Author Topic: Puffy nips making life hell  (Read 2062 times)

Offline Porcupine_tree

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I developed 'puffy nips' when I was about 11. I am 18 now and it's safe to say that this condition has raped me of a social life and has prevented me from enjoying myself for the past 7 years. I could never go to the beach, never go swimming, had to hide in the locker room, etc. Some days, I don't think about it, but others I get really down on myself.

I don't have the large breast type of gyno. My nipples stick out and are soft and puffy. They are about 2.5 inches in diameter and stick out a good 1.5-2 inches. As you can imagine, it's VERY noticeable. It isn't so bad when it is cold and my nipples get really hard, there it just looks like I have pecs.

I'm just really tired of it now and I want to see a doctor about it, but the doctors around here are morons and have told me it was 'normal' or that it would 'go away.' Well hello genius, it's been nearly a decade, I don't think it's going away.

How much would surgery to remove my puffy nips cost? I am not wealthy at all and my parents aren't either.

Thanks for listening to me vent. I'm glad others can relate.


Offline Mr_Nip

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Your story is similar to most of ours.  I know that my surgery that involved both gland excision, liposuction, and areola reduction cost me $3875.00.  You may not require all the lipo I had, but you'll probably need gland excision.  Gland is what puffs out the nips, generally.  You can count on spending some bucks so now would be a good time to start saving.  You're 18 and know about the condition.  That's a better start than a lot of us had.  I was over 40 before I even knew others suffered from this.  Now all you need to do is save up or borrow the funds and find the right surgeon for you.  
It wouldn't hurt to see an endocrynologist first and check to see if there's still a hormone imbalance.  

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Offline cujo2527

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Im the same way and im 27 now, not so much breast pretty much just the nips. I will say this, black t-shirts can do wonders especially with some graphic on it or something.

Offline Porcupine_tree

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Yea, I've been wearing black for years :P

I also wear alot of hoodies so it doesn't really show. What kills me is that I can't go swimming or do any of the 'normal stuff.' I feel as if I have missed out on my teenage years.

I have heard that a certain Dr. Fielding in Toronto is an excellent surgeon and that he will charge around 1 grand for the operation I require. Can anyone tell me if this is true?

Offline Spleen

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Surgery fixed my puffies up right.  Make sure you see a doc and get yer hormones checked first.  In the meantime stop being so hard on yourself.  I went until 36 before I got my chest fixed and it didn't cramp my style because I didn't let it.  I think we overestimate what others might think of our teats.  Most folks don't notice and those that do usually don't care.

Offline II_Maximus_II

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hi this is my 1st time on the site im 17 almost 18 and i also hav puffy nipples, i hav had them since i wuz about 11 or 12 the same as u. its made my life pretty hard at times bcuz like u guys i havnt bin able 2 go swimming or take my top off at the beach etc. and ive found it really hard 2 get close 2 girls bcuz im afraid they'l think im a freak which really scares me, im lookin at having sum kind of surgery done bcuz it really is making my life hell.


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