Author Topic: Is it a good idea to loose weight before lipo?  (Read 7539 times)

Offline nonini

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I guess am asking if having less fat is better or will a little more help in the "sculpting"? :)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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From what I have heard surgeons prefer a patient to be at a good/normal bodyweight for the individual, a bodyweight which is sustainable and which you are likely to be able to remain at.

Far Too heavy/obese and you are looking at increased lipo, possible increased operating time and an increased risk of complications, Far too thin and then the surgeon may take away too little and you have the potential problem when putting weight back on.

I think this is only a problem for people at ends of the weight spectrum and not really something to be too concerned about if you are a fairly normal weight.

Are you just having lipo though?

Most people here who have had just lipo have been disappointed with the results.  It can be very difficult if not inpossible to differentiate between fat and gland prior to surgery. Post surgery lipo only can reveal underlying glandular mass which was not obvios prior to surgery.  For the above reason I always think that if you are going to have surgery it is best to have glandular excision alon or with lipo, but not lipo alone.

See what other people have to say though and build up your own opinion on it.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 04:46:47 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline nonini

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I was definatelt thinking just lipo, my biggest concern is scaring, which am guessing is gona be a lot more with excision.
I guess it will depend on what the doctor says after the evaluation, and my choice of doctors is a bit limited also, due to my location in south africa.

Offline not-over-yet

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Hypo is right. my experience with just lipo was not so good. i had surgery approx 3 years ago and results are only mildly better than pre surgery. i will be going for a second surgery (gland and lipo) within a year also with a different Dr.

Offline Ffurg

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From what I have heard surgeons prefer a patient to be at a good/normal bodyweight for the individual, a bodyweight which is sustainable and which you are likely to be able to remain at.

Far Too heavy/obese and you are looking at increased lipo, possible increased operating time and an increased risk of complications, Far too thin and then the surgeon may take away too little and you have the potential problem when putting weight back on.

I think this is only a problem for people at ends of the weight spectrum and not really something to be too concerned about if you are a fairly normal weight.

Are you just having lipo though?

Most people here who have had just lipo have been disappointed with the results.  It can be very difficult if not inpossible to differentiate between fat and gland prior to surgery. Post surgery lipo only can reveal underlying glandular mass which was not obvios prior to surgery.  For the above reason I always think that if you are going to have surgery it is best to have glandular excision alon or with lipo, but not lipo alone.

See what other people have to say though and build up your own opinion on it.


Hypo's a chubby, I knew it, caught you in here woo hoo!

You just keep chomping down those big macs lardy, and wonder why you need to keep visiting an endocrinologist  ;)

Maybe if you could get those nads of yours working, you might lose the body of a fat chick.

In the mean time you can take pleasure over the fact that some of us have a little self discipline:

« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 08:46:47 AM by Ffurg »

Offline jack9

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I had lipo only and have excellent results. You have to keep in mind that each case is different. My PS said that he thought that I only needed lipo but if he found otherwise while doing the procedure, he would do glandular excision also. He said if there was gland he would have to remove it. You should seek out a surgeon who does both in case there is gland.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Hypo's a chubby, I knew it, caught you in here woo hoo!

You just keep chomping down those big macs lardy, and wonder why you need to keep visiting an endocrinologist  ;)

Maybe if you could get those nads of yours working, you might lose the body of a fat chick.

In the mean time you can take pleasure over the fact that some of us have a little self discipline:


Just to put the record straight for you;

I am not overweight and am quite fit and play a high standard of league tennis despite having had two cancers chemotherapy two osteoconditions and hypogonadism.  

I used to be a professional tennis coach, I guarantee that you are not and never will be a professional sports man.   I have also had a career in computer software where I ran multimillion pound budgets, multiple departments and a staff of 30.  

You wouldn't hold a candle to me in terms of discipline whether it was is in sports or any other field.

I do not eat big macs or fast food generally, not that there is anything wrong with that if that is what you choose.

My nads do work, I have hypogondism due to a pituitary problem.  But you insult people without knowing the first thing about them or their problems.

Out of interest I have hypogonadism/a pituitary problem thanks to chemotherapy so you can feel really big at the fact that in effect you are taking the p*ss out of the fact that I am suffering a long term effect of cancer.

You need to be banned off this site or moderated, as it stands you're just get kicks from being aggressive/ ignorant and insulting people.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 11:37:41 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline abaz

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Christ Hypo, you have your fair share of issues man, good to see you keep it real though  8)

Offline nomis

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I used to be fat, but those big boobs stayed lol! pseudo gyne, is that what they call it?

im thinking losing weight before is a good idea
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 12:59:39 PM by nomis »


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