Author Topic: surgery in india  (Read 39099 times)

Offline Spunk

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Thank you guys for starting this thread. i am currently working in blore and have had gyne since when i was 15-16(now 23). this has sort of
created a highly negative self-image of myself and i practically think about it all day long.

What i would like to ask u guys is that  isn't it  necessary to find out as to what is causing Gyne in ur case bfore opting for surgery? Whether it is indicative of some other disease, alcohol/drug abuse, Hormonal imbalance induced by Klinefelter etc.   
 I mean  I have read about a few cases in which after a few years of surgery iholt comes bak on. And there are also some other remedies like 'diet aid of questionable value', Gynotin( which claim  to have produced amazing results within 2 months with no side-effects).

Anybody out there...wat's ur take on this?

Offline desi

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get a hormonal check up done, then get ur surgery. surgeons do not specialize in endocrine so it is best to get that done first ..
Formerly, 'Fattgayee', as in 'Torn Apart' or more so 'I am Screwed' :)

Offline 9Wolf

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hey 9Wolf, could you please share your pre-op/post-op pics.

9wolf, can you share ur experience? who was the doc, did u get lipo/excision/bot done?


I will post them as soon as I take some. I'll ask my PS to send me the pre-op ones.


I've had GC since childhood and the doctors here in the US never knew what the heck it was. They just always said "it'll go away"... but obviously never did. I am 33 now and finally got it done. I was amazed at how prevalent the problem and surgery is in India and with how many Indians are affected. So I did my research amongst the Indian surgeons and after a few months decided on Dr. V.D. Singh in Chandigarh. I also needed my tonsils removed so I asked him if he knew any ENT surgeons in the area and he happened to have one at his clinic, so I was very excited...

When I finally got to CHD in the evening (via driver from the Amballa train station) I met with both surgeons and they agreed to do my mastectomy and tonsillectomy at the same time (first the mastectomy and then the tonsils.) Dr. Singh set me at ease and told me not to worry. My main concern was getting 'all' of the gyne out... in other words I didn't want any glands left and I told him that. After he looked at my chest he agreed that I had a lot of gland, more than fat. That was because I had been dieting for this operation for about 7 months and I had lost almost 60 pounds. I didn't want extra fat in the way during diagnosis and consultation. My severity on a scale of 1-10 was probably an 8. So that night I went and got my blood labs done right downstairs at the blood clinic. Then the next morning came in for the surgeries. As with others, the IV sedation was fast and I was out. Next thing I know, I am being awoken by the doctor and told everything went well. He said I have a completely flat chest just as I requested. :) No more titties, no more tonsils. Unreal!!!

I had drainage tubes and very tight dressings, as well as regular stitches. After 3 days he removed the drains and checked for lumps, hardening. After 5 days, he removed the dressings and stitches and gave me the compression 'belt'. I had larger craters/depressions than most people since my glands were so large. It is an amazing feeling to see yourself 'normal'. It was also a little scary since after so long with the problem I felt disconnected to my chest, as if it wasn't mine. For a second I almost had 'separation anxiety' haha! There wasn't much pain at all in the beginning. After 2-3 weeks there was occassionally some sharp pain that lasted only a few seconds, probably from the chest healing internally. The first 3 weeks anyways all I could feel was the tonsil pain and didn't even worry about my chest. It's been a little over 6 weeks now and everything is going fantastic.

The one thing that differs from my experience than with 99% of the posters in this forum is that my surgeon didn't give me a 'vest', he gave me a generic 'belt' to wear for the first 6 weeks. It saves money, it works just as well if not better at compression since it is super-adjustable and is fairly comfortable, although obviously not as comfortable as a vest. These are the blue/rubber belts you can get from any drugstore for your abdominals/exercise. It's easy to put on and take off. The only thing is that it rides down although only a little since their is no shoulder support. You put on a tshirt first and then the belt over the tshirt. And then your normal clothing. I just received the UnderWorks muscle vest today so I'm going to switch over to that for another 6 weeks even though I don't need it since my 6 weeks are over. Well actually I do need it since I still have a very small amount of loose skin left because they were fairly large. So until everything is nice and tight I'll stick with it. I know to keep it on because I made that mistake of not wearing 'retainers' after I got my dental braces off when I was a kid. I regretted that. Haha...

Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)

Offline desi

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very well explained detailed info. thanx. i am sure this info is going to be of great help to the Asia section.

Offline karnik_y

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 that was useful info, thanks.. wish you a speedy recovery...

Offline banger

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Hello, i am planning on going to the vital clinic with Dr. JB Ratti,Cosmetic Surgeon in new delhi... i wanted to find out if anyone had gone with this place and if it is okay etc and how much you paid, the thing is they use a different procedure then the usual.. its called TUMESCENT LIPOPLASTY / LIPOSUCTION.

Tumescent technique is done in the best surgery centers in the world.
The procedure is done entirely under TUMESCENT LOCAL ANAESTHESIA (only the
chest area is made numb and you, while being fully awake, do not feel any
pain during surgery). This makes the surgery extremely safe.
The entire surgery is done through very minute cuts, placed in hidden areas,
which are hardly noticeable after few months.
Tumescent technique makes the surgery virtually BLOODLESS (no bleeding).
Tumescent technique makes the surgery completely PAINLESS (no pain)
You may go home immediately after surgery when it is done by the TUMESCENT
No drainage tubes are required
There will be early return to normal activities after surgery

can you tell me if its okay and it the results are better etc...

any info is appreciated.

thank you

Offline sur_vivor

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Since you've posted this message on March 6, I'm not sure if you've done it. I think you've taken the right decision to go there. i had the same problem and now I've done it through Lipoplasty/mammoplasty procedure using tumescent technique as Dr. JB Ratti said. the whole thing went well and I was quite comfortable without any pain at all or uneasiness, which lasted one and half hours. after that, bandage was wrapped around my chest and compressor vest over  the bandage, though a little bulky. I've been told to see him after two days to remove dressings and then i will know the actual result. He prescribed SN-15 tablets, to ease pain/discomfort. as of now, so far so good. i don't feel any pain, just some itching on the nipple but that's not a big deal. in fact, i'm doing my usual normal activities, although i'm not doing any exercise or other strenous activites. i can tell you that you don't have to worry going to Dr. JB Ratti. the clinic is quiet, pleasant and you have total privacy. the lipoplasty cost is 36,000 but i'm not sure if that is applicable to everyone because that may vary depending on each person's surgery requirement. Good luck to you.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 12:42:37 PM by sur_vivor »

Offline banger

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many thanks for your input/feedback, i am booked to see him in May and was a little concerned as i could not find much on him online.

if you read this, can i ask you were you stayed please? hotel?


Offline karnik_y

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did u get your gland also removed? or only fat? how this lipoplasty is different from the usual power-assisted lipo-suction?

Offline sur_vivor

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many thanks for your input/feedback, i am booked to see him in May and was a little concerned as i could not find much on him online.

if you read this, can i ask you were you stayed please? hotel?


Fortunately, I live in Delhi, so I didn't have to worry about accommodation. If you're visiting Delhi for this particular surgery, there are some hotels and 'paying guest house' in the same locality where the clinic is located at reasonable prices. In fact, this place is a residential market area, known as South Extension Market or South Ext. in short. I would say this is quite a convenient place.

Offline sur_vivor

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did u get your gland also removed? or only fat? how this lipoplasty is different from the usual power-assisted lipo-suction?

In my case as per the ultra-sound and mammogram reports, fats were dominant with little glands. I did these tests from different doctors before finally settling for surgery, precisely "mammoplasty". My puffy nipples were small, still I was concerned so I had this surgery. At first consultation, doctor said that he would do excision on aerola itself but on the surgery day he opted for liposuction only. I wasn't sure if glands came out with fats and I pressed doctor for some explanation. He was very certain that glands were extracted and even showed it to me after surgery. He explained that as the glands were small, there was no need for separate gland excision. As a layman, I'm not sure about the intricacies of medical terms/usages but lipoplasty/liposuction/mammoplasty seem same to me. Even lipoplasty and "power assisted liposuction" may mean same procedure. Doctors will have better explanation for this. I would be happy if someone can give some definite clarification on these medical terms. 

Offline 383Mani

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that seems excessive. cost is around 50,000. some more, some less


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