Author Topic: visiting Dr on Thursday  (Read 2732 times)

Offline krisuk333

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hi guys

Could you help me out, i need to know "any and all" hormones that can affect the breast

i expect

Growth Hormone

please help me out with any other it would be more then helpful, thanks, i like to do research in this area, my situaition is very unusual even the slightest possibility has to be considered thanks

Offline jc71

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Look at Hypo's post history.  The last 50 posts should do it.  It'll be very helpful to you.

Offline krisuk333

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My Dr ended up giving some adrenal support products but also some homepathic (spelling?) for the breast area, bascially my side effects are pretty much unknown but likely hormonal

Offline hypo

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Hi cps007cs,

Many hormones can potentially affect the breast but most are usually pretty insignificant.


Adrenal hormones effect estrogens such as cortisol but have a limited impact.

The same is usually true of estrone and estriol as they are usually dwarfed in terms of their impact by the potent estrogen estradiol.

Nevertheless there are some circumstances within which they can have an impact so it is worth including both of them.

An Estrone Sulphate test is supposed to be an accurate marker for overall estrogen status in the male.  Although Estradiol is the most potent estrogen some have called into question the ability to accurately test it due to methodological reasons, so this test is worth inclusion.

It is very important to include free testosterone, if you cannot get a free testosterone test you'll need a total testosterone test an SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) test and Albumin test.  I will then be able to calculate your bioavailable and free testosterone level.

I feel dihydrotestosterone would also be useful but a one off test is of limited use given the short half life of this testosterone metabolite- if you were going to have this tested you would probably need three separate blood tests in the same day.

It would be useful to look at the pituitary messenger hormones LH and FSH as that would give an idea as to whether or not their is reduced pituitary function or whether or not your pituitary is happy with the output of testosterone from your testicles.

The reason the androgens are important is because gynecomastia can occur when estrogen status is not elevated but androgen status is lowered as this scenario can present a poor androgen to estrogen balance/ratio and this balance is THE most significant causative factor when looking at gynecomastia.

The thyroid is also worth looking at as 2% of all gynecomastia sufferers are found to have hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism often causes weight gain which itself increases pseudo gynecomastia and can increase glandular gynecomastia via the increase in the aromatase enzymes that occur with increased visceral fat.


To your list I would add the following;

Free Testosterone (if you can't get this)
Total testosterone- SHBG- Albumin tests
Dihydrotestosterone (multiple if possible)
Estrone Sulphate
TSH- free T4 and T3
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin).

If you really want to push the boat out you could test for DHEAS and Cortisol.

The best test of Human Growth Hormone HGH is IGF-1, so put that on your list and not Growth Hormone.

If you tell me specifically what the medication is that you have been given I can have a look and see if it is listed on medications known to cause issues.


With all of the above tests you need a copy of your own results, do not accept words like normal.  You need the laboratory reference ranges included with all tests.

Your endocrinologist should know exactly what is going on if anything with all of those tests.

I am not a doctor but I can help you interpret any result at a later date if that is something you want help with.  Those are simply the tests I would wish to see if it were me that was being investigated.

I hope that helps.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 02:16:33 AM by hypo »

Offline krisuk333

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Hi mate, yeah been there, this is a  long running mystery/problem, its not gyno either but similar (i do sometimes get gyno and had gyno originally), i honest believe I am the first to have this condidition, these are the results.

As you can see likely adrenal problem which i am being treated for but the BIGGEST problem in the breast, very ususal activity, pressure, strain, which has a connection to the thyroid and gets worse after sex or hormonal change, its got better with adrenal treatment but still is causing me major problem in my life.

Blood Test
09/08/04 Results
Testosterone (T)                    350  Low                  ng/dL   400-1200 (normal Range)
Testosterone (T)                   407   low norm       ng/dL   400-1200 (normal Range)  

Blood Test
09/08/04 Results
(SHBG)                                   0.3  Low                  mIU/ml   0.7-1.0 (normal range)
(SHBG)                                   25   Normal            nmol/L    10-80 (normal range) x2

Blood Test
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
TSH                                          1.11         Normal                                   IU/mL       0.5-3.0

All areas of thyroid have been normal, including T3,T4,TPO

Saliva Test
Previous results
Previous test have shown low normal to normal results

15/05/04                                      3.5   Low Normal                   ng/ml    3 – 10 (N Range)   )  

12/12/04                                       3.5 Low normal                       ng/ml   3 – 10 (N Range)  

Saliva Test
Estradiol (E2)
Estrogen                             under 0.5     Low                                     pg/ml     0.5-1.5
Estrogen                                        0.1     Low                                      pg/ml    0.5-1.5
Blood Test
Estrogen                                       73                                                     Pmol/L   1-206

Saliva Test

Cortisol Morning

24 hour test
morning                                       5.7  normal                   ng/ml        3-8 Normal range
Night                                            0.1 low                         ng/ml        0.5-1.5

Cortisol Evening                       0.3    Low               ng/ml       0.5 – 1.5 Normal Range

24 hour Cortisol test have been normal range, also on 01/12

Blood Test
Follicle STIM. Hormone          1.4    Low                          IU/L   1.5-12.4 NormalRange
Two 2.4

Blood Test
Prolactin                                  626  High                     mIU/L     98-456  Normal Range
Prolactin                                  530   High                     MIU/L     98-456 normal Range                              

Blood Test
Luteining Hormone              3.8    Normal              IU/L      1.7 – 8.6  Normal Range              

« Last Edit: March 13, 2005, 12:39:18 AM by cps007cs »


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