Author Topic: juice  (Read 1542 times)

Offline tnel00son

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i just had my gyne removed about a month and a half ago. it was an idiopathic case. now im back int he gym, im already pretty big, but im considering a cycle of d-bols or somethign like that. they say you can either prevent it or greatly decrease it if it occurs by taking a pct. what i want to know is if i had my idiopathic gyne removed, is it now like it is never there? or am i forever prone to gyne?

Offline moobius

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if the entire gland was removed then you probably don't have to worry about it coming back. if there are any remnents left then it very well could grow in size if exposed to excess levels of estrogen.

another thing to consider is that dbol is 17aa, so dbol's estrogen = a 17aa estrogen = stays your in system longer due to extra passes being needed by the liver.

high estrogen can easily be controlled with anti-estrogen medications, but 17aa estrogen is much harder to combat.

IMO, dbol probably isn't the best choice..

Offline Bradley07

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think about putting up with gyne all over, is it really worth the risk to you?


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