!?

Offline matthew1

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What a change...

So I decided to invoke my courage and get up with a buddy and go to a nice nightclub in Scottsdale (a really affluent area of Phoenix). Just a little background on me: I am average looking, nothing special, 5' 9", of course gyne.


I approached 2 attractive young women and began the chat. I had them laughing in <2 minutes. My wingman could not believe it when he saw it he later said. They reciprocated with jokes peppered with questions that buoyed the conversation whenever it began to languish. One began shooting me indicators of interest up the yinyang, which I appreciated but soon departed to piss and mingle with other girls!!

Having lubed up my communication skills, I later began dancing with another chick and, right as I turned around, there was the first girl smiling, holding strong eye-contact as she walked across the dancefloor right up to my face! We started dancing while she started grinding herself into me as she said, "I like it when you do that." She said she was worried I wouldn't remember her the next day (as if I could forget!). I ended up with 3 phone numbers that night.

I kept trying to understand how a guy with so many perceived shortcomings could attract young, attractive, socially-intelligent, fun girls!

As an aside, I remember as I approached the first set of girls that there were clusters of guys surrounding them; but noone seemed to have the balls to initiate the chat. It appeared as if these guys were thinking about what they were going to say but just couldn't open. During our exchange, I recall looking around and seeing these guys--better looking than I, better dressed, taller-- staring at me as if thinking, "Dude, how did you get these two hot babes laughing and engaging?" I am not trying to vaunt myself, just making an observation.  

 pretty  sweet  story,  you must have a good rap!
   now use them  phone numbers and report back to us married men  with some details ;D

Offline matthew1

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Hi Matthew

Are you planning to have Kids, you shouldn't just let the Gynecomastia stop with you!

what the hell does that comment mean?

Offline matthew1

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Hi Matthew

Since you have come here with your anti-social comments toward acceptance of Gynecomastia, shouldn't you accept that you are the problem genetically and should never had kids, maybe you should just adopt.

please  give me an  example  of such a comment,  I have gyne, I hate it, and I am going to bermant  about it, I support everyone on this board.
         i have two lovely kids, and  there is nothing wrong  with adoption

you have me confused with  someone else

Offline WishmasterK

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People should remember that flaming is against the board rules. Don't be naughty.


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