Author Topic: how much fat and breast tissue is enough  (Read 3087 times)

Offline shyboy

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I was told by the doctor during my consultation that i have about 400 cc of fat per breast with about 50 grams of tissue that he will more and luckly extract.Is that alot,he also said that my chest would be 80% better but not flat because i have lots of muscle on my upper chest.what can i expect?

Offline PeterBateman

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He said the same thing basically to me...hope its not a standard line he uses.  He showed me from about just above the nipple and downwards (imagine a straight line horizontally across the chest) he said he would remove all the crap, but that he wouldn't be touching the upper as it was muscle.  I do have the majority of fat and crap in this area, and my veins are close to the skin as you go further upwards, so I see what he's saying.  I think if yours, which sounds like mine, can have the crap removed from that point on, and have the upper portion remain, it will result in a very good looking chest.  I was not told specifically how much cc's of fat etc I had though...maybe I got the quick consult, as I produced a 50% off voucher for the initial consult....did he do any computer imaging with you?  How long was ur consult? Mine was only about 5 mins.

Offline shyboy

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hey pete,my consult was about 30min,I also had written down a bunch of questions,we did not talk about the digital imaging but i think that would be another expense.He also said that he would not be doing my upper chest but i told him i would like him to ,his reply to that he will do a little.Write down any questions for him on paper for your second consult,you do have one i hope.what is your height and weight

Offline PeterBateman

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I'm glad to see you said you wanted some upper and he said ok...i will do the same.  Yeah my consult is beginning of october.  I will ask for sure, and point it out the day of surgery.  I'm 6'1", 198 lbs.  You?

Offline shyboy

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pete,i'm 5 ft10 in and weigh 170lbs,in 2001 i used to 240 .i changed my lifestlye to healthy living and been able to loose the weight and keep it off but i have always worked out on and off but regularliy the last 4 years.

Offline PeterBateman

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I trained and ran a half marathon 2 years ago, and was running 35 miles per week at the end of the training...I was down to a ripped 181 ideally, I'd like to get down to between 185 - 190 lbs.  I don't think I'll run that much again though...and I still had ti ts....I wrote down my question about getting some upper done...thanks.  I also requested tylenol 3's instead of the percacets...don't wanna turn into a pain junky!

Offline fishy

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i am 6.1", and was 200 pounds at the time.

I was told that 950cc was removed.


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