Author Topic: Hi there... (My pics are up, and a request)  (Read 15273 times)

Offline Gavin

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I haven't had any surgery or anything, but I was just in today to see what could be done.

The doctor said that I have too much excess skin with the breasts (and other areas). He said that the only way to do it would be to cut off the breasts and then re-attach the nipples, and that it would leave a couple long scars across my chest.

I lost like 130 pounds and the boobs never really did go down very much. The doctor proceeded to inform me that they most likely won't go away naturally, no matter what I do. :(

I have been looking for pics of scars so that I could judge whether it'd be worth going through such an operation, but I haven't really had any luck. I searched here, but I didn't notice any, so sorry if I just missed them. :P

So yeah, if anyone could help me out, that would be great. If not, thanks anyway. I'll try to post a pic of my 'problems' later on, though it'll be with a crappy webcam, but at least you guys will have an idea of what I am going through with this. :)


EDIT: Here are some pics of me at the moment. With the horror!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 02:12:50 PM by Gavin »

Offline headheldhigh01

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one of the most severe cases i've seen, which is why he's proposing that drastic an operation.  you might ask about before/after pictures of his past work, but i don't think you'll have alternatives to what he's proposed.  welcome and wishing you a lot more peace on the other side.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline GynecoMan

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I lost like 130 pounds ....

wow.. 130lb … that's impressive man....
welcome to the site; I really wish you the very best with the operation.

Offline nonini

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Thats a lot of lose skin you have there, there doesnt seem to be any gland/fat to extract in there so i think your surgeon was definately right. The severity of scaring will depend on a lot of things i think so its best to ask for photos as someone said.

In my opinion a scar would be much beter than walking around like that for the rest of your life.

Can you tell me how long it took you to lose all that weight?

Offline Gavin

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Thanks guys.

It took me roughly four and a half years to get where I am now. But I was really casual about it for the most part. For the first year (and most of the second) I didn't do much more exercise than walking home from school, or around the block once or twice. I also had to change my eating/drinking habits. I used to drink pop (soda; whatever prefer) too much -- like 2-4litres a day -- and sit around and play on the computer all the time.

I lost the majority of the weight simply just doing that. Though it took a long time. I've been going to the gym for about 8 months now and it is a lot faster there. You don't even really need to go all that often for it to work out for you -- an hour to an hour and a half about four times a week is fine.

And as my friend who works at the gym says, once a week you should treat yourself to some junk food because you're working so hard.   ;D

You know what... I know that my breasts have been big, but I always thought I was probably a minor case for some reason. I thought that so many people probably had it worse off. I guess it's pretty rare. O_o

As for the operation, I am waiting about six weeks to recieve a later from this medical place to see if they'll cover the operation for me. If not, we'll be selling the house soon, so my mom and I plan to use some of the money to get what I want done. Would be nice if they'd cover it, though. :D

Until then, I am going to try and pick up the pace on my gym-going and try to lose as much fat, and gain as much muscle as possible with the slightest hope that it might reduce breast-size at least a little more, and also everywhere else.

I was also an idiot and couldn't think of any questions because I was slightly depressed from the news. I should have asked about the scarring and to see photos, but oh well. I've been told by numerous people that the scars aren't going to be as bad as I was picturing in my mind, and they'll even fade a bit over time, so I think I'll be fine with them, and, you're right... I mean, I look like shit right now -- scars can't possibly be worse than this! :P

Offline hernan_corsten

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Hey Blatino, yet again another heartless posting on your behalf.  "Wow, sound the alarm," what's your problem man! this guy seems pretty young based on what I read (something tells me you never actually read the posts, just look at the pics and crank out stupid comments as fast as can be).  

Anyway, to the original poster: I wish you the best, whatever you decide.  If you did opt for surgery, by  the looks of your pic, once that leftover skin is removed your chest looks like it'll be pretty flat.  Good Luck too you!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 12:58:22 PM by hernan_corsten »

Offline Gavin

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Thanks. :) Yeah, I forgot to add my age. I am 21 (22 in November).

Chances are you're right that I would have a pretty flat chest after the excess skin is removed. I plan to continue going to the gym and gaining muscle, and losing fat, so chances are by the time I actually get this taken care of, it'd look pretty good, aside from the scars, which may not be too bad.

This is all assuming nothing goes wrong with the surgery...

Like I said though, it's gonna take about 6 weeks to receive a letter from this MSI place on whether or not they'll cover the costs. Probably months of waiting before the operation, I would assume. And it'll take a lot longer than that if i have to pay for it myself.

Offline randomuser1

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be sure to ask your surgeon many questions. I can tell your recovery time will take very long.

I am specially curious about how long it would take for your nipple sensation/function to return because he needs to cut them off completely.

Offline Gavin

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I'm sure the recovery time will be well worth it, though. :)

Looks like I'll be quite the experiment around here. lol I'll be sure to stick around and give you guys up-to-date progress as things happen! :D

Offline Spleen

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You have a severe case.  There are lots of folks who have excess skin after losing a lot of weight so it is something surgeons see with regularity.  There really is no way to avoid a scar and given the large area of excess skin you are dealing with you have to expect significant scar size.  However, assuming you are a good healer you can hope for good scar *quality* with a good surgeon and thoughtful aftercare.  At this point you can't have a *perfect* chest but you can expect an improved result.

Offline merle

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I think that you should be looking at some transgender websites. Thier are different techniques for larger breasts. One is called a draw string that seems to be an alternative to the one that was mentioned to you.

See several doctors, see the before and after pictures. You have time.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

My newest book: Facing the Truth of Your Life is very relevant to members of this forum. It could save you a lot of unnecessary pain and time.

Book books are available on Amazon. FTTOYL is also available through your local bookstore or on Audible or iTunes.

Offline ddaavviidd

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Don't worry about scars, u can always get a cool tatoo to cover any scares,  kinda of like the rock,,,,lol

Offline headheldhigh01

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merle, can you tell us a little about what that technique does.  

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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merle, can you tell us a little about what that technique does.  

Ditto...  ;)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Gavin

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Thanks guys. Haven't visited in a few days and thought my thread had dropped down and been forgotten, but looks like it hasn't.

I'll ask the doctor next time I go in if there are any pictures of previous works that he can show me. I don't know what the scars will look like, so it'd be nice to see some.

I'll keep everyone up-to-date on what's going on, but it's going to take a few weeks to even know whether it'll be covered for me by this medical place, or if I'll have to wait a lot longer in order to pay for everything myself.

Well, we'll see what happens.


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