Author Topic: Consultation  (Read 2764 times)

Offline XadenPhoenix

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Went to see the consultant today and it's good news in that I can have the surgery if I wished.

He explained that I had the severe form of gyno and that the type of cut would be a t anchour cut with lipo, gland removal and removal of skin.

Bit concerned about the scarring issue as I don't scar well.

Prob will go for it, but going to try and lose as much wieght as possible so that the removal of skin is not so excessive.

Offline XadenPhoenix

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Q - Can I phone up the consultant and ask to be considered for surgery or do I have to wait for the 2nd appointment?

Offline IT100

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  • Gyne Removed by Levick 17/03/04
Who are you going to see? A T anchor cut sounds really drastic when many others will do it with very minimal scaring which are normally hidden away anyway.


Offline phantom

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I'm with IT100

The anchor T cut is now, in my unprofessional opinion an outdated method of getting inside your chest.  Is this NHS or private?

Even if you are NHS, I'd give SERIOUS consideration to getting a second opinion with a private surgeon, namely Mr Levick in Birmingham or Dr. Karidis in London.  I think their consultations are £100 and £50 respectively.  But they are both VERY experienced surgeons in treating gynaecomastia.  Assuming you are NHS, tell them what your first surgeon explained to you.  Ask them what they think of the method that was described to you and what other methods are practiced and what are the advantages.

I can only speak from my own perspective, but my first consultation was with a surgeon in Manchester that said he'd perform the T cut.  Straight away I knew that this was NOT the man for the job.  It's hardly ever used these days and presents the highest risk of visible scarring.

If you are NHS, go back to your GP and explain that you are not happy with the method that is going to be used on you and that you want to be referred to a PLASTIC surgeon.  You are entitled to see a different consultant via the NHS if you can justify why - and I assure you that you can justify this on the grounds of there being more effective methods of carrying out this procedure!  The most common method these days is the 'crescent cut' around the areola which leave a much neater scar that usually fade to just about nothing.  More recently some surgeons are using a 'stab wound' cut near the crease of the armpit.  This was the method that was used on me by Mr Levick - probably the most experienced gynaecomastia surgeon in the UK, if not Europe - he's even had the surgery himself!  Tell you GP you'd much rather have either of these methods of surgery.

The only reservation I have in this case is that you say your gynaecomastia was deemed to be 'severe' and may need skin excision (removal).  Any chance of you posting a pic or two?  Given the severity of your case, it's all the more important to ensure your result is 'normalised' as possible.  Personally I would not let anyone near me unless they had a very proven track record in plastics.  Did the surgeon you saw show you any before and after pics?

I feel anxious that you give this matter further consideration and talk about it more on here before committing to anything.

Hope that helps.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2006, 07:14:28 AM by phantom »

Offline nonini

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yeah a T cut is where they cut the lower part of your nip and then cut straight down to where your breast beggins its pretty drastic. They dont even use that for breast implants nowadays so I really recommend seing someone else, since ur in the UK why not see one of the surgeons mentioned here?


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