Author Topic: Stretching arms up to see potential chest.  (Read 4029 times)

Offline HormoneGuy26

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I am positive I have gyne. I can feel these things behind my nipples that aren't there in any other part of my chest. My gyne isn't that bad that I need to wear the tight work out shirts underneath, but I do look bad in some shirts.

So, I've started working out hardcore since school started (college kid).  I've been running about 2 miles every time I go to the gym. I have been running at least that everyday since this past Mon ( 8/28 ) and have been doing weight exercise every other day.  It is making a difference.  It just feels good to lose fat, whether it is off your chest, gut, and even face.
However, this is going to be a slow process. There is a positive difference in my chest, but a very small one.  

I was wondering though when I raise my arms straight up (I bet a bunch of you guys have done this), and my chest tightens and flattens out, will this very temporary appearance of my chest be similar to my real chest if I lose all that chest fat? I've noticed when I do this, I can still feel the gland and it doesn't flatten out, but I do reduce that whole "man-boobish" chest look to having just a little puffiness around the nipple area.  I hope this is just the fat evenly spreading out around the chest and this means that a lot of my gyne is due to chest fat being all in one area, and it would look a lot better (like if my arms were extended up) if just I lost all that weight.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 10:26:43 PM by HormoneGuy26 »

Offline HormoneGuy26

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Could someone please reply to my question. Thanks.

Offline GynecoMan

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Well, I believe when anyone raises his arms gyne doesn't move just the pecs and the fat; however, you cant target where your body burns you know.
I think if you can get your BF% as close as possible to a single digit you will eventually  see your chest with a very little fat around your gyne.
It’s hard though, and depending on your case, your gyne at that stage might be more obvious.
I’m myself trying to lower my BF% having in mind the same vision as inspiration, but I don't expect much to be honest...I hate diet just as much as I love chocolate...;D
I'm not sure if i answered your question...
But I strongly recommend to go ahead and give it a try.. working out is always great.

Offline nonini

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I am positive I have gyne. I can feel these things behind my nipples that aren't there in any other part of my chest. My gyne isn't that bad that I need to wear the tight work out shirts underneath, but I do look bad in some shirts.

So, I've started working out hardcore since school started (college kid).  I've been running about 2 miles every time I go to the gym. I have been running at least that everyday since this past Mon ( 8/28 ) and have been doing weight exercise every other day.  It is making a difference.  It just feels good to lose fat, whether it is off your chest, gut, and even face.
However, this is going to be a slow process. There is a positive difference in my chest, but a very small one.  

I was wondering though when I raise my arms straight up (I bet a bunch of you guys have done this), and my chest tightens and flattens out, will this very temporary appearance of my chest be similar to my real chest if I lose all that chest fat? I've noticed when I do this, I can still feel the gland and it doesn't flatten out, but I do reduce that whole "man-boobish" chest look to having just a little puffiness around the nipple area.  I hope this is just the fat evenly spreading out around the chest and this means that a lot of my gyne is due to chest fat being all in one area, and it would look a lot better (like if my arms were extended up) if just I lost all that weight.

I dont think thats a realistic expectation because when you raise you arms up u not only compress the fat but also stretch out the muscle, so the area looks much flater than it ever would.
And also I dont think its that important that you can feel the gland if you press on your nips, its only important of you can see it.


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