Author Topic: UPDATED! My problem, possible causes and concerns.  (Read 5934 times)

Offline joedead

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Hello Everyone,

 I'm really glad I found this board, this is an embarrassing subject to talk about and it's good to know there are others out there dealing with it.

About me:  I first had a very, very slight case of what appeared to be gyno when I was very young, around age 15.  Seeing as I was smoking alot of pot at that time, I was first afraid that too much THC had lowered my testosterone.  (Although in hindsight, I didn't smoke THAT much.) My doc said it was normal and would go away.  I did have slight discharge from my nipples.

Since then, I have always managed to ignore it, although I still remain sensitive about it.

I just turned 25, and have recently started weight lifting again.  I've noticed my nipples are becoming puffery, sore, and general swelling in the area.  I'm baffled.  I don't take any supplements or use any steroids.  I went to the doctor again, who diagnosed me with gyno and recommended surgery.  I even had a blood test done but hormone levels tested regular.

In response, (since I can't afford surgery) I have considered using tamoxifen; I can readily obatin Nolvadex.  I'm afraid if I continue to lift, it will get bigger.

The last thing I am concerned about is Klinfelter's syndrome.  I've read quite abit about it and I'm starting to think I should be tested for xxy chromosone syndromes.  What do you think?

I'm about 5'9, 158 pounds.  I can bench about 250, deadlift 350, and I hate squats.  :P

Comments?  thoughts?  
« Last Edit: November 01, 2006, 11:41:58 AM by joedead »

Offline Bradley07

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hey, and welcome to the boards. Well, i just looked at your pics and you look like you have a great body. In fact it's *really* hard to see any gyno from those pics. If you do have it, then i think it's a really mild case and in some angles/pics/positions it's easier to see than others. i think you have a very mild case like myself. it's not like huge breasts hanging down like some guys suffer from, but it's enough to bug the hell out of us, huh? well, you can try those different medications if you want but I don't think anyone has had much luck with them--for the most part surgery is the only option. the fact that your hormones look normal make it even less likely that any type of medication would make a difference. where are you at? are you in the USA? is financing the surgery an option for you?  for what it's worth, again, your body looks really good but i can understand how frustrating it can be to go to the gym and have gyno. i've been going to the gym, too, and no matter what i still have these small "poofs". i can't take it any longer so i decided to talk to a plastic surgeon and i have my 1st consultation on Monday. Did you talk to your doctor about those medications? Did he recommend them?

Offline joedead

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 Thanks for the reply.  Looking back at those pics, it's not really evident, so I'm going to take a few more and post them up.

What bothers me is that my doctor diagnosed me with it and recommended surgery.  That being said, I can also feel small, solid, 'rings' of tissue underneath my nipple.  Also, I was cold when I took those pics, so it didn't look so bad.   :-/

Offline randomuser1

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hey do, i had almost your exact same problem except i didn't smoke weed and ddin't have discharge. Before my surgery i looked just like that, i'm almost the same build as you too. Eventually i started losing fat by going on a diet and i got pretty cut and had a 6 pack and my chest was barely noticeable, but i still noticed it, so i think you and i are in the same boat , we have very mild gyno.

I just had surgery 6 weeks ago and i've gotten fatter over summer and i'm still puffy so hopefully once the puffiness goes down and i get cut again i will look great.

Anyways i recommend you get cut, lose some fat, see if that makes it better, most likely it will look better but i think you, yourself will still notice it. If that's the case, surgery's the only option.

Offline randomuser1

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by "notice it" above, i meant that you will still notice a little gyno left on your chest.

Offline nonini

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Yeah doc is full of it, you look pretty good (No Homo)

Offline **Gynefor**

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If this is gyne, it is a very mild case. On some shots, it seems a bit like gyne but to be honest, that is nothing.

Offline joedead

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Thanks for the replies.

 If it's not gyn, then what is it?  "Puffy nips?"  I can feel something under the skin for sure.  Just a swollen gland?  Man, this just pisses me off.  I mean, I have to wear double shirts all the time or it looks like I have swords for nipples.

Btw, thanks for the advice, I will try cutting down and see how it looks.

Offline headheldhigh01

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no, this is a mild to moderate gyne, you can see by the shape in the side profile.  puffy nips is when the areolas stick out conically or the nips themselves stick out too far.  

btw, if you leave something out after you post, you can use the modify link off the original message to just correct it or add it in.  

congrats on finding the board.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline joedead

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Thank you, I was actually waiting to hear your opinion.  (I respect what you've said to others)  

In a scale of 1-10, what would you give it?  Do you think Surgery is an option?

Offline reymysterio

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absolutely non-noticeable....
Anyway see an endocrinologist, he will help you to avoid the increasing of gyno.
You are in perfect shape dude!
You can find the success before sweating only on your dictionary.

Offline headheldhigh01

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i'd call it the 2-3 range, which is still enough to make life unhappy, i'm on the low end of the scale myself, kind of flat but wide mass.  because of how long you've had it i don't think you can expect anything from drugs,  surgery is an/the option from there as long as your hormones are not out of balance.  the odds are against klinefelter's, but maybe somebody else knows what a test would cost, and then you can decide whether it's worth setting your mind at ease.  

Offline joedead

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Well, back again.  I'm traing to compete in a powerlifting contest, which means I'm gaining muscle, but also fat....
(FYI, I'm 100% clean, still just taking protien powder/ over-the-counter supplements.)

I weigh about 160 now, plan on putting anothet 5 pounds on to compete in the 165 class, BUT....

my gyne is getting bigger.  or is it?  I can feel a lump under my nipple, but only when I flex.  Also, it doesn't help that my lower pectoral mass is HUGE compared to the rest of my chest.  (it's muscle, though, I can feel it rock hard under the skin and fat when I flex)

Are there any herbal supplements I can take to combat this?  any natural remedies to keep gyne at bay?

and finally, would you recommend surgery?  

my new photos are labeled "Oct."

Offline headheldhigh01

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Are there any herbal supplements I can take to combat this?  any natural remedies to keep gyne at bay?

if there were, we would all be farmers ;) so don't put much stock in the few things you hear about.  which probably answers your next question too, after a few years if it doesn't go away, it's op or acceptance.  


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