Author Topic: a fund to help pay for your operation  (Read 33810 times)

Offline bigman

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hey every body i want to make a fund, every body puts in 1 pound and then a name is selected each week and the winner gets all of their operation payed for and the rest of the money goes into trust to help people with our problem, no one seems to care! what do you think?

Offline jypsyjen

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I'm a mom of a high school age son who has gyne and I think thats a fantastic idea!  We are in the process of getting his surgery through Kaiser, but I would love to help another who needs it.

Offline bigman

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there has been an overwelming amount of people who want to help. if u want to sign up to this i need a list before i start just send me an email with ur name and how much u want to pledge.
god bless everyone together we can make the difference! :D

Offline josephx6

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very good idea 8) I sold our harley last month two pay for my surgrey .and my lovely wife is getting a 700cc boob job on monday !this is my one week post op and she took care of me .and know i will take care of her nexted week . please fill free to e mail us and ask her how she is doing .she has read your sites and said all you guys seem realy cool !  and maybe she can show off her hooters to you guys sence she got to she all of our's ! far as a fund pot I'm in (hell if i ever hit the lottory i promise to give to these guys who are in bad shape with there funds if i  win ) why don;t some one take charge of this fund pot and really get it started

Offline bigman

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i am taking charge of this pot. e-said that it is a good idea to rally up as many people as you can and get them to email me with their pledges:

Offline Bluesun_Returns

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Bigmam, I've already said in the other section of the board that I'm really interested.  Still, the thing is, how will it actually be setup?  And let's deal with reality, as far as the person who would be incharge of the fund, why would people feel comfortable with you.  Believe me, I'm not trying to cast you in a bad-light but; let's be honest, we don't know you from Adam.

I really would love to participate in an idea like that but there's alot of details that have to worked-out first.

Offline bigman

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that is a great question. that is why i will only ask a little amount i.e 1. pount (dollar) euro etc.... from each person. That way every one feels safe. who minds loosing a dollar? if i really wanted to do people i would ask alot more one pound it will take longer but you stand to loose alot less. it will involve every one getting together friends and familly to actually build up the pot. But there are alot of people on this board and together we can do it.

Offline GynoVict1m

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there are not enough people on the board to pay for ALL of a person's surgery. great idea though. i will join the pot, how will i send the money?

Offline 14 yr old surgery 2/18

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where/hows the money sent
Surgery: February 18th, 2005
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Jonathan Lebowitz
Type: Gland only

Offline LLMohJ

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You can use:

This would seem the most easiest and safest way to send money.


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hi  im a 30 yr old male that  is looking to get  gynecomastia surgery !
but my health ins "ATENA" said that they dont cover that type of surgery because its not medcial or a life or death, but my doctors say it is a medcial problem !
I dont know what to do ,Ive beem so depressed about it all. Please let me know if theres any help for me at all !
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline headheldhigh01

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don't give up.  

research the few cases here that have had success getting insurance coverage.  particularly see the thread about the court award in new york.  

if you can't get it from your insurer, get it yourself.  a second job for half a year to a year may be no fun, but you have to decide your own priorities.  

good luck.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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hi there :) my name is tony and i live in vancouver canada.  under government funded medical the breast reduction is covered.  what is not covered is the body lift. i have a severe version of gynecomastia. when it started it happened over a period of two months at the age of 8 years old and i went from being thin to obese because of the imbalance.  and due to the relentless pain suffered by others in school...i developed an over eating disorder.  haiving gotten past that i lost the weight (150lbs) but had lots of lose skin. this is where the body lift comes in to the picture. my thyroid went 6 years ago due to the imbalance and i swelled to 3x my sive and it took another 5years to adjust with medication. gravity set in quickly.

my ps has stated that i must get the body lift because the initial surgery would leave me with the appearence of suffering from a major accident and you know what i have had enough rejection for having breasts that i don't think i could bare that.  how do i get funding for the lift? are there organizations or foundations that support our cause?  is there any suggestions as to come up with $20,000 in six months?  i am on a limited budget and cannot get financing.  can you help?

Offline ELY_M

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  • my breasts are gone!
go to another surgeon.

I would not get body lift.


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