Author Topic: Pre-Op Questions  (Read 2756 times)

Offline needhelpnow

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Had my consultation today with the PS. He answered most of my questions except one. I wanted to know about how much time to take off. He stated most take a week off. I asked if it is possible to return to work after three days but he wouldn't give me a straight answer. So to all who have gotten surgery is it possible to return to work within 3 days? I can take the pain if I have to suck it up for a few days. My job deals with me driving most of the day. Any comments would be appreciated.

Offline oldgynodude

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It's possible, and many have done it I'm sure, but myself I took a week off from work. The physical demands of my job are pretty intensive (warehouse), and I didn't want to be unfair to my coworkers, so I took  a week off (and I rested and took it VERY easy that week.

Still, the ideal for me would have been at least 2 weeks or more off. After 3 days, I was still a little out of it from the anesthesia, residual pain and aches, and medication. The pain wasn't severe, just one of those nagging things. Plus you shouldn't do anything to lift objects or raise your arms over your head for a while. It was close to a week before the little 'air pockets' disappeared and the skin properly adhered to the muscle.

Bottom line, I would definitely take at least one week off of doing nothing but relaxing around the house and not straining. At that stage you might as well do everything you can to heal properly.

Offline needhelpnow

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im a police officer so I mostly drive ;). But yes there is a slim chance i could get into a physical altercation so I may need a week off. I am young so I heal very quickly and I am rather healthy.

Offline needhelpnow

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Ya I hear ya, I may be able to request the desk duty thing. Actually the vests we wear now are actually lightweight. In all reality the likelihood of a foot chase is very low epically if its a weekday but yes it is a possibility. I'll figure something out. The PS said we have to wait a month now to see if insurance will cover it. More waiting....o well. I am excited about the possibilities to get rid of it though. He stated it was all gland and I would prob not need lipo, or very little. Don't know if this will cut down recovery time or not??

Offline needhelpnow

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I agree but I have virtually no fat in my chest just gland, so lipo isn't necessary is it?

Offline needhelpnow

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Thanks for the responses as well. How bad was your pain after two days, could you describe it?

Offline oldgynodude

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Another thing to factor in is that it is a somewhat major surgery, and while the pain isn't horrible, it is nagging and will stay with you for a while. I read posts from guys in their early 20's, and they were still sore and had some pain four weeks later.


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