Author Topic: I NEED DO NOTHING  (Read 22153 times)

Offline IAmNotABody

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It has been some time since I have visited this site. My return stands symbolic of my own undoing of the struggle I have endured with regard to man-boobs. I now share my release from the hatred and conflict with which I have abided—and, truth be told, have cultivated throughout my years.

Although I have not had surgery, I have tried everything within my power to somehow placate the anguish occasioned by this condition—that is, everything except for nothing. Anger, sorrow, and depression siege my mind to which I am helpless to stop. So I stopped trying to stop them. This is not something I sought after; I was made to stop in that I had no choice in halting or facilitating their progression anyway.

Allow the anger and sorrow to come. Allow them to be—unchanged, not wanting to transform them into happiness or anything else. Do not THINK about allowing them to be. Simply allow them to be. Watch your minds. Your mind will begin to THINK about allowing the disturbances to be WITHOUT really allowing anything to be.

Emotions and thoughts will come beckoning you to DO SOMETHING like indulge them or tempt you to stop them. Remember: I NEED DO NOTHING. Doing nothing about the emotional disturbance will terminate the conflict of trying to halt it. Doing nothing brings non-conflict to bear upon our struggling minds and hearts. It allows rest, which all of us are in desperate need of, gyne or not.

It seems to me in my own investigation that in my struggle with gyne, the underpinning drive is to BECOME something I am currently not. I walk ahead of truth. BEING is allowing the truth be what it is. It is a lesson in releasing the demon of pride.

In the action of DOING NOTHING, an inviolable feeling of centeredness comes over one. The restless compulsion to distract myself with TV, mindless banter and laughter ceases. It is like I have tapped into a source of power I did not know existed. And this power lies within me….and all of you. I am no different, though I have taken the necessary steps to purge my mind of conclusions and assumptions.

I do not disparage those who opted for surgery anymore than I belittle myself for not getting it. However, I harbor no regret in not getting it; for otherwise I would have never discovered the fount of power this lesson has led me to unearth within myself.

Be kind to yourselves this day.

Offline gynosucks1

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Psychology or philosophy this semester

My guess both

Refuted by

aesthetics/the body can be changed.


those in random combinations, or even stand alone is all it takes

by doing nothing you are  not solving your problem.  You made the choice to do nothing.  if you overcame the problem foreal you would have not come to this site and expressed you doing "nothing" as a solution to your problem.  obviously there's still a problem
« Last Edit: November 02, 2005, 09:29:26 AM by gynosucks1 »

Offline gynosucks1

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this is actually quite funny

my guess is it was ment this way

taking a superficial problem and using this kind of rhetoric to express some kind of deep feelings about man boobs meanwhile repeating the same thought about 15 times with different diction each time.



Offline IlluminaZero

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I find nothing wrong with overcoming your personal internal battle with Gynecomastia, I actually applaud you for doing so.

However at the same time, I feel that we are also a product of our own aspirations and work. I do not feel that we should just give up or find our efforts a failure simply because the end result was not as expected.

In terms of Gynecomastia I also became infuriated and depressed when I realized that irregardless of how hard I worked out I would never get rid of these b*tch t*ts... However, at the same token I also realized that in my (vain) efforts to kill my Gynecomastia I also gained quite a bit of muscle mass. So while I am angry that I cannot achieve something so simple through mere effort, I am also proud of what I did accomplish in my attempts to do so.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2005, 01:55:07 PM by IlluminaZero »

Offline IAmNotABody

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Thank you for responding. Out of the folks who read this post for a total of 54 views, you are the only one who felt impelled to respond physically. I will reciprocate by responding as I feel impelled.

You wrote, “by doing nothing you are  not solving your problem.”

You fail to see how another can come to resolution because YOU have yet to demonstrate the willingness necessary to let your pain go.

You wrote, “You made the choice to do nothing.”

I have nothing intelligent to say to this in that I will have to investigate what a choice is before I say anything further. You certainly offer a good statement here though; thanks for it. Does a choice differ markedly from a decision?

You wrote, “ if you overcame the problem foreal you would have not come to this site and expressed you doing "nothing" as a solution to your problem.  ”

Gynecomastia is not a problem to overcome. It is a lesson to accept. And only then will you stop focusing on your body and come to realize your mind generates your pain. You have no idea why I might come to this site because you come ONLY out of a choice to feel contempt for your condition. You claim I choose to do nothing. Well, can you see you ‘choose’ to feel anything but peace?

Offline IAmNotABody

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Thank you for responding as well.

You wrote, " I do not feel that we should just give up or find our efforts a failure simply because the end result was not as expected."

Giving up is not what the weak do. It is what the wise do. In my experience, expecting an outcome IS setting myself up TO fail. I may achieve my desired outcome yet, in the pursuit of success, I invite anxiety of failure.

It takes a GREAT amount of understanding and inner discipline to realize gyne is a gift to be accepted and not a problem to overcome.

Offline RottonDane

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Thank you for responding as well.

Giving up is not what the weak do. It is what the wise do. In my experience, expecting an outcome IS setting myself up TO fail. I may achieve my desired outcome yet, in the pursuit of success, I invite anxiety of failure.

It takes a GREAT amount of understanding and inner discipline to realize gyne is a gift to be accepted and not a problem to overcome.

So we should all quit our jobs, fall out of love, stop educating ourselves, stop striving for a better future because there is a chance we might fail?  It is the failures in our lives that make the victories all the sweeter, and I for one will never give up. EVER.  What a sad exsistance it would be for us all to sit stagnent in our lives because of the off chance we may not get our way.  That, my friends, is not a life at all.   The wise focus their contempt for their condition and turn it in resolve to overcome.  

Offline Overit

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So we should all quit our jobs, fall out of love, stop educating ourselves, stop striving for a better future because there is a chance we might fail?  It is the failures in our lives that make the victories all the sweeter, and I for one will never give up. EVER.  What a sad exsistance it would be for us all to sit stagnent in our lives because of the off chance we may not get our way.  That, my friends, is not a life at all.   The wise focus their contempt for their condition and turn it in resolve to overcome.  

Said perfectly.......I couldn't have said it better up is the 'easy way out' no matter what it has to do with. Acceptance is of things that you cannot change...for the most part 90% of things in your life you can change, if you want to.

Offline tonysoprano

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I am not a body,

Your retarded. Blunt but true.  Ask yourself the question: Are you happy having Gynecomastia? If you'd rather not have it then get it removed. Simple as that.

No-one's going to pat you on the back, tell you what a great guy you are for finally accepting your condition, there's definately no Medal of Courage for those who choose to suffer. Your a fool.

Don't let this idiot influence you guys. I had the surgery 2 years ago after living with gyne for about 7 years. Those seven years were not fun. The last two have been superb.

This is the modern age we live in, it's a double edge sword. On one hand the food we eat is pumped with chemicals; such as cattle fed hormones, estrogen in tap water, etc etc which exasberate the condition. But, on the other hand we have the surgical option to remove it.

So I am not a body, if I break my leg, get toothache, have any form of treatable medical condition, should i just suffer with these conditions? Learn to accept them, deal with them until my mind fools me into believing I am o.k with it? Or should I have the problem fixed? Gyne is the same.

I agree letting the condition ruin your life is not a good thing. But, the solution is not to let it ruin your life for so long that you finally come to terms with it (or think you have) the solution is to remove it.

Honestly, some people...


I love you Gruff
... and the saga continues

Offline IAmNotABody

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Thank you for the response. I will respond as I feel impelled.

Rottondane wrote," So we should all quit our jobs, fall out of love, stop educating ourselves, stop striving for a better future because there is a chance we might fail?"

You just revealed to me what YOU conclude giving up to mean.  I did not suggest quit one's job. I do , however, suggest giving up on feeling contempt for ourselves and others because of perceived bodily imperfections. Giving up is not easy. Try it. Try for just 5 minutes to look at your body in the mirror and feel nothing but peace about yourself. You will see in short order how much condemnation we have for ourselves.

Please do not assume you know anything about love. What you believe to be love is attachment, neediness, possession, and sentimentality masquerading as Love.

Do you think you love your body? Do you think you love your anxiety about your man-boobs? If not, then why does contempt and anxiety attract you so?

The truth is WE ALL LOVE TO HATE. We cannot even offer another unadulterated peace irrespective of what this one offers us.

Rottendane wrote, "It is the failures in our lives that make the victories all the sweeter, and I for one will never give up. EVER. "

And that is why you still suffer, my friend.

Rottendane wrote, " The wise focus their contempt for their condition and turn it in resolve to overcome.
Your handle represents you well inasmuch as your words are indeed rotten. You are full of poison. You would not know the Unseen Wise from a crackerjack box.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2005, 04:13:39 PM by IAmNotABody »

Offline IAmNotABody

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Overit wrote, " Said perfectly.......I couldn't have said it better up is the 'easy way out' no matter what it has to do with. Acceptance is of things that you cannot change...for the most part 90% of things in your life you can change, if you want to."

Givng up is the easy way out, huh? Then go ahead and give up on wanting a different looking body. Try it. Try for five minutes, just 5 friggin minutes, to look at your man-boobs and not feel disdain. You cannot do it anymore than you can offer me a blessing in complete peace.

90% of the things in your life you can change? Then is gyne part of the residual 10%? Try to change your perception of yourself despite having boobs.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2005, 04:18:10 PM by IAmNotABody »

Offline IAmNotABody

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Thanks for the response, Gruff. I will respond as I feel impelled.

Gruff wrote, " Your retarded. Blunt but true. "

Retarded and insane. I hit myself in the face, then deny I ever did anything, then blame it on someone else, then condemn the other for something he did not do.

Gruff wrote, '"
No-one's going to pat you on the back, tell you what a great guy you are for finally accepting your condition, there's definately no Medal of Courage for those who choose to suffer. Your a fool"

You are right on two counts, my being a fool and no one ever giving me a medal for courage.

Gruff wrote, "
Don't let this idiot influence you guys. I had the surgery 2 years ago after living with gyne for about 7 years. Those seven years were not fun. The last two have been superb. "

You admonish others to disallow my influence because you feel me influencing YOU, Gruff. The last two years have been superb, huh? Feel better about your newly shapen body, huh? You have taken the easy way out. You did not have the humility and courage to look within yourself for strength, so you had to change your body so you would stop hating yourself. You could not stand to look in the mirror and feel hatred for what you saw because you have given up on your mind. You could not bear the thought of another looking AT YOU the way YOU LOOK AT THEM.

So now you have a better looking body and do not have to worry about others ridiculing you because, let's face it, now you are better than the others who have man-boobs, huh? Still, despite having surgery and claiming the last two years superb, why can you not see a man with boobs and feel nothing but peace? It is because you are still full of corruption, Gruff. And your parents cannot bail you out of this one.

You are a child throwing a temper tantrum and need to be dealt with with a stern hand.

Gruff wrote, "
So I am not a body, if I break my leg, get toothache, have any form of treatable medical condition, should i just suffer with these conditions?"

Did you break your leg? Do you have a toothache? If not, then why do you ask me to entertain hypotheticals? Let us please deal with what is, not with what may be.

I have yet to come across someone who disagrees that a fractured leg, toothache, are not treatable conditions. Yet manboobs are not wholly agreed upon as a medical condition. It is only the 'civilized' folk who have perceived this as a medical condition in need of treatment. Have you ever asked an aboriginal person if his manboobs are a medical condition? How about an amazonian? How about an eskimo? How about an indian?

Do you see how conditioned your mind is into hating itself and all others?

And now you hate me because I show others another way out other than anything offered at the body level.  You hate me because I am guiltless and free. As soon as you can admit that with honesty, then you can begin the inner-work necessary to unlearn the lessons of hate.  Until then, your lessons of pain are not over.

So go enjoy being gruff.

Offline IlluminaZero

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Seeking change and working for it are not things that are exclusively associated with negative emotions.

How exactly do you determine “self” and “truth?” Especially since change will be constantly effecting us regardless of our active decision to work towards a particular goal or not? To “Do Nothing” is just as much an active action/decision as “Doing Something.” It’s a common thing that people exercise from day to day, a common example is restraint.

Life is too complicated to approach every difficulty and challenge with “Do Nothing.” Not every individual will find emotional release by acquiescently allowing things to simply be. This is especially true when the decision to “Do Nothing” may oftentimes simply put their lives at circumstance’s whim, or at the whims of others who WILL make a decision in your absence.

I do agree with the general feel of the original post. Sometimes it’s important to just lay back and chill, to relax, to not let anxieties overwhelm you. However, to take it to the extremes and “Do Nothing?" That strikes me as a solution that's just as bad as it's opposite.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2005, 05:58:38 PM by IlluminaZero »

Offline RottonDane

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This is a reply to iamnotabody,and I wasent going to waste the space using the quote feature
Alright lets get a few things straight.  First I dont not let my gynecomastia controly my life, nor do I think about it often as my case is very mild and it only remindes itself to me when I am hit in the chest and I feel pain.  that is why I am getting it removed, because it causes discomfort, not for astedic reasons.  As for my relationship with my body, I love my body, I work very hard on my body, because I love excersise-not because some opressive society tells me I have to do so, and I have absolutely no problem viewing my body or letting the others I share it with do so.  Secondly It is our failures that make victory sweet, because without bad we would know nothing of good,without wrong we would know nothing of rite. Life has a way of equalizing itself, everything has an opposite.  As for your rather personal attack on me as a person let me explain my handel and explain somthing to you.  I use RottonDane for two reasons: 1-Because as a young child I use to dance my a** off when my brother use to listen to his SexPistols records, and Jonny Rotton, he had me convinced, was a personal friend of his.  So the Rotton has been a long standing family joke.  It has nothing to do with poisen in my soul.  As for the Dane part, I am Danish, I am very proud to be Danish.  So if you have a problem with Denmark, just let me know, and I'll show you just how Vikings ball.   I came to this site to find a surgen to remove this little uncomfortable lump and found a community of people that help each other with nothing but love in their hearts.  Why you, a person who says I dont care but seems to come back time and time again-wich has to remind you of your gyne time and time again-keeps coming, back I have no idea.  If you truely did not care, you would not be here.  Sod off my friend, sod off.  

Offline gynosucks1

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obviously a troll post

shoulda just went with a couple sentences cuz it is ammusing yall lol


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