Author Topic: pain at the nipples  (Read 1995 times)

Offline csatz1

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was just wondering if anyone has had pain at thier nipples.pain that is like a sharp stabbing pain.mine hurts so that its hard to hold anything against my this part of dr said some pain is normal but this really hurts.hope someone can answer this for me...thanks

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Pain is a difficult word in that it is relative to a persons own pain threshold.  The medical profession has known for centuries that different people have different pain thresholds.  What I might call pain you might call tenderness.  Having said that, many people have spoken of very sensitive nipples during the growing stage of gynecomastia.

I first went to see my GP when one nipple became so sensitive that I couldn’t even bear my shirt to touch it.  I had never heard of gynecomastia at that point and he put me on some antibiotics to see if there was an infection causing the sensitivity.  It was only when the antibiotics failed to alleviate things that he started to look a little deeper.  It has been a few years since then and I have learnt that whenever the sensitivity returned I knew my gynecomastia was growing again. This was born out by hormonal investigations and of course visible growth.  Other sufferers say they have never felt any pain or sensitivity during growth.

I would suggest you go back to your doctor and ask him to look again.  There may be a whole number of reasons for your pain.  
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Pain is enough to have gynecomastia operated on via an insurance policy that would otherwise refuse on the basis of the condition only being cosmetic.

Something worth remembering ;) ;)

It is also something that should be investigated by an endocrinologist and not ignored by a gp.

If you tell me what city and state you live in, I'll get you contact details for relevant endocrinologists in your area that you speak to.


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