Author Topic: NOXplode and other questions  (Read 2434 times)

Offline blak

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I just had my second gynecomstia surgery.  The first time was because of steriods, and I was done with those over six months before the surgery.  After the surgery I started taking supplements, such as NOXplode, Cellmass(creatine), and Nitrix, as well as a 2 year continuation of Propecia.  After about 7 months the gyno returned.  I went to the doctor and he told me to discontinue the Propcia, and I did.  3 weeks before the surgery he said that even the supplements could have brought it back, so I stopped them as well.

My questions now are, can Propecia still cause gyno after 2 years, and/or are the supplements causing my problem  Because I took both for beneficial purposes, and don't really want to stop, but have and will continue if I have to.

Also, what kind of doctor should I go to to check my hormone levels.  I want to make sure they are in check.  

Offline merle

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You should seen an endocrinologist for the hormones. As for your body it is telling you that you are very sensitive to the balance in your body and that you can not go messing with it or you will grow breasts.

It is impossible to get every cell out of the chest that can grow into breast tissue. If you continue to use products that mess with your hormones it is likely that it will come back. Enough surgeries later, you might get it all.

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Offline Vanatu

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I think it was definetly the propecia  :-/

Offline tnel00son

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yes man, definately. whenever you take things like steroids or testosterone, you are supposed to take a PCT, an estrogen blocker, such as 6-oxo or rebound xt which is supposed to prevent gyne from coming as a result of taking the supplement. however, it is no guarentee that this will prevent gyne from returning. my suggestion to you is to not take any hormonal altering supplements anymore. creatine and protein and a good diet is all it takes as long as you know what yourre doing in the gym. trust me


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