Author Topic: Weight loss after surgery  (Read 3630 times)

Offline Donatello

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Hello I am hoping to get surgery with Levick early next year once save enough money during my gap year before I attend university.

When I have the surgery I am hoping to try and lose some weight before attend university so my question is will my gyno become visable due to this weight loss.

I am asking this because I thought Levick will take enough of the gland and fat out to suit you bodyfat at the time of surgery so if i was to decrease my bodyfat wouldn't the excess gland begin to protude.

Thanks for any replies. :)

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
it does stand out still but if you were to excercise you would notice a reduction in fat around your moobs and they will NOT look any worse than they are now :)
i got down from 19 stone to 10 and a half stone and my moobs were still a problem and diudnt go away
But having said that when i gained some weight back i noticed that they got HUGE  ??? :'(

so losing weight now will be your best bet :)
and good luck with the savings :D
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline stratobee

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I've had gyno since I was about 14 years old when my glands got swollen and never really got back to normal. I wouldn't call myself fat today, but I'm def a bit
on the heavys side with my 83kg's and 176cm. In my youth I did however use to be rail thin. Except - I still had the breasts. Sure, they were not as protruding as they were
after 20 years of piling weight on, but they were still there. I still have the photos to prove it. So yes, gyno does get worse with weight increase, but it'll never go completely away unless you remove it.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
most men with gyne will grow a gut just to lessen the noticabilty of the moobs  ::)

Offline Donatello

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I think some of you may have misunderstood my question I mean if I were to get surgery first then lose weight after the surgery would the gyno become apparant again due to enough gland being only took out to match my bodyfat levels when I had the surgery.

Offline gabbyhey

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Yeah, I understand your question, I had the same one.  I think its something you should ask your doctor right away.  That way you have time to lose weight now.  I definitely think you might as well lose the weight now if you can.  In my case, I'm about 25 pounds overweight.  I just had the surgery and I asked my doctor what would happen if I losed weight now and he said not to worry, everything would go away in proportion.  I'd be sure to ask your doctor though about your specific case to be sure.  Hope this helped.

Offline limaecho

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I had surgery with Levick in April and I've lost weight constantly since then. My chest is improving constantly as well. You have to remember that Levick will try and remove ALL of the gland and take out a portion of fat. But as you lose weight you should also lose wieght from your chest. Try and lose as much weight as you can before surgery as you should get better results, but don't worry about losing more weight after surgery and starting to live a normal life.  ;) Good luck buddy.


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