Author Topic: Does anyone have any funny stories ?  (Read 2727 times)

Offline SoooTiredof-IT-

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Everybody is just talking about the embarrasment of the condition..... Have any of you had a confrontation with a person that made fun . I'm a big guy 5'11", musculular and I dont like to take shit from nobody. To tell the truth many times I just feel like slaping the livin crap of some people....but that would just be inmature. BUt I imagin that somebody just heard the wrong joke and they just snaped.

Any stories....anyone?

Offline gynaopolis

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I have one. A guy at my school once made a smart comment about my flaring headlights in front of the ladies, something along the lines of look at them bounce can't you grow a pair of those, so i ripped off my shirt speared him in the eye with my raging gyno breast and made him blind. He now walks the school with an eye band on like a pirate, and that makes me happy and smiley. I also got laid by every one of those girls right there on his blind eye.

Offline Worrier

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Well a m8 of mine although he doesn't have gyne is fat. very fat mainly because he can't exercise because he had a motorbike accident. So in a way it is similar as there is not much he can do about it.Although I personally think he is a lazy git as he doesn't go to physio appointments ;D

Anyways a while back me and him were in a pub and these lads walk in they were drunk already.And when my m8 went to get his round apparently one says to him 'you fat cun&  you can breast feed with those'.At the time he didn't say what was said just said one had taken the piss out of him.

He got more urined off and said he going to kick his head in. I said not to as there were camera in the pub and they would take a mugshot and not only would the polis want a word his pic would be up at the bar and we couldn't go in there again and I liked the pub. They get strippers in there see ;). I said leave it and if we see him in town later  there will be more of us then and we'll have a right rumble.

I thought that was the end of it. A bit later he says he was off for a slash .He came back and says we need to go now.I says 'fine I'll just finish up'.He says 'no now and walk don't run'.  We hear shouting and we leave. Later on he tells me what happened.Followed the guy in to the toilet came behind him and slammed his head into the hand dryer when the guy had his back turned and the kicked him all over the gents.

Having dealt with gyne I would have deffo done the same. I think I would feel worse taking that off some idiot . And maybe that guy might have realised one time you might insult the wrong person.   Plus I found it funny that some mouthy male thingy got a right kicking 
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 10:27:04 AM by Worrier »

Offline damnips

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I've got a good one, not about gyno, but still funny-dirty too so if you don't like stuff like this-don't read:

About a month ago I was with a girl in her room and we were a little fucked up on a couple bottles of wine (I'm only 18-love alcohol-but was my first "wine drunk")  Anyway we start fooling around and her neighbor comes over and sees me with her.  He knocks on her bedroom window and asks to talk to her.  She says no but I tell her to talk to him so he's leave us the fuc* alone.  

She talks to him and comes back and tells me that he confessed his love for her.  She is drunk and basically tells him to go away.  He doesn't and says he wants to talk to me.  So I go out there thinking Im gonna have to fight-but he actually tells me that "Im a cool guy and its too bad we had to meet like this."  I don't think he's drunk but dont really know, so I just kinda agreed and went back to her room.  

He comes back a third time talks to her again and she starts getting upset and comes back in her room.  We start foolin around again and he comes over one more time and she pretends to be sleeping so I do the same.  He leaves and doesn't bother us anymore.

Me and her start up again and go for a while.  Its roughly 4 a.m. and I see her door open and its her f*cking dad.  She was on me in her thong and bra and I was lying down and we were dry-humping.  Anyway she doesn;t notice (back to the door), but I freak out.  Her dad then calls her (wants a word with her), so I jump out the window with no shoes and drive home barefoot drunk (don't ever drive drunk by the way).

Her mom also works with my mom, but luckily her dad blamed her for getting me and drunk and didn;t tell her mom!!!!  The next night I had to go to a dinner for my work, and I meet the dad of the "neighbor kid," and the man knows who I am.  So I said I wasn't feeling good and went home.  

Now I realize that was a fuc*ing long story, but I found it rather coincidental how small the world is.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 12:10:14 PM by damnips »

Offline SoooTiredof-IT-

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Does anybody has a REAL FUNNY STORIES about gyno? For example a few years ago while I was in the ARMY I visited a StripClub with a couple of friends. After a few beers and laughts I decided to get a private dance from a Girl ( Philipine, I believe) anyway to make the story shorth the girl started to bite my nipples in teh middle of her routine, it took me by surprise!!! I didnt knew who was enjoying it more , me or her???? I didnt felt ashame for what she did because I kind of liked it LOL

NOw it comes to my mind that a guy that didnt had gyno couldnt had teh same experience as I did LOL. Not saying  that gyno is cool but teher are worse things in this world ...... for example a minipenis......which I dont have LOL

Offline Paa_Paw

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Mine is similar.

Many year ago while I was much younger.

A guy pinched my nipple whereupon I grabbed his arm and gave a yank and twist, dislocating his shoulder in the process. He called the Police and insisted upon filing charges. After talking to both of us, We were both taken to the station where I was released and He spent the night in jail.

Later, in court, It was the findings of the court that I had simply been defending myself and he had committed an assault against me.
Grandpa Dan


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